This Ancient "Serenity Shield"
Stops Your Body From Being
Destroyed By Stress

And It Takes Just 5 Seconds Each Day!

Is the Great Wall of China...

Stretching over 13,000 miles, it's a testament to human ingenuity and determination, built to protect an ancient civilization from external threats.

And in the next few minutes, I'm going to show you how a secret held behind this wall...

Could hold the key to eliminating both burnout and toxic stress...

A secret that has remained hidden for over 2,000 years until now.

But I'm not here to give you a history lesson.

The reason I'm telling you this is because...

According to groundbreaking research from top universities... arrow down

There's a Silent Battle
Taking Place Inside Your
Body Right Now...

And a growing mountain of evidence published in prestigious medical journals are showing that the relentless stress response and mental fog you've been experiencing...

Isn’t actually due to your hectic lifestyle or mounting responsibilities.

But instead...

Your stress is caused by this "silent battle."


Your body's natural stress response system, designed to help you cope with challenges, threats, and daily pressures...

Has been HIJACKED...

Turning your own nervous system AGAINST you...

These attacks cause a vicious cycle of stress and brain fog

Which can turn even simple, everyday tasks into a living nightmare.

That's why you feel overwhelmed and exhausted.

The ongoing attacks by your own body...

Lead to a Condition Experts are
Now Calling "HPA Axis Overload".

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Smoking man
This explains why NONE of the common stress solutions you've tried in the past have helped.

You know the usual suspects:

Alcohol and marijuana...

Or over-the-counter stress relief products...

Even the calming teas, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques...

If you've tried any of those before...

I bet you were likely frustrated and disappointed.

And NOW you know why...

Because they don't do anything to address the actual underlying cause of stress.


They only deal with the SYMPTOMS of Your Stress Problem — things like worry and fatigue.

This means they might offer temporary relief but MASK the actual problem.

Which is like trying to stop a raging fire with a garden hose...

Obviously, that's not going to get you very far.

If you want true, lasting relief...

You need to END the battle...

And get your body to STOP attacking your nervous system so it can FINALLY heal.


Just as the Great Wall of China has protected its people for centuries, the brilliant minds behind this ancient Chinese secret have found a safe and simple solution.

They've Identified a Remarkable "Serenity Shield"...

That slips into your body and deactivates this faulty defense system.
In other words...

This "Serenity Shield"...

STOPS your nervous system from going into stress overload...

Putting a swift end to the vicious cycle of stress, worry, brain fog, and fatigue.

That means...

The grueling mornings of forcing yourself out of bed, consumed by fatigue and a sense of defeat, will now be a distant memory.

You’ll no longer feel the burden of life pressing down on your shoulders, leaving you paralyzed and powerless.

Or waking up to the harsh reality of another day filled with stress and strain.

And you’ll stop feeling locked in a constant battle to maintain focus throughout the day...

Tired & frustrated worker

You can Go Back to
Enjoying Simple Pleasures...

Like spending quality time with your loved ones...

Or doing the things that bring you pure joy...

Like conquering business goals...

Organizing family events...

Or exploring new hobbies and interests.

Because Life is WAY Too Short...

And your best years are WAY too precious to WASTE...

Suffering under the crushing weight of uncontrollable stress.

Now... thanks to this ancient Chinese "Serenity Shield"...

There's no reason you can't enjoy a healthy, happy, and stress-free life, as you embrace new challenges and adventures.

Because this "Serenity Shield" has the power to give you your life BACK.

The life you enjoyed BEFORE stress took over.

And even though you've likely NEVER heard of it before...
Tired & frustrated worker

This Breakthrough Discovery Has
From All Walks of Life a
Second Chance To Live Stress-Free...

And unlike the prescription stress relief pills, you may have tried before...

This Serenity Shield is Safe, Natural, and Actually GOOD For You.

So you don't have to worry about getting "addicted"...

Or experiencing side effects that make you feel sick...

Or damage your heart or liver—with some of the dangerous pills you'd pick up at the pharmacy.

Plus, This Serenity Shield WORKS FAST...

You can STOP your body's overactive stress response...

Ease the mental and emotional strain...

And actually, start REBALANCING your nervous system...

At just 5 seconds per day.

So make sure you read this page all the way to the end...

Because in the next few minutes, I'm going to give you step-by-step instructions on how to use this ancient Chinese solution...
well rested happy men
Woman stressed out
To keep your mind clear, emotions balanced, and stress at bay — at ANY stage of life.

But before I dive into all the exciting details, let me tell you who I am and how I came across this life-changing discovery.

Hi, my name is Matt Gallant, CEO and co-founder of BIOptimizers.

Our mission and purpose is to help make the world a healthier place, one person at a time.

