... No matter how hard you try?
... Despite your best intentions going in, that you wanted to finally “be good” and finally get the body of your dreams?
... No matter how convincing the marketing of the diet was that it should definitely work for you?

Time and time again...

You either fall flat on your face within a few weeks, or the weight eventually creeps back on in a few months. Then you’re back to square one, or worse, heavier than ever before.

In this letter, we’ll explain the science-based reasons why the diet industry has been fooling you… And thriving and profiting off of your failures. Then, we'll offer you an accessible solution that addresses all of these pitfalls and guarantees lifelong diet success. So, be sure to bookmark this page and read to the very end to not miss out on this solution. arrow down


Happy woman

The diet industry is a $76 Billion industry because diets do not work.

The majority of the money comes from how you keep failing and going back to another diet. Over and over.

80% of New Year’s resolution dieters quit by February.

Among the remaining 20% who do achieve the results, 97% eventually regain their lost weight AND are at a much worse place than where they started.

Your mind wants your body to look great. Your body wants to survive, and it usually wins.

We’re living in the 21st century with cavepeople genetics.

10,000 years ago, food wasn’t guaranteed. Our ancestors survived because they gobbled up every available calorie. Our bodies were programmed to store fat to maximize survival in times of famine.

Your survival drive will cause your diet attempts to backfire.

If you do lose some weight, your body thinks you’re in a famine and fights back:

You become hungrier

Your body expends less energy in subconscious ways, such as less fidgeting

It sheds muscle tissue because muscles burn more calories

You’ll have more empty fat cells hungry to fill up

As a result, it’ll fight tooth and nail to gain all the weight back, and then some more. Then, it puts up more safeguards to prevent the famine from happening again.

So, every time you lose weight then return to your old habits, it will backfire.

Even worse, you’ll settle at a little heavier than you started.

That means the more you diet, the fatter and unhealthier you tend to get.

Modern-day scrumptious foods hijack your brain to eat more.

Evolution made it so that you get a big dopamine hit when you find food, especially those foods high in sugar, salt, and fat… because those were scarce back then. Your body wants to gorge and store as many calories and nutrients as possible once it encounters these tastes.

The food industry has figured this out and engineers food specifically to deliver these dopamine hits.

These foods are highly addictive and highly likely to bypass any self-control you have. And in America, everything is supersized.

The result is an epidemic of obesity...

And people who can down a whole tub of ice cream, a whole pack of cookies, and a massive bag of chips in one sitting, in a state of dissociation.

While you can have self-control for weeks or months...

Expecting self-control to win over your biological needs for a lifetime could be like a floodgate waiting to break open...

Especially if food has been your placeholder for managing underlying emotions and traumas.
French Fry gluttony
Man stressed out running

The viral Before and After pictures that sold you diet and weight loss programs are the exception, not the rule.

Have you seen these pictures on social media? Or marketing materials?

They stop your scrolls. They give you a visceral reaction. Instantly, you want what they have.

(Some of these pictures were even stolen and not real. Don’t tell anyone we told you that.)

Here’s the deal – all diets will have people who achieve results at varying levels, and they fall onto a bell curve. Some even gain weight or rebound hard on these diets.

The top 1 - 2% of these result-achievers become the evangelists who shout from the rooftops about these diets.

Some even start new businesses, blogs, or podcasts about the diet...

Or form cult-like groups of followers, either in-person or online, to bully the average people who can’t seem to get it right or achieve the same results.

And regardless of what they say...

The undeniable truth is... All weight loss diets deliver results through caloric deficits.

All muscle gain diets need caloric surpluses and proteins.

Significant results take consistent efforts. It’s a net result of every bite over a span of months and years.

It’s so simple but why are so few people able to create and sustain a deficit without it backfiring?


woman eating a burger

You blindly follow rigid dietary recommendations and rules.

You may have noticed that diets always come and go like fashion trends.

In the ‘80s, it was the Cabbage Soup and branded meal replacement diets.

The ‘90s was the fat-free era.

Then Atkins picked up...

And in the 2000s, Paleo and Keto became mainstream...

These diets work for some people while face-planting the majority of others.

The truth is… achieving and keeping your results involves FAR beyond just what you eat.

These syndicated diets typically prescribe dietary changes, usually without regard to individual mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs...

Or genetics, gut flora, ancestry, and health goals.

