Discover why leading health experts are raving about this breakthrough book that takes you beyond BIOhacking...
Giving you TOTAL CONTROL over how quickly you burn fat and gain lean build muscle... upgrade your brain and focus to new heights… extend your lifespan and quality of life to the max.
Best of all, you can get the PRINT EDITION of this book ABSOLUTELY FREE.*
when you purchase from our store worth $150 and above.
That’s what the BIOptimization Blueprint makes possible…it helps your body lean up, build muscle, boost your energy (at a mitochondrial level), remove toxins, sleep better... way too much to list.
It’s the ULTIMATE health blueprint and system for a new you.
Imagine getting compliments on how incredible you look… or getting twice as much done in half the time...
Or waking up feeling rested, energized, and ready to crush your day...
ALL because you fully optimized your nutrition, digestion, sleep, detox, training, and more.
This is your opportunity to take control of your metabolism and weight... to experience the unparalleled joy and confidence that