And our ultimate goal is to empower every individual on this planet to become biologically optimized, reaching their peak mental and physical potential.

However, it's a known fact that stress is one of the most significant factors undermining our mental and physical health.

Prolonged stress not only weakens the immune system but also impacts cognitive function, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life.

That's why we at BIOptimizers are dedicated to finding innovative solutions to combat stress, allowing people to break free from its shackles and reclaim their inner peace.

We believe that by addressing the root cause of stress, we can pave the way for a healthier, more vibrant, and more fulfilling life for everyone.

And for that reason, I set out on a journey to optimize my own brain and body’s response to stress so that I can perform at my best and continue improving and creating as much value as I can for decades to come...

Look, I’ve seen time and time again how uncontrolled stress can take your life off the rails...

Leaving you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted...

A mere shadow of your former self, no longer looking or feeling like the person you used to be.

Now, I’m not saying all those things describe you, I’m just sharing what I see all too often.

And it sickens me how people dealing with this are always given the same outdated advice....

You know what I mean, right?

Things like Meditation, breathing exercises, and of course, medications...

Don’t get me wrong, those things can help for sure...

But we all know they’re nothing more than a band-aid.

Plus, in a lot of cases...

Once you start using those so-called solutions, you’ve gotta use them for life...

Because they only address the symptoms and not the root cause.

That’s Honestly Pretty
Frustrating If You Ask Me...

I mean, you’re telling me that if you want a chance at feeling like your old self, or perhaps even better than your old self...You’ve gotta stay hooked to an ever-increasing handful of coping mechanisms for the rest of your days.

No thanks...

Temporary fixes are for the short-sighted...

And let’s not even talk about all the side effects that come with those pharmaceutical solutions.

Like dependence, rebound stress, and even negative interactions with other medications.

I don’t want anything to do with any of that...and I hope you feel the same way...

So what can you do instead?

After seeing so many people frustrated and losing hope after trying countless stress-relief methods, I couldn't help but feel compelled to share this incredible approach.

You see, stress has become an epidemic in our modern society.

Many people find themselves stuck in a vicious cycle – the more they try to cope with stress, the more overwhelmed they become.

It became obvious to me that something needed to change - because people deserved better.

After all, we all have families to care for, relationships to nurture, and careers to grow.

We produce, support, and THRIVE...but when our stress levels are out of control...

We feel LESS like a champion and MORE like a ticking time bombs.

And that’s NOT okay...

This is why I decided to write this letter in the first place...

To share my personal journey and the lessons I've learned along the way.

You see, after winning my own battle against burnout and stress, I realized that simply trying to cope with or manage the symptoms isn't always the most effective approach.

couple running

The Real Secret Is To
Get Your Body To
Recalibrate Your
Overactive Stress Response

Woman stressed out
By understanding why it’s overactive in the first place.

Think about it...

Modern life is supposed to be easier and more efficient, thanks to technology.

But Instead, Our Stress Levels These Days Are At An All-Time High...

It just doesn’t make sense, does it?

Yet more people are experiencing chronic stress than ever before.

In fact, according to the American Psychological Association's "Stress in America" survey conducted in 2021, nearly 80% of American adults reported experiencing symptoms of stress such as body aches, fatigue, or feelings of anger or irritability.

That survey came out in 2021, and everyone freaked out about it...

But here’s the crazy thing:

Since then, stress levels have only continued to skyrocket...

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And today, it’s not just adults who deal with the debilitating and life-altering effects of chronic stress...more and more young people suffer from excessive stress levels, too.

So why the heck is this happening?

That’s what I personally wanted to understand...

So I started examining all the scientific studies and medical literature I could find about stress.

And what I ultimately found was pretty shocking...

In fact, it might even make you mad...

Now, before you get too down in the dumps...

Remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel...

And that’s the stress-busting "Serenity Shield" I’ll be handing you in a few moments.

First, though, let’s get back to why our stress levels are going through the roof.

And what I discovered in my research was that a lot of our stress issues are due to something called...

HPA Axis Overload...

You see, the HPA Axis, or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, is made up of three key "players."

The hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands.

The hypothalamus is a small but essential region located at the base of your brain...

...and the pea-sized pituitary gland is situated just below it.

The adrenal glands are two small, triangular-shaped glands that sit on top of your kidneys.

These 3 structures work together to help your body deal with stress.

So whenever you’re exposed to what your brain perceives to be a stressful situation, the hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary gland to alert it that there is a potential threat.

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The pituitary gland then sends its own signal to the adrenal glands.

And in response, they start producing the stress hormone cortisol.

You’ve probably heard of cortisol before, it’s your primary stress hormone.