As a result, you’re going to be fighting back both your needs and your caveman-survival drive.

If you’re miserable, feel spiritually corrupt, always hungry, or emotionally unfulfilled...

In the long-term, the results will be highly unlikely to last, regardless of how disciplined you are.

You’re following the wrong measures.

Did you know the number 1 reason people quit dieting or working towards their health goals is that they begin feeling defeated, that they’re not making progress?

Anyone who’s ever started dieting has wanted to look great yesterday. But lasting results only come slowly with consistent work over weeks and months.

If you start off on the larger side, you may lose 5, 10, or even 20 lbs in your first week. But then it slows down to 1 lb per week, or even per month.

And weight is a tricky thing because you can simply gain weight by drinking a glass of water or doing a hard workout. This doesn’t mean you’ve set yourself back.

If you’re a woman, your weight can naturally fluctuate throughout the month simply by just being yourself.

None of these means you’re failing or plateauing.

The key is to work with someone who knows the right measurements to use, and the natural speed of weight loss to expect for your situation. These include:

Body composition measures, such as DEXA and calipers

Girth measurements


Blood tests

Happy woman
Man dirty & hiking

You work against, rather than with, your survival drive.

Your body wants to do everything it can to survive. When you eat less, it assumes that there is a famine.

When you lose weight, your body adjusts by burning fewer calories and getting hungrier.

Going on diet after diet and using self-discipline to override these caveman-survival drives are eventually going to fail.

You don’t work with your discipline tendency or lack thereof.

Achieving nutritional success involves some discipline, but it’s not all about discipline.

Even with the best discipline, the wrong environment can cause you to fail.

The key is self-awareness and having the right strategies to manage your tendencies and environment.

For example:

If you’re an “all-or-none” person, cheat days can throw you off track.

However, if you’re an “everything in moderation” type of person, a cold turkey approach will make you miserable and eventually break you.

After all, food is inseparable from emotions, meaningful experiences, celebrations, social bonding, spiritual situations, and much more.

Not knowing your discipline tendencies and lacking strategies to address these emotional needs will eventually cause you to fail.
Woman with horizon
Man stressed out running

You fail to address traumas and microtraumas.

The research is clear that adverse life experiences, especially during childhood, strongly correlate with obesity and binge eating disorder.

In our client experience, collectively over 50 years...

90% of the time when people don’t follow through with our recommendations, it’s the traumas.

When people say that they want results and faithfully believe that they will finally “be good,” yet go home to demolish a bag of chips...

It’s the traumas.

When women can’t seem to let go of the extra 30 - 40 lbs, it’s because they subconsciously feel unsafe being more attractive.

And we’re not talking about major PTSD, but rather the mundane events that were overwhelming to you at the time, such as...

Fighting over food with your siblings

Any kind of food or financial insecurity growing up

Having your boundaries violated

Having caregivers who could not meet your emotional needs

Feeling like love was conditional upon your grades or appearances

Most parents did their best with what they had. Still, an average person walks around with 200 - 300 of these micro-traumas, which inevitably affect their health and relationships. Sometimes, these microtraumas manifest as extra weight or an inability to stick with new health habits.

Here is the bad news:

1. You cannot out-diet your traumas.

2. Working with 99% of fitness and nutrition professionals who are not trauma-informed can make things worse. The worst thing a nutrition professional can do to a traumatized client is to trigger, retraumatize, shame, discipline, or otherwise make them feel even more emotionally unsafe.

Here is the good news:

1. Compassionate and trauma-informed nutrition professionals exist.

2. There are plenty of evidence-based healing modalities that can help you better understand and heal from your traumas, whether at home or with a mental health professional. Studies have shown that many of these are beneficial for weight loss.


You fail to address underlying health and lifestyle issues that keep the weight on.

You can have the best diet, but if the diet doesn’t address your physical needs, your body will fight back HARD to get its needs met. For example, nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, and poor sleep are a few factors that can throw off your nutrition goals.


Nutrient deficiencies are rampant nowadays, given that 90% of Americans don’t even get 5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily.

These deficiencies can explain the wild cravings and hunger that you can’t tame. Some nutrient deficiencies can also increase appetite and make your metabolism less efficient. All of these can make an uphill battle out of your attempts to get results from your diet.


