Odd Mutant Fly Research Leads to Groundbreaking
Sleep Discovery
Fifteen years ago...
there was a groundbreaking sleep discovery thanks to an odd mutant fly.

Circadian rhythm expert, Dr. Ravi Allada from Northwestern University, was doing research using mutant flies. He discovered that the body's circadian clock’s mechanism is like a light switch controlled by two key minerals.

One of these minerals stimulates your brain and WAKES YOU UP (the problem is most people have an overload of this mineral)[1].

The other mineral quiets your brain and helps you SLEEP DEEPLY (the problem is most people have a major deficiency of this mineral). This critical deficiency can lead to suboptimal sleep.

Keep reading to learn about how this breakthrough discovery, along with several other sleep breakthroughs, will give you the best sleep you’ve had in years…

Are you struggling with suboptimal sleep and worry about how tired you are going to feel in the morning?

Do you wake up during the night to go to the bathroom and then struggle to fall back asleep?

Would you love to fall asleep fast, stay asleep all night, and wake up energized ready to win the day?

There are a lot of things you can do to improve your health like exercise and healthy nutrition. But in my opinion, the #1 thing that can give you the strongest health benefits is getting HIGH QUALITY SLEEP.

If you read the research on sleep…


A single night of bad sleep will:

DESTROY your ability to burn body fat. Ten overweight people participated in a two-week experiment. The 5.5 hours per night group lost 55% less fat and lost 60% more muscle than the 8.5 hours per night group. Beyond this, the 5.5hrs group also reported greater cravings than the 8.5-hour group. If you can’t manage hunger and cravings, your odds of success with any diet are close to zero.[2]

DESTROY your cognitive capability. Sleep deprivation could reduce alertness, leading to poor judgment and human errors, such as the ones that crashed the space shuttle Challenger[3].

DESTROY your mood and make you the worst version of yourself. One study focused on 2,000 middle-aged US adults with 42% reporting at least one night of sleep loss over the course of 8 days. It was discovered that this lack of sleep led to negative emotions like, anger, stress, loneliness, frustration, and irritability.[4]

The long-term consequences are an early trip to the grave.

Sixteen studies examined 1,382,999 participants from 4 to 25 years. Short-duration sleep (<4hr, <5hr, <6hr, <7hr) was linked to a higher risk of death in the pooled research.

I have two personal “epic sleep fail” stories to share with you.
In my early 20s, I was obsessed with being as productive as possible, so I decided I needed to cut down on my sleep.

Over several weeks, I slowly lowered my sleep by 15 minutes every few days. After a few weeks, I was down to four hours a night.

I was working 80 hours a week in the gym, training twice a day, and sleeping less than four hours a night. It was INSANE.

I Pushed My Body To The Breaking Point And Crashed And Burned

After a week of four hours of sleep, my body just couldn’t sustain it anymore. The experiment was declared an epic fail and it took me two months of sleeping 10+ hours a night to recover.

My body fat percentage was 33% on a dexa scan which is the highest I ever recorded. I was gutted to the core. I couldn’t believe I was that fat.

And my testosterone was in the low 200s (which was NOT good for a man in his 30s). It really felt like I hit rock bottom.

I decided to research sleep and read a book called “Power Sleep” by James Mass. It was the first book that really taught me the benefits of sleep. It talked about the benefits of sleeping nine hours a night, which is what I tried to do.

Fast forward several years later, I was still sleeping nine hours a night, but I was waking up feeling tired, groggy, and foggy. I bought a sleep-tracking headband called ZEO. It was one of the first commercially available sleep trackers. Then I bought the first generation OURA ring when it came out.

I was SHOCKED to the
core when I saw the data:
I Was Getting Between Zero and 15 Minutes of Deep Sleep Per Night.

Most people wake up multiple times at night without even realizing it – going in and out of dream states.

Almost as if they were starting the process all over again each time they woke up.

The weird thing is these sleep disturbances happen without your partner moving the bed, a child crying, or construction outside.

They can happen through both chemical and biological disturbances internally.

They’re the same reasons why some people can never seem to get enough deep, restorative sleep.

These results are far from rare.

Over 70 million Americans suffer from suboptimal sleep[5] and those are only the ones who are accounted for.

Most people “get by” without even knowing they have a sleep problem…

People who experience mystery symptoms like mood swings and weight gain...

So how do you take control of your sleep once and for all?

There are two forms of restorative sleep, or “productive” sleep as we call it.
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep is when you dream.

Your brain processes and consolidates memories.