And when it’s released, it speeds up your heart rate, raises your blood sugar levels, and boosts your energy.

This is super helpful when facing something that needs your full attention, like running away from danger or focusing on an important task.

Once the stressful situation is over, the cortisol levels in your body go down, and everything returns to normal.

This whole process is called the "stress response," and it's how your HPA Axis keeps you safe and alert during tough times.

But it’s not always that efficient...

You see, when we're under a lot of stress for a long time (what scientists refer to as chronic stress), the HPA Axis can get a bit out of balance or overloaded...

And that’s when problems begin.

In one study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, scientists found that chronic stress disrupts the HPA axis and leads to an overproduction of cortisol.

And while I’d studied the HPA axis and cortisol before, the concept of HPA Axis overload was something I hadn’t heard of before.

In fact, the more I learned about the HPA Axis and cortisol, the more I realized how our bodies could become trapped in this overreactive response.

That’s why I often refer to cortisol as...
Stressed out tired man

The "Stress Trap Hormone"...

Woman stressed out
Because as you’re about to see...

Cortisol can trap you in a vicious cycle of stress...

Source 3 Source 4

Locking you in...and making it difficult to escape its grasp.

And here’s the frustrating part...

It turns out that there are a LOT of things that can cause an HPA Axis overload.

Some of which are unavoidable.

For example...

High-demand modern lifestyle...

Our fast-paced, demanding lives can contribute to chronic stress, leading to an overactive stress response and increased cortisol levels.

A study conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 2020 found that 78% of adults reported significant stress due to the pandemic, with work and financial concerns being major stressors.

This constant stress can keep cortisol levels elevated, negatively impacting our health.

Then there are EDCs or (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals)...

EDCs can interfere with your hormones and have been linked to increased cortisol levels, too.

For instance, BPA (bisphenol A), a common EDC found in plastics, has been shown to elevate cortisol levels in animal studies. These chemicals are found in many everyday items, including plastic containers, food packaging, and personal care products, making it difficult to avoid exposure.

And then there are processed foods...

Diets high in processed foods have been associated with increased cortisol levels.

One study found that adults consuming a diet high in processed and sugary foods had higher cortisol levels than those with a healthier diet.

Processed foods often contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives that can contribute to chronic inflammation and stress, ultimately leading to elevated cortisol production.

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And even if you try to eat healthily, most of our food supply is at some point exposed to EDCs...

Not to mention all of the EDCs found in common everyday household products.

Hidden Endocrine Disruptors
In Household Products

Everything from colognes and perfumes to your toothpaste and even sunscreen.

When I read all this, it was a wake-up call...

Because it means that our stress response is ALWAYS on high alert.

So even minimal stress in your day-to-day life can seem like a four-alarm fire.

It's crazy...

Especially when you realize there’s just no escaping it.

That’s why things like meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, therapy, and even prescription drugs don’t work...

They don’t address the root cause of chronic stress, which is HPA Axis Overload.

So given all of this...

The question you're probably asking is:

How do you STOP HPA Axis overload once it locks you into a cycle of constant stress?

So that you can experience a life filled with calm, balance, and genuine happiness.

A life where your mind is clear and focused, and you can handle daily challenges with ease and grace.

A life where fear and worry no longer control your thoughts and actions.

Where you wake up every morning, feeling rested and rejuvenated, ready to take on the day with confidence.

Breezing through your work, knowing you're operating at the highest level.

Well, that’s what I wanted to understand...

And while at first, I had no clue...

Months of research led me to...

a representation of a brain wave frequency that plays a crucial role in sleep

A Chance Encounter With A
Nuclear Submarine Engineer,
Turned Chinese Medicine Expert...

Man stressed out running

You see, as part of my own journey to becoming "biologically optimized." I realized that to lead by example truly, I needed to get a handle on my own stress response.

So, I decided to attend an exclusive $20,000 brain training retreat in a secret location hosted by a former nuclear submarine engineer turned Chinese medicine expert, Dr. Pearson.

Picture this: an incredible, X-Men-like mansion in the lush greenery, reminiscent of Xavier's House from the movies.

The brain training was intense, like running two mental marathons a day.

Frankly, it was exhausting, but I knew the potential rewards were well worth it.

By day three, my fellow attendees and I were worn out, and Dr. Pearson noticed our fatigue.

It was hard to miss...

He disappeared into the kitchen and emerged with a concoction that he claimed would help us recover.

And within just 30 to 45 minutes of drinking it, I felt reenergized and ready to tackle the rigorous training once more.

This miracle drink continued to work its magic on days four and five.

I was so impressed with the results that I asked him to share his secret formula with me.

It turned out that the concoction was a blend of 17 different herbs, which Dr. Pearson had expertly combined.