Chronic low-grade inflammation can cause you to feel “off” and pile on the weight, even though you don’t have an inflammatory disease diagnosis. Numerous dietary and lifestyle factors can cause this seemingly “normal” chronic low-grade inflammation, including

Food allergies and sensitivities that can inflame the gut, exposing your gut content to your immune system

Having bacterial toxins from the gut in the bloodstream. This is called Metabolic Endotoxemia, or when your body is intoxicated with bacteria toxins and it affects your metabolism.

Toxic exposures from pollution, mold, and hormone disruptors

Imbalanced fatty acids, such as too much omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids inside your cells. Omega-6 fats, the main components of most vegetable oils, are precursors to inflammatory molecules. Whereas omega-3 is mostly found in fish and seafood

All of these factors can contribute to leptin resistance. Leptin is the hormone from fat cells that tells your brain you’ve eaten enough and got enough stored energy as fat. Inflammation can make you leptin resistant, or your brain won’t register that you have enough energy stored despite high leptin. Leptin resistance will increase your appetite and dial down your energy expenditure, making it very hard to lose weight and keep it off.

High leptin levels also increase inflammation, creating a vicious cycle that feeds into belly fat, insulin resistance, cardiovascular diseases, and more.


Whatever weight, physique, or health goals you have, poor sleep will ruin them.

We’re not talking about just sleep deprivation where you get fewer hours of sleep, but also poor sleep quality that is not apparent to most people. That can manifest as waking up groggy and tired or feeling sleepy throughout the day. If your body can’t achieve all the restful states it needs through the night, you’re getting less than optimal sleep.

Most people don’t even know… Worse yet, about 90% of sleep-disordered breathing goes undiagnosed as people struggle with the health consequences for years and sometimes even decades.

Your hunger will go through the roof, while your hormones lean towards muscle loss and fat gain. Your performance, decision-making, mood, and motivation will tank.

Matt went through this himself. He was unconscious in bed for 9 - 10 hours every night but always woke up groggy. His body fat was at record at 33%, which is in the obese range. His testosterone was in the 200s.

No matter what he did, he couldn’t get his testosterone up into the healthy range and ended up deciding to go on hormone replacement.

When he first got the Oura Ring, he was shocked to learn that he was consistently getting fewer than 15 minutes of deep sleep every night.

$40,000 of investment and experiments on his sleep later, he now consistently gets 1 - 2 hours of deep sleep every night.

Now, he wakes up after 6 - 7 hours in bed feeling refreshed and ready to tackle his days as BIOptimizers’ CEO. He’s consistently hitting his workout and physique goals.

That said, optimizing both sleep quality and quantity is an indispensable piece of achieving any nutrition goal.
Woman sleeping
Woman closeup

You still have the identity and programming of a failed dieter.

Many people, even mental health professionals and the most caring family members, believe drug addicts choose to stay addicted.

A lot of fitness, nutrition, and health professionals believe people who can’t lose weight choose to stay fat.

While there is some truth to this, these are partial truths that are completely unhelpful...

Logically, addicts obviously want to be liberated from the grip of drugs, addictive foods, body fat, or feeling unattractive.

Yet, they somehow cannot stay off the drugs or foods, or keep up the healthy habits they need, even though they obviously know what to do.

That’s because deep down their programmed identity is that of an addict or fat person. Often, the identity is used to keep them safe and alive.

This means you wear the identity and mental programming that:

1. You’re fat and will always be fat.

2. You’re inherently bad, unworthy, or unlovable (perhaps until you’re finally thin or stick to that diet).

3. It is hard to lose weight and be healthy.

4. Food will be scarce.

5. It’s unsafe or uncomfortable to be attractive.

6. Food is the only source of joy, control, or way to manage uncomfortable emotions.

7. Exercising or the gym is for people who are healthy, in shape, or disciplined.

8. Getting healthy is going to be restrictive of the joy in your life.

Then no diet is ever going to provide lasting results for you because the dieting and healthy habits go against your identity that is meant to keep you safe.

It’s no wonder you always find ways to sabotage your diet, exercise, and healthy habits. You may even feel completely dissociated or “out of your body” as you engage in such sabotages as finishing a whole tub of ice cream.

In fact, among the 3% of dieters who maintain their diet results, especially ones who made tremendous health transformations, are the ones who upgrade their programmed identity...