NREM (Non Rapid Eye Movement) or Deep Sleep

Is when the body is 13-23% spent in deep sleep. The brain clears itself of toxins, self-repairs, and replenishes.

How Much Quality, Restorative, Productive Sleep Are YOU Getting?

The rise of sleep technology, like Oura Ring, has given us a peek into the average person’s sleep quality.

And the results are shocking.

This isn’t even the worst of it.

These are results from a wide spectrum of people…

From entrepreneurs, engineers, moms…

20 to 75 years of age…

And the truth is…

Even if you sleep seven hours (not just time spent in bed) and get the optimal amount of restorative sleep…

You’ll spend approximately 55 to 97 minutes in deep NREM sleep and 55 to 97 minutes in REM sleep…

At BEST, you’ll get just over three hours of restorative sleep.

The combination of those three data points WOKE ME UP. It was one of those life-changing, LIGHT BULB MOMENTS.

The #1 THING I can do to improve my life is to invest in my sleep.
I SPENT OVER $45,000 on Sleep Products

I started systematically testing every potential sleep enhancer, spending:

Now some of these were good investments and improved my sleep while others were a total waste of money.

I’ll share with you the BIGGEST GAME CHANGER in a minute. The best part is, it’s the most affordable.

Over the next couple of years, I was able to transform my deep sleep from zero minutes to 90 minutes of deep sleep. Now my REM is over 2 hours.

The results have been life-changing:

I’ve been able to add 20 lbs of lean muscle in my mid-40s.

I’ve lowered my body fat back down to a healthy range.

My brain is operating at its peak. It’s been a key reason why I’ve been able to be the CEO of the 3rd fastest growing supplement company in America and manage around 100 employees.

I don’t “freak out” anymore for stupid things. I’m a much better leader, husband, and friend. Before I would “lose it” sometimes and say things I regretted. Great sleep has given me the emotional stability and resilience to handle life’s greatest stressors.

Here’s The #1 Investment For Reliable Epic Sleep Every Single Day

I have to say that a good mattress, blackout curtains, and a cooling pad, all had a really positive impact on sleep quality. Those are solid investments everyone should make in their sleep. To get good rest, you need a cold, dark room. Light and heat will disrupt your sleep quality.

However, the #1 needle mover has been focusing on giving my body all the critical ingredients it needs one hour before bed. When you do that, you prime your brain, body, and nervous system for a great night’s rest. I’ll share more on that in just a moment.

If Your Sleep SUCKS It’s (Probably) NOT Your Fault

If you’re eating a McDonald's Happy Meal 15 minutes before you hit the sack, then bad sleep IS your fault. Eating before bed is one of the biggest destroyers of sleep.

Food aside, if you’re NOT getting good sleep, chances are your genetics aren’t good for sleep. Don’t worry, you can easily overcome that. I know cause I’m in that camp, too. I got those genes from my dad. My father has been struggling with sleep most of his life (I can’t tell you how happy I am that I’ve been able to fix his sleep struggles).

Also, it’s a well-known fact that as we get older, our deep sleep quality decreases.

If you’re in this group, this means you need to do things RIGHT if you want to sleep well. I’m going to explain exactly what to do to get the best sleep you’ve had in years in just a minute.

Let’s talk about sleep supplements - what to take, and what NOT to take. First, let’s start with the biggest DON’T and what might be a shocking revelation to some.

The Biggest Sleep Mistake People Make Is

Why is taking melatonin a massive mistake?

Using melatonin is literally like using a steroid. Melatonin is a hormone that is illegal to buy without a prescription in many countries including the UK, Japan, and the European Union.

There are 2 major problems with using melatonin regularly for sleep:

It can interrupt your body's natural melatonin production patterns and circadian rhythm. That means you need to take more and more melatonin for it to work and eventually it stops working.

There’s a large percentage of people that have BAD GENETICS for melatonin. They wake up after 4-5 hours. I’m in that group. Melatonin was an epic fail for me and for many others.

Here’s what Stanford Professor and health researcher, Dr. Andrew Huberman PhD has to say about using melatonin:

“I would say all sleep researchers that I know do not recommend melatonin, except under extreme conditions of jet lag where you absolutely have to fall asleep. And even then, there are probably safer things to take.” – Dr. Andrew Huberman[6]

I 100% agree with Dr. Huberman. The ONLY reason I would ever suggest using melatonin is if someone is traveling overseas and wants to quickly reset their circadian rhythms. Also, I’d only recommend it if someone can’t fall asleep or if they know they are going to get less than six hours of sleep. That’s it.