And from that day forward, this incredible mixture, which I fondly refer to as my "Serenity Shield," because of its ability to provide a powerful protective barrier against the onslaught of daily stressors and challenges we all face.

And after seeing the toll that stress is taking on everyone these past few years...

I knew I had to share this life-changing formula with the world.

I had tried numerous adaptogenic formulas, but none ever lived up to their promise quite like Dr. Pearson's blend.

Now, if you’re unfamiliar with adaptogens, they are substances that help recalibrate your body back to balance after experiencing either increased levels of stress or even just a perceived increased level of stress due to HPA Axis Overload.

And after talking it over with Dr. Pearson, he agreed to work with me on getting this strange and somewhat controversial "stress-reducing formula" out to the world...

And the reason I say this technique is somewhat controversial is that instead of focusing on traditional stress management techniques or telling you to take medications...

This solution is about restoring balance to your HPA axis lowering your cortisol levels naturally.

To me, this is such a better step for individuals who are dealing with the symptoms of chronic stress...

It’s easier...

It’s more natural, and you can do it from anywhere...

All it takes is incorporating a few special "stress-reducing supernutrients" that can help you regain control over your overactive response to stress.

Once you do...

You'll feel your stress levels drop dramatically...

Experience a surge of energy, enhanced mental clarity, and a boost in overall well-being...

Bid farewell to the persistent fatigue and irritability weighing you down...

And start embracing life's challenges with ease and a renewed sense of optimism.
Happy couple running

I Call It The "Serenity Shield..."

Because these carefully selected nutrients work synergistically to create a powerful barrier against stress and its detrimental effects on your body and mind.

Acting like a protective shield, this unique combination of ingredients helps to promote a sense of calm and balance, allowing you to better handle the daily stressors that life throws your way.

The "Serenity Shield" not only helps you maintain mental clarity and focus in the face of adversity, but it also strengthens your emotional resilience and enhances your overall well-being.

By fortifying your inner tranquility, this potent blend empowers you to stay composed and centered, even in the most challenging situations.

As a result, you can navigate life's ups and downs with greater ease and confidence, knowing that you are well-equipped to maintain a peaceful and positive state of mind.

So what are these stress-reducing supernutrients?

The first comes from a flowering plant called Rhodiola Rosea...

Rhodiola, or "Hong Jing Tian" as it's known in China, is so highly valued that it was traded along the ancient Silk Road...

And in traditional Chinese medicine, Rhodiola is hailed as a potent adaptogen.

One that was considered so important for health that it was often given to emperors as a tribute.

Today, it’s considered one of the most powerful nutrients in your body’s war against stress...

It's like tapping into ancient Chinese wisdom.

Those are some big claims there, for sure...

But scientists have studied Rhodiola extensively and have found that, sure enough, it has the ability to help regulate stress.

Just imagine what it would be like if, in just a few weeks from now...

Source 8
Happy office workers
You felt calmer...more focused...and more energized...

I bet your life would change a LOT, right?

Well, that's what happened to folks in a recent study.

And in a separate study, looking at test subjects with stress-related fatigue...

Rhodiola improved mental and physical performance under stress and lowered cortisol levels.

And finally, another study found that taking Rhodiola regularly led to significant improvements in mental and physical performance under stress...along with greater resilience too - which means the people in this study literally became more resistant to stress...

Honestly, there's so much more I could say about Rhodiola...

Including how it has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, particularly in Scandinavia and Russia, to enhance mental and physical stamina...

But let's keep going...

Because as great as Rhodiola rosea is...

It’s just one of the ancient Chinese medicine secrets I’ll be sharing with you today.

And the combination doesn’t just maybe help with stress a little...

It takes your resilience from a flickering candle struggling to stay lit in the wind to a powerful, unwavering lighthouse guiding you safely through the stormiest of seas.

With this ultimate stack, your stress response won't just be slightly improved – it will become a formidable fortress, standing strong against the relentless waves of modern life's challenges.

And that brings us to our next "Serenity Shield" ingredient...

Panax Ginseng...

Also known as the "King of Herbs," has been the centerpiece in traditional Chinese medicine for over 5000 years...

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Because while tons of supplements, potions, and pills get pushed on us online all the time...

Very few of them come close to replicating this combination of stress-reducing supernutrients I’m talking about today...

At least in terms of scientific studies or documented results.

Alright, so as you can probably imagine...

As soon as Dr. Pearson gave me the full list of ingredients...

All I wanted to do was to share them with others who could benefit from them.

Funnily enough, though...

Doing so turned out to be a lot harder than I’d imagined...

Because while there are plenty of supplements online that contain some combination of Rhodiola rosea, Panax ginseng, and Eleutherococcus senticosus...