For example:

From morbidly obese to physique competitors or fitness professionals...

From scrawny, weak, and sick to healthy and muscular...

From drug addicts to pro athletes...

Without addressing the toxic identity, changing your food is only going to scratch the surface.



You can have the best diet, but if the diet doesn’t address your from Bodybuilding to Mixed Martial Arts and Triathlon

Coached and trained thousands of clients from all levels from morbidly obese to professional athletes and hard-charging executives

Observed thousands of people fall into diet industry traps and people face-planting with every dietary pitfall under the sun

Been coached by the most effective coaches and health professionals, and worked alongside them on the same clients

Butted heads over which diet was the best until it dawned on us that the right solution is not a single diet, but rather a systemic personalized framework that addresses you and all the pitfalls..

All of these led us to writing:
Wade & Matt BIOptimizers Founders
Ultimate Nutrition System product


BY BIOptimizers

How to achieve nutritional success for life and finally come off the diet hamster wheel...

Without compromising your sanity, happiness, mental-emotional-spiritual needs, and personal values

Without giving up on your favorite foods for life

Even if you suck with discipline and have no motivation

Even if you’ve been a complete failure with diets your entire life

It’s not your fault that everything has conspired to keep you stuck in the diet hamster wheel, never achieving your dream body, health, or performance.


Happy woman at the gym
STEP #1:

Understanding the science behind why all diets work, and all diets fail

The truth is that all diets work at least at first… through creating caloric deficits. But the calories in and calories out themselves are major moving targets.

Initially, any diet can take off 5 - 10 lbs within a week, and it feels glorious. Then it slows down and everything grinds to a halt.

Your metabolism then adapts and even fights back.

Eventually, all diets fail as 97% of dieters eventually regain the weight and revert back to their old habits. In fact, such failures are only natural.

In the book, we cover the science behind these phenomena and help you understand:

All the forces that drive you to regain the weight both inside and outside of you

Why the seemingly most successful Before and After testimonials and physique competitors even regain their weight and end up worse than they started with

The strategies the top 3% of successful dieters use to reap their results for life

STEP #2:

Identifying one of the five epic goals you can have with your body

Most people believe dieting is for weight loss. However, nutrition can deliver so much more.

At BIOptimizers, we call this the three sides of the BIOptimization triangle, including aesthetics, performance, and health.

And in many cases, when you think you should lose weight to look better, you’d get much better results building muscles or recomposing your body instead.

Nutrition is a key ingredient if you want to maximize your physical or mental performance.

What’s the common thread between all the Blue Zones of the world with a high percentage of people living into their 90s and 100s? Great nutrition.

Nutrition is also a key ingredient if you want to be the healthiest you possibly can for as long as possible. We call this the healthspan or biospan.

2 out of 3 American adults are on prescription medications to manage their health conditions… and 9 out of 10 seniors over 65 need medications to stay alive...

Because of a lifetime of poor nutrition, and they don’t even know it!

All over the world, functional and integrative doctors and nutrition coaches are guiding people through nutrition and lifestyle changes that:

Reverse chronic diseases

Eliminate pesky symptoms even doctors can’t explain or treat

Get their patients off a dozen medications

Delivers superhuman productivity and cognitive performance to CEOs and entrepreneurs

Help subfertile couples naturally conceive after years of trying and fertility treatments

Clear the skin of skin conditions even after decades of medication use and painful procedures

And much more...

So, one of the keys to success is… NOT focusing on dieting yourself smaller or larger so that someday, you’ll be good enough...

But rather, expanding your horizon of what’s truly possible, and then choosing your epic nutrition goals that ring true to your heart’s desire and life purpose.

Then, instead of following diets, use the tried and true nutrition strategies that apply best to your goals to help you get there.

Once you achieve one goal, you can move on to your next goal and achieve all of them.

In the Ultimate Nutrition Bible, we cover the pros and cons of every diet and nutritional strategy ever existed, with respect to each nutrition goal you want to achieve.
Man at gym
Happy couple running
STEP #3:

Stacking the odds to win on any diet

The journey to success is never a straight line. The Ultimate Nutrition Bible is NOT about easy wins and quick fixes.

Rather, it’s a book written by two hardcore guys who have already made every dietary mistake under the sun both with themselves or their clients during their combined 50 years of experience.