There is a much better way.

Let’s discuss the ultimate pre-sleep routine…

The 3 Phases Of Sleep – The Secret On  How To Sleep Less And Feel Better

We sleep in about 90-minute intervals. Sleep for 6 hours? You’ll go through 4 full sleep cycles. It might look like this:

sleep-stages [7]

Within each sleep cycle, there are 3 stages…

Each stage is defined by the electrical activity in the brain which an EEG can measure:

sleep-stages [8]
Stage 1 (N1)

This should only last a few minutes as it’s simply a gateway into and out of sleep. This is why you can only remember dreams for the first few minutes of waking up because you’re still in this mind state.

Stage 2 (N2)

On average, this can make up over 50% of your sleep and is defined by sleep spindles and k-complexes.

Stage 3 (N3)

Is what we call deep sleep. The more time you spend in deep sleep the more rested and rejuvenated you’ll feel when you wake up. The problem is most people struggle to enter and stay in deep sleep long enough.


This is the dream state. Normally, it’ll begin 90 minutes after you fall asleep and occur more frequently as you stay asleep.

Let’s discuss the ultimate pre-sleep routine…
Get The Best Sleep Of Your Life By Activating ALL 5 Sleep Pathways
Sleep Pathway #1:
Optimize Your Natural Melatonin Production

You don’t need to use melatonin when you give your body the right ingredients it needs to produce melatonin.

The best approach is to give your body what it needs to produce more melatonin NATURALLY. How?

Feed the body the building blocks and cofactors it needs to produce melatonin naturally.

Optimize the transformation of these building blocks into melatonin.

What are good melatonin building blocks and cofactors?

One of the best is magnesium. Magnesium impacts sleep quality on multiple levels including:

  • GABA production (more on that in a minute)
  • Shifting your nervous system to a calm state
  • A cofactor for serotonin production, providing a precursor for melatonin.

Our favorite magnesium for sleep is:


A 2012 double-blind randomized clinical research involving 46 seniors with sleep struggles discovered that supplementing with magnesium bisglycinate increased melatonin and renin levels, as well as sleep time and efficiency. Magnesium bisglycinate supplementation also showed significant reductions in sleep onset latency, serum cortisol concentrations (a marker of how stressed someone feels), and sleep scores.

However, feeding the body the building blocks is NOT enough. We also give your body other key ingredients, called COFACTORS, that aid in the transformation process into melatonin.[9]

Melatonin Cofactor | P5P

P5P is an active form of vitamin B-6. P5P is a powerful coenzyme that helps convert more tryptophan into serotonin which then helps us create more melatonin.

P5P also regulates the electrical functioning of your neurons, heart, and musculoskeletal system, which helps balance your salt and potassium levels. We will discuss the importance of those vital minerals for sleep in just a moment.[10]

One more important melatonin tip: Avoid bright lights about 90 mins to 2 hours before bed.
Sleep Pathway #2:
The Sleep Mineral Quadrilogy

There are four sleep minerals proven to have a positive impact on sleep quality.


Fifteen years ago, there was a groundbreaking sleep discovery thanks to an odd mutant fly.

Circadian rhythm expert, Dr. Ravi Allada from Northwestern University, discovered that the body's circadian clock’s mechanism is like a light switch controlled by two key minerals.

Allada and his research team found that during the day, high sodium channel activity in neurons awakens an animal. At night, high potassium channel activity quiets down the neurons which helps the animals sleep. The discovery revealed balance between sodium and potassium currents controls the animal’s circadian rhythms.

You’re not a fly, but humans have similar proteins as flies, especially when it comes to potassium and sodium balance in our neurons. Since then, clinical studies have confirmed that potassium supplementation improves sleep quality in healthy people.[11]

Now virtually everyone has a major imbalance of potassium to sodium in their body. The optimal ratio of potassium to sodium is 3 to 1. The average person consumes 3-5 grams of sodium a day from salt and only 2-3 grams of potassium when you should be getting 4.7 grams as a bare minimum. The point is that people are deficient in potassium which is negatively impacting their sleep quality.

By taking the right dose of potassium before bed you’ll notice your heart rate slowing down. You’ll notice your nervous system calms down. Ask anyone who’s tracking their sleep scores and they will tell you that their best sleep happens when their heart rate is slower.

If you’ve occasionally been waking up at night and struggling to fall back asleep, chances are you have a potassium deficiency.