It turns out that the purity and potency of the ingredients that Dr. Pearson had access to...

Was at a level I’d never seen in all my years in the biohacking industry.

His source was a small supplier in China, and they did NOT sell to the public.

On the other hand, when you buy adaptogens online or in health food stores, their labels are often vague or unclear...not to mention, Chinese herbs are notorious for having loads of harmful contaminants in them.

Plus, you can’t even tell where the ingredients came from half the time...

Or if they were made here in the United States...

Or in some smoke-stacked factory overseas.

And I for one, am VERY particular about what I’ll put into my body...

I’m sure you feel the same.

This is why I wasn’t about to recommend a formula or a brand, that I didn’t fully trust...

Or that Dr. Pearson didn’t recommend.

Source 13 Source 14
Chinese herbs
Thankfully, he was just as committed as I was to bringing this to people like you.

And after months of phone calls, negotiations, and red tape...

Dr. Pearson was able to locate an exclusive supplier of these powerful adaptogens that met his standards for purity, potency, and quality.

And just to make sure, we sent our first shipment out for third-party testing...and it was perfect.

So we moved forward with our plan to create a breakthrough formula that was specifically designed to help reduce stress, support the HPA axis, and regulate cortisol levels...

One that contained all three of the stress-reducing adaptogens I just mentioned...

In the purest forms, and at the right dosages...

But those weren’t the only potent nutrient in Dr. Pearson's formula...

It also included...

Panax Pseudoginseng: Known as "Notoginseng," this herb is held in high esteem in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Interestingly, it's also called "tian qi" or "heaven's herb" for its impressive healing properties. Its roots are believed to have blood-circulation benefits, and warriors of ancient China would carry it to treat battle wounds.

Cordyceps militaris: This fascinating fungus, often found on caterpillars in mountainous regions of China, has been used for centuries as a tonic for vitality. Famously, it gained international attention when Chinese athletes, who broke world records in the 1993 World Championships, attributed their success to Cordyceps!

Schisandra Chinensis: The "five-flavor berry," as it's known due to its unique taste profile, has been used for centuries in China to support vitality and overall wellness. It's said that consuming Schisandra could help one resist illness, fatigue, and stress.

Astragalus membranaceus: A cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Astragalus was often used to strengthen the body's defenses. It’s also commonly found growing near the base of the Great Wall.

Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi mushroom): The "mushroom of immortality" has a history dating back over 2000 years, with Chinese emperors valuing it for its longevity-promoting properties. It was so highly prized that it was often depicted in ancient Chinese art.

Polygonum multiflorum (He Shou Wu/Fo-Ti): A legendary herb, He Shou Wu is named after a man who, according to the lore, restored his youth and fertility by consuming it regularly. Today, it's still used in China as a rejuvenating tonic.

Lycium barbarum (Goji berry): These bright red berries, native to Asia, have a history intertwined with Chinese folklore and traditional medicine, where they've been used to enhance longevity and vitality for thousands of years.

Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Licorice root): Used in ancient China as a harmonizer in herbal blends, Licorice root was also a key ingredient in the making of "Mongol Milk Tea," a popular drink during the era of Genghis Khan.

Salvia miltiorrhiza (Dan Shen/Chinese salvia): Known for its heart-supporting properties, Dan Shen was traditionally used by Chinese doctors to improve circulation and heart health. It’s said that a renowned herbalist, who lived near the Great Wall, popularized its use.

Pueraria lobata (Kudzu root): This climbing vine is native to East Asia, and it's been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. Traditionally, it was used to treat a variety of ailments, including stress. Its calming effects are said to help balance the body and mind.

Paeonia lactiflora (White peony root): A beloved flower in Chinese culture, the peony is not just appreciated for its beauty. White peony root has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine for its potential to balance the body's energy systems.

Vitamin C and Magnesium, while not super exotic, both play a big role in supporting stress reduction and balancing cortisol levels.

Studies have shown that adequate Vitamin C intake can help lower cortisol levels and support adrenal function, while Magnesium has been found to improve stress resilience and promote relaxation.

Together These 14 Adaptogenic
Ingredients Provide a Powerful
Shield Against The Adverse
Effects Of Stress

Happy mom and child playing
Once we sourced every stress-relieving supernutrient and had them third-party tested for potency and purity...

The only thing left to do was to share it with the people who needed it the most.

To be honest, we were all a bit worried at first...

We weren’t sure how people would respond to such a powerful stress-relieving formula.

There are so many supplements out there that promise the moon yet never deliver.

So we were not sure how people would respond at first.

But then, it happened.

Before we knew it...

Our inbox became flooded with messages from people who were using this formula...

Telling us that it was revolutionizing every aspect of their lives.