We’re imperfect people with flaws, low discipline, and even some bad genes.

We’ve lived to tell our tales...

Along with evidence-based solutions that work for every pitfall you could potentially fall into.

From understanding and knowing how to work with your neurochemistry...

To engineering your habits, environment, systems, and processes that compound together and make failure impossible.
STEP #4:

How to build your Me Diet: The Pyramid of Nutritional Decisions

Matt has been on low-carb or ketogenic diets for as long as he’s ever learned about nutrition. Whereas, Wade discovered that going plant-based agrees best with his body and soul.

For years, we butted heads on what was the best diet for everyone...

Until we realized that there is no single diet that applies to everyone.

It’s possible that the best diet for you right now may not work for you in 10 years.

Your life, goals, and health status will inevitably change.

So, we ended up building the BIOptimizers Pyramid of Nutritional Decisions, which is the most comprehensive and holistic one there is. It takes into account the whole person, rather than looking at you like a number.

Because let’s face it – food is an indispensable part of your cultural background, spiritual beliefs, and upbringing.

It’s intertwined with our emotions, psychology, social life, and much more.

Being emotionally and spiritually fulfilled are essential parts of health. We say this while understanding what it’s like to be counted out of social events because we were strict on our diets.

This is why we put spiritual and cultural commitments, along with emotional and psychological needs as the foundation of nutritional decisions. We prioritize these as part of choosing nutritional strategies.

Even if you’re spiritually and culturally committed to a diet that’s not ideal for your goals, you can still achieve your goals with the right Diet Optimizers.
Pyramid of Nutritional Decisions
Man at gym
Happy family
STEP #5:

Universal nutritional optimizers and personalizer

While calories are the #1 reason you fail or succeed on your diet, the latest studies have demonstrated factors that can help make your nutrition journey feel like an uphill battle or rather effortless.

Things like:

Understanding and working with your genetics, epigenetics, digestive health, and gut flora

Leveraging hormonal effects of strategies such as fasting and diet cycling

Introducing the right supplements that your body needs given your situation

Removing nutritional and environmental factors that can derail your health and goals

Understanding the impact of “going off the wagon” and having the right plans in place to get back on the wagon

In the book, we discuss the most cutting-edge research about these factors, how they affect your health and dietary success, along with ways that you can test and optimize them.

If you’re an enthusiastic biohacker who’s already on some diet, doing all the biohacks, taking all the supplements, and running all the tests...

We’ve unstuck many clients just like you who then end up missing the forest for the trees, such as:

Their current diet, supplement, and biohacking regimes are working against their genes, gut flora, or specific imbalances in their bodies, making everything worse...

The popular health trends they found on an Internet forum ended up derailing their nutrition goals

Their obsession with certain health measurements is actually doing more harm than good, either by affecting their mindsets or leading them to take the wrong actions

Removing nutritional and environmental factors that can derail your health and goals

Understanding the impact of “going off the wagon” and having the right plans in place to get back on the wagon

So, even if you’ve seen it all, you could still have a blind spot and be doing or following the wrong things.

This leads to the last but not least crucial step–the right measurements.
STEP #6:

Using the right measurements and iteratively improve based on the feedback

The #2 reason people fail their diet is by quitting after being discouraged that their weight had gone up.

Indeed, body weight is hardly a useful measure to track nutrition progress.

It’s also the reason people tend to lose muscle and regain fat with each weight regain.

If you want to look better, it’s best to measure body composition. It’s entirely possible to be 10 - 20 lbs heavier but look smaller and more attractive.

Body composition itself can be tricky to track and follow accurately. If you’ve been on your nutrition journey for more than a few months, the changes can be painfully slow.

But when it comes to working on your health through nutrition, slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Going too fast can backfire–you will activate your starvation survival mode, causing your body to fight back with vengeance and your health will suffer.

The keys to achieving long-term results are:

Knowing what measurements to use along with their limitations

Comparing apples to apples each time

Understanding how often to measure and what healthy progress looks like

Knowing the right actions to take in response to your measurements

Continually retesting and iteratively improving for life

Working with an expert to objectively make sense of the data and keep you accountable to taking actions that will show results in the data

In this chapter, we cover all kinds of measurements ranging from $0 to $1000s in cost.