According to a 1991 study in the Journal of Sleep, potassium has a direct effect on the deepest phase of sleep (which had the most rejuvenation benefits). And potassium deficiency can cause you to wake up mid-sleep. Plus, potassium works synergistically with magnesium, so taking both of these together will have a significant improvement in your sleep quality.


Traditional Chinese medicine has been using magnolia bark as a supplement for thousands of years. Honokiol and magnolol, two polyphenols contained in magnolia bark, have been found to play a role in promoting and enhancing sleep.[12]

A mice study found that a dose of 2.3 - 11 mg per pound of body weight significantly decreased sleep latency (the amount of time it takes to fall asleep). This dose was also shown to increase REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep.[13]

SLEEP MINERAL #3: Zinc Picolinate

Zinc, melatonin, and magnesium were evaluated in a research study by Rondanelli et al. In a 2011 research study by Rondanelli et al., zinc, melatonin, and magnesium were evaluated on individuals with sleep struggles. While melatonin may have aided in falling asleep, they believed that magnesium and zinc contributed to the restorative benefits of sleep.[14]

Zinc is important for the metabolism of melatonin (cofactor alert). It has a calming impact on the nervous system and is also known to aid in mental recuperation following stressful events.

Fixing a Zinc deficiency will also aid men in optimizing their testosterone. One study examined the effects of a zinc and magnesium supplement. It showed that men who consumed 30 mg of zinc daily had higher levels of free testosterone than those who didn't.[15]

Another trial put a group of elderly men, who had a slight zinc deficiency, on zinc supplements for six months. As a result, their serum testosterone levels had increased significantly after 24 weeks.[16]


We’ve already discussed the amazing benefits of magnesium for sleep. Magnesium is the #1 mineral for great sleep and there is massive synergy with calcium, potassium, and zinc.

The combination of these 4 minerals will transform the quality of your sleep.

Sleep Pathway #3:

GABA is the molecule of “chill” but not all GABA is created equal. What really matters is boosting the GABA that your body already has.


You’ve probably seen Taurine on the label of energy drinks. Why? Because it helps counter the overstimulation from caffeine.

Taurine is a well known relaxant. It increases glycine (more on this in a minute) and GABA in the body which calms down your brain.

Most companies would stop here, but we’re just getting warmed up…
Sleep Pathway #4:
Quiet The Monkey Mind With Alpha Brain Waves

Ever felt like the hamsters in your brain can’t stop running on the wheel when you’re trying to sleep? Elevated beta brain waves are usually the reason why.

Researchers found high levels of beta brain waves in people who struggle to fall asleep.[17]

Here’s the cool news: you can HACK this FAST with L-theanine.


L-theanine is a natural calming amino acid usually found in green tea. L-theanine is one of my FAVORITE ingredients for better sleep. I’ve been using it for years and the body never adapts. It ALWAYS works. 200 mg is a great dose.

Researchers found that 200 mg of L-theanine increases alpha brain waves. This helps prepare you for a great night’s slumber. It helps CALM your brain down within 30 minutes. It quiets the monkey mind and pulls the hamsters off the running wheel.

Sleep Pathway #5:
Lower Body Temperature

Higher body temperature is a major sleep disruptor. When I used to have deep sleep scores of ZERO, one of the main reasons was my body was too hot.

Here’s the cool news (sorry I can’t stop punning lol): glycine helps lower body temperature.


Glycine is an amino acid that helps lower your core body temperature by increasing blood flow to your body's extremities. Lowering your body temperature is a crucial step for high-quality deep sleep.

Glycine promotes faster sleep onset and longer REM sleep duration. According to other research, adding glycine to your diet may help you enter deep, slow-wave sleep more efficiently[18].

Three grams of glycine before bedtime improves sleep quality and reduces sleepiness and fatigue during the day in individuals with poor sleep tendencies or restricted sleep time.[21] So basically you’re getting better sleep and zero grogginess the next day.


Hypromellose (Capsule), Potassium Gluconate, Calcium Citrate, Rice Extract Blend, Rice Fiber, Microcrystalline Cellulose.

After Years Of Research And Development, We Are Incredibly Excited To Introduce:
sb-cap-mutant-fly BUY NOW

If you’re familiar with BIOptimizers, then you might be familiar with our

Sleep Breakthrough powdered drinks.

We have altered that formula slightly to create these convenient Sleep Breakthrough Capsules.

Sleep Breakthrough Blue Berry Dreams was the first formula we created. All of the sleep-enhancing ingredients are at optimal doses, and it contains PharmaGABA, which is a powerful GABA molecule.