Folks said they felt calmer...more in control...that they were more focused, and less fatigued...

They told us that their sleep quality had improved...and they were waking up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated...

Others talked about their enhanced mood and increased ability to relax.

Or how they felt more resilient in the face of life's challenges and stressors...

And I’ve got to tell you, hearing all of this got me REALLY excited...

Because there is nothing better than feeling like you’re in control of your future...

Or that you’re FREE from the dark shadow that chronic stress can cast.

Now, I’m so excited to share this breakthrough with you...
We Call It


Stress Guardian 5 PACK
Stress Guardian is a breakthrough formula that was designed to help you unlock your body's natural stress resilience and support a healthy HPA axis...

While also enhancing your body's natural ability to cope with stress on a daily basis...

So you can get back to feeling calm, focused, and in control FAST.

And you should know that we take product quality and safety extremely seriously too...

So we’re not only meticulous about sourcing our ingredients, but we adhere to the same quality control measures in our manufacturing process too.

This is why Stress Guardian is manufactured in our own state-of-the-art facility.

One which is held to the highest standards and completely compliant with all federal GMP standards.

And each bottle also undergoes rigorous 3rd party testing to ensure our final product is effective and safe for anyone to take...

And as a leader in brain health and research...

You’d better bet that Dr. Pearson wouldn’t recommend anything to the public unless he felt 100% confident in putting his name behind it.

So with all that being said...

Right now...

You're Probably Wondering
How You Can Get Your Hands
On Stress Guardian Today...

Stress Guardian
Along with how to use it for the best experience.

Well, the good news here is that using Stress Guardian couldn’t be easier to use.

All you have to do is take 3 capsules up to twice daily during periods of occasional stress.

You can do this when you first wake up...before you go to bed...

The time of day doesn’t matter...

Just make sure you take Stress Guardian regularly...

Like you would a multivitamin or a probiotic...

The good news is that many folks notice a major difference with Stress Guardian very quickly.

So yeah, Stress Guardian can go to work in your body FAST...

But with that being said, for the best experience...

We recommend using Stress Guardian consistently for at least 90 days...

And the reason why is because in many of the studies, I shared today...and dozens of others that I didn’t have time to go into...

It’s been found that using ingredients like the ones in Stress Guardian for 90 days...or even 120 days...had the biggest impact when it came to supporting your body's natural stress resilience and maintaining a healthy HPA axis.
It's for this reason that we recommend grabbing at least three bottles of Stress Guardian and six bottles if you're really serious about feeling calm and focused day-in-and-day-out.

Remember, stress is everywhere in today's fast-paced world, and it's not just psychological. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), environmental pollutants, processed foods, and other external factors are constantly attacking your HPA axis and contributing to increased stress levels.

By stocking up on Stress Guardian, you'll be ensuring that you have a consistent supply of this powerful stress-relief formula to help you combat these stressors on a daily basis.

Moreover, consistent and long-term use of Stress Guardian provides you with your very own "Serenity Shield", keeping your HPA Axis protected and responding normally...

With stress being a persistent issue in modern life, it's essential to have a reliable and effective support system in place to help you maintain balance and manage stress effectively.

Investing in multiple bottles of Stress Guardian not only helps you stay committed to prioritizing your mental well-being but also demonstrates your commitment to living a calmer, more focused life.

And by making Stress Guardian a staple in your daily routine, you're actively taking steps to counteract the numerous stressors we face every day, helping you regain control and live a more peaceful, balanced life.
Stress Guardian
Stress Guardian
So now, take a moment and really ask yourself:

What would it be worth to you to reclaim your inner calm, focus, and control over stress...perhaps even becoming more resilient in the process...and enjoying a better quality of life as you do it? $1,000? $5,000?

Well, you’ll be happy to know that you’re not going to have to pay anywhere near what you might be thinking to try Stress Guardian today.

That’s because our mission isn’t about money.

Instead, it talks about helping people...

And our goal today is to let as many people as possible see what Stress Guardian can do for them.

In other words...

We want you to feel the difference for yourself...

To see how it could make your days and nights so much better...

And for me personally...

I’ve seen firsthand the negative impact that stress can have on the lives of people...

This is why Dr. Pearson and I agree that Stress Guardian needs to be as affordable as possible for anyone who needs it.

We realize we’d be limited in our reach if we charged hundreds for this formula...

So instead...

We’re going to make it very easy to try this exciting new breakthrough that is changing so many lives...

As part of a special online-only savings program that we’re thrilled to be offering you today.

Instead of asking you for $199 for a month’s supply of Stress Guardian, which is the price we initially considered charging, due to the rare and high cost of ingredients.
Today, you’re not going to have to invest anywhere near that amount...

Because you can get your hands on a 30-day supply of Stress Guardian for just $60.

That’s the best price for a single bottle of Stress Guardian that we’ve ever offered publicly...

But it’s actually just the start....

Because when you order five bottles of Stress Guardian from this website only...

Which is a five-month supply...

The savings become even greater...

Because your investment goes from $52.80 per bottle to just $40.80 per bottle when you choose subscribe and save.

It’s an incredible saving...

Plus, it really is in your best interest to buy more while you can.

Because honestly, there’s always a risk of Stress Guardian going out of stock...

And with everything going on in the world right now, price increases in the future can’t be ruled out.

So stocking up today doesn’t just ensure you get Stress Guardian for the best possible value today...

But it also ensures you’ll have a steady supply for months-to-come...

And that you don’t run into a situation where it’s 30 days from now...

You’re loving your experience with Stress Guardian - and you're noticing how it’s making a difference in every aspect of your health...

But then you come back to this website...

And you either need to pay more money for another bottle...

Or there aren’t even any bottles in stock.

That would not be good, and it’s simply not worth taking the chance...

Especially since, even though you may start feeling the positive effects of Stress Guardian within the first few days...

We all know that consistency is key...

And it’s a really good idea to support your stress resilience and healthy HPA axis function day after day...

Rather than just focusing on some quick fix that may not last.

That’s why I encourage you to stock up on your supply while you can...

By clicking below and securing the 5-month package, or whichever amount makes the most sense for you.
Stress Guardian
After choosing your package, you’ll be taken to a
secure order page that looks like this:
Buy Stress Guardian
And we use the same security as big companies like Amazon and Walmart so your information is 100% secure.

Then, simply fill out your details on our guaranteed safe and secure order form, and we’ll get your package sent directly to your door.

And don't worry...

Whatever package you choose...

You will not be billed again unless you make another order.

I hate companies that keep sending you bottles when you didn't order them...

And BIOptimizers will never do that.

Instead, this is a one-time-only purchase...

And after you’ve placed your order, your bottles should arrive in about 5-7 days, depending on where you live.

You’ll get all those details in a confirmation email, too, so you can track your package.

And because we’re so confident that you’ll love your experience with Stress Guardian...

We’re Even Giving You a
Full 365 Days To Try
Stress Guardian Risk-Free...

That’s right...

This breakthrough formula comes with a one-year guarantee, which is unheard of in this industry...

And if you don’t feel or see a big difference in your stress levels, mood, or mental clarity...

Or you don’t love what it does for your resilience and overall well-being...

Or you’re not happy for any reason...

Then contact us, and we’ll return every penny spent today, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

You don’t even have to give us a reason, and it’s totally fine if the bottles are empty.

We’ve gone above and beyond to make sure that your customer service experience is always spectacular...

And that includes using a local customer support team that is easy to get hold of and always happy to help.

Their contact information is on your order confirmation the receipt email you’ll get...and included with every package we send out...

So seriously, getting a hold of us couldn’t be easier.

Which is why right now...

There is simply no reason not to say yes to this opportunity to try Stress Guardian...

Especially since you’ve got 365 days to test drive this amazing formula...

And see what it does for your stress management and overall well-being...

Or how it lets you go through each day of your life feeling more balanced and resilient.

Go ahead and start now by just clicking the button below, and choose the 5-month option or whichever option works for you:
Stress Guardian 6 PACK
Experience the difference your own "Serenity Shield" can make
Order now and begin your

Try It Out

1 Bottle

1 Bottle of Stress Guardian
$60 $52.80
per bottle ($52.80 total)

Save 12%
Subscribe N' Save
SUBSCRIBE NOW Credit Card Seal


3 Bottles

3 Bottles of Stress Guardian
$180 $43.80
per bottle ($131.40 total)

Save 27%
Subscribe N' Save
SUBSCRIBE NOW Credit Card Seal

Best Value

5 Bottles

5 Bottles of Stress Guardian
$300 $40.80
per bottle ($204 total)

Save 32%
Subscribe N' Save
SUBSCRIBE NOW Credit Card Seal
Sleep supplement free shipping in the US Sleep supplement free shipping in the Canada Sleep supplement free shipping international
Sleep aid guarantee badge

Stress Guardian
Is So Effective...

We Unconditionally
Guarantee It
365 Days

We understand you might be skeptical, especially if you tried other sleep supplements that didn't work.

You just read the research. Individually, these ingredients WORK. However, when combined they create powerful synergy that must be experienced to understand.

Stress Guardian works. Our other best selling formulas have changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

BIOptimizers — has been in business for full years. We stand behind our products and guarantee that they will do what we say they do. 🌟

If this isn't the greatest sleep supplement you've EVER tried, we demand you ask for your money back. If you purchase 1 bottle and you are not completely satisfied, within 365 days you may request a full refund (minus shipping & handling cost).

If you choose to save money and buy a bundle of multiple bottles, you are still covered by a 365 day guarantee. If after your first bottle you are not satisfied, you can return your remaining unopened bottles within 365 days of purchase and we will issue you a full refund for your order (minus the cost of shipping & handling)*.

Just contact us, let us know where we could be better, and we will issue you a refund (excluding any shipping and handling charges).

No questions asked.

Okay, so now you know EVERYTHING you’re getting with Stress Guardian...

The chance to manage your stress more effectively... the potential for better mood and mental clarity... the possibility of increased resilience and overall well-being...

And the opportunity to take back control of your life again...

All at exclusive savings that are only available on this website...

And you know this is all backed by a 365 Day money-back guarantee.

Given all of this...

Why not go ahead and "try" Stress Guardian and see for yourself?

The way I see it is you only have two options in front of you.

One option is to ignore everything I’ve said and leave this page.

But if you do that...

What will change?

If you’re on this page right now, then something has brought you here.

It might be that you're frustrated because you're constantly feeling stressed and overwhelmed... your mood is all over the place, and you're struggling to maintain balance in your life...

Your ability to cope with everyday challenges has diminished...

And you’re sick of going through your days feeling like you're barely keeping your head above water.

If that’s how it is for you now, and you keep going down this path...

Why would things get any better instead of only getting even worse?

It’s scary to think about that, I know...

And so my question to you is:

Why Would You
Even Risk That?

Especially when there’s another option in front of you, that’s so much easier and better.

That’s the option where you choose to try out Stress Guardian today...

And you take that first step towards managing your stress more effectively and reclaiming balance in your life...

So that you go back to feeling in control and capable of handling whatever life throws at you.

Trust me, feeling more balanced and resilient...

It is SO much fun...

Which is why this is the path I want you to take.

And when you do that...

You won’t be alone in your journey...

I’ll be right here by your side...

And so will the thousands of people who have already said YES to Stress Guardian...

And who are so thankful that they did.

And in just 1 week from now, you could be joining those folks...

All you have to do is click on the five-bottle option or whatever option makes sense...

Paul Check
Founder, CHEK Institute & PPS Success Mastery Program

As the founder of an institute that teaches holistic health, corrective, and high-performance exercise world wide, I have an almost constant stream of products being sent to me from manufacturers for testing and my opinion. Sadly, the grand majority of them are only effective as placebos at best, and many are cheap, low quality illusions. When Wade Lightheart shared his products to test, I had a VERY different experience, as have all my clients and athletes I’ve shared them with.

BIOptimizer products are genuinely effective for enhanced digestion, metabolism/energy production, gut health and protection, cleansing, and more. I use them every day myself.
Paul Check
So what’s holding you back?

Right now, I’m inviting you to join us on this exciting new path.

And I truly hope you’ll join me...

But ultimately, it’s up to you.

I trust you’ll make the right choice...

This is to go ahead and select your package right now...

Then complete your order.

That’s what I would do if I were in your shoes...

But the future is now in your hands.

Thank you so much for watching this video...

And I look forward to hearing about your experience with Stress Guardian soon!

It’s Time For You To Experience Biological Optimization

Our mission at BIOptimizers is to "End physical suffering by helping people discover and activate BiOptimized Health."

In other words, we want you to become a super-human version of yourself.
Our goal with our products is to give you all the tools you need to develop all 3 sides of the BiOptimization Triangle
Optimize health with sleep supplement cycle Stress Guardian will help you maximize all 3 sides of the BIOptimization Triangle. Your aesthetics will improve with better sleep and recovery. Your health will improve in multiple ways.

And both your mental and physical performance will go to new levels, as shown in dozens of scientific studies. Just select the package you want above to get started.

Wade Lightheart
President and Co-Founder of BIOptimizers

Hi, my name is Wade Lightheart, and I’m the President and Co-Founder of BIOptimizers.

Lots of people know me from my work as an advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute, a certified sports nutritionist, or even as a 3-time All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion and former Mr. Universe Competitor.

I guess you could say, I've been around the block.

However, despite all the success I've had in my life, I have to admit something.

For years I was barely able to sleep. It didn’t matter that I was running a business, raising a family, and trying to be all things to all people.

Sleep was a luxury I didn’t have and unfortunately I tried to learn how to live without it.

Like most people, my sleep issues started small at first.

A little tossing and turning here. A restless night there.

But as time went by, my sleep quality only continued to go downhill...

And I felt like a person trapped in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion.
Wade Lightheart

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