Many of these measurements are completely free because we believe everyone can achieve their nutrition goals, regardless of their wealth.
feet on a scale
Ultimate Nutrition System


Achieving your nutrition and health goal is simple but not easy… Especially nowadays when it’s normal to be unhealthy and fat. Shouldn’t being healthy and achieving your nutrition goals be a birthright? Up until now, all of this information and technologies have only been available to the wealthy who can afford to invest thousands every month on:

World-class fitness and nutrition professionals who deliver world-class results

Cutting-edge doctors

Supplements, biohacks, and injections

Expensive lab tests

At BIOptimizers, one of our missions is making true health accessible to everyone.

This is why we downloaded our 50 years of collective expertise into the Ultimate Nutrition Bible.

Along with the Ultimate Nutrition Bible book, we’ve created every tool, compiled all of the studies and our experience will stack your odds of success.

We remove all the daunting parts of achieving and maintaining your nutritional goals without charging thousands as these experts do...


We've also created a VIDEO course version of all the content from the book. We spent a week in Hollywood with a world-class film crew recording every chapter. It's a visually stunning course that will keep you engaged and interested as we walk you through all 35 modules. The video course also allows you to ask questions for each chapter and our team will respond. This is an incredible extra value. You will experience nutritional liberation as we free you from one-size-fits-all diets.

Here's a little sneak peek of the Ultimate Nutrition Course...
As seen on tv infomercial As seen on tv infomercial

We have several amazing FREE bonuses with the Ultimate Nutrition System package.

The Ultimate Supplement Guide (VALUE: $19)

This is a free bonus for anyone who buys the Ultimate Nutrition System. You'll get an instantly downloadable PDF.

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Little-known modifiable vectors for each health goal along with supplements that target them

The power of supplement stacks for max benefits and avoiding expensive urine

How to choose your supplement to avoid being scammed and the best ways to take them for each goal

I want to reemphasize that we are here to help YOU figure out the best diet for YOU and support EVERY TYPE of diet. That's why we're including 3 different recipe books that cover essentially everyone...
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Indulge in your favorite treats without guilt: Chocolate Chip Waffles, French Toast Sticks, Cinnamon Rolls, Brownies, and much more...

You'll get an instantly downloadable PDF inside.
The Superfood Delights Cookbook (VALUE: $19)

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You'll get an instantly downloadable PDF inside our members-only area.
The Ultimate Nutrition Reference Guide (VALUE: $19)

We thought it would be of tremendous value to create a short summary of EVERY reference. This is a goldmine for anyone who wants to dive deeper into the science of nutrition.

It's an incredible compilation of nutrition research all in one place.

To make it even easier to dive deep into the science, we've created the Ultimate Nutrition Reference Guide.

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Matt & Wade


I guess we should introduce ourselves... We are the co-founders of BIOptimizers (one of the fastest growing health brands in America) and the co-authors of what we believe is the most powerful, complete, unbiased nutrition book ever written.

We have 60+ years of real-world experience in the fitness and nutrition industry. We’ve been coached by some of the most successful fitness and nutrition coaches of all time. And we work with brilliant doctors and PhDs.

If we add up our mentors' experiences, we have a few hundred years of combined experience.

Matt & Wade
Matt Gallant is a health author, kinesiologist and serial entrepreneur (who's built 15 companies), the CEO/co-founder of BIOptimizers.

He has also been a strength and conditioning coach for pro athletes and a self-defense instructor. He's co-formulated many best selling supplements including Magnesium Breakthrough.

He's tried practically every diet but has been successfully following a cyclical ketogenic diet for over 30 years.

Wade T. Lightheart is a Certified Sports Nutritionist Advisor, health author, and the president/co-founder of BIOptimizers.

In the last 2 two decades, Wade has won three-time National Natural Bodybuilding Championships and competed in the IFBB Mr. Universe and the INBA Natural Olympia... as a plant-based athlete.

At the age of 50, Wade won the Open Men's and Grand Master's Categories at the Ironman International, then competed at the Natural Olympia. Six months later, Wade successfully ran his first marathon in four hours.
Together, we have tested virtually every diet from raw food, carnivore, ketogenic, vegan, vegetarian, IIFYM, and many more. We’ve seen the rise and fall of every dietary strategy.

We’ve forged our knowledge, years of arguments, and real-world experience into a new paradigm of nutrition that ends your dietary confusion once and for all.