We then introduced Sleep Breakthrough Tropical Dreams...

because about 10% of people feel energized using GABA.

So we removed PharmaGABA and replaced it with Magnolia Bark, which also targets the GABA receptors. Users report extended sleep using this formula.

And finally…

We created Sleep Breakthrough Capsules because:
  • Some people prefer capsules
  • Capsules are easier to travel with
  • By removing the flavoring and some of the glycine, we were able to reduce the price

Once your head hits the pillow, you’ll pass out in minutes. Your sleep latency score (for those that track sleep) will hit new lows (which is good).

The odds of you waking up during the night will diminish greatly. If you do wake up, you’ll be able to fall back asleep quickly. Most of our prototype users report sleeping straight through the entire night without waking up once. Your deep sleep and REM will improve.

The best part is that the next day you’re going to wake up feeling REFRESHED, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer the day.
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365-Day Money Back Guarantee
We Unconditionally Guarantee It
For 365 Days

We understand you might be skeptical, especially if you tried other sleep supplements that didn’t work.

You just read the research. Individually, these ingredients WORK. However, when combined they create a powerful synergy that must be experienced to understand.

Sleep Breakthrough Capsules work. Our other best-selling formulas have changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

BIOptimizers — has been in business for full years. We stand behind our products and guarantee that they will do what we say they do.

If this isn’t the greatest sleep supplement you’ve EVER tried, we demand you ask for your money back. If you purchase one bottle and you are not completely satisfied, within 365 days you may request a full refund (minus shipping & handling cost).

If you choose to save money and buy a bundle of multiple bottles, you are still covered by a 365-day guarantee. If after your first bottle, you are not satisfied, you can return your remaining unopened bottles within 365 days of purchase and we will issue you a full refund for your order (minus the cost of shipping & handling)*.

Just contact us, let us know where we could be better, and we will issue you a refund (excluding any shipping and handling charges).

No questions asked.

The BIOptimizers Best-In-Class Process

At BIOptimizers, we only launch products that we KNOW are the best in class. We have 15 biologists and chemists working at our BioLab at the Burch University in Sarajevo doing hundreds of experiments a year.

Our relentless experiments lead to major breakthroughs in supplement formula design. Our goal is to create exponentially superior formulas and we’ve been able to do that with all of our formulas.

For the last three years, I’ve been working on creating the greatest sleep formula ever. I’ve done hundreds of experiments and we’ve been able to create the ultimate DREAM formula (one more pun).

The reason it’s so effective is because we target all five sleep pathways.

Roughly a Dollar Per Day To Rapidly Transform Your Sleep, Aesthetics, Health, and Performance with Sleep Breakthrough Capsules

Health, and Performance with Sleep Breakthrough Capsules

As you learned earlier, most sleep supplements are a waste of money… because they use melatonin, don't target multiple sleep pathways, or the ratio is off…

Sleep Breakthrough Capsules are not only more effective, they save you a TON of money. You don’t have to buy six different supplement bottles to get good sleep.

Because if you take advantage of our bundle pricing, you can get a month’s supply for just $1.00 per day.

Given everything you’ve learned about immune health, muscle building, fat loss, brain performance, and all the other health issues it improves, I can’t think of a dollar better spent.

Beat the Root Causes of Bad Sleep

No matter what diet you’re on…No matter what your health goals or dreams… Chances are, you can benefit from better sleep. Better sleep will improve every area of your life. It will make you the best version of yourself.

Here’s what you can expect:

Now, it is time to take your health to the next level.

Sleep Breakthrough Capsules are an incredible value, considering it’s one of the most transformative supplements you can take.

Save and get started with Sleep Breakthrough Capsules by choosing the right offer below. Your cortisol levels, stress levels, and body fat will lower…

Indeed EVERY cell in your body will thank you for it.

It’s Time For You To Experience The SuperHuman Version Of Yourself

Our mission at BIOptimizers is to “End physical suffering by helping people discover and activate BIOptimized Health.”

In other words, we want you to become a super-human version of yourself.

P.S. Sleep Breakthrough Capsules have been a life changer for me. 0 very active mind and my biggest challenge oftentimes is wanting to go to bed. This formula makes me want to go to bed and sleep. Otherwise, I pass out on the couch.

P.P.S. If you’re still not convinced of the power of this formula, just look at all of these studies (screenshots below) — it’s everything we’ve referenced in this letter and more…

*Please note: If you open a second bottle, you no longer qualify for the guarantee above. Speak with our customer service team, and you may be able to receive a prorated refund depending upon the number of unopened bottles you will be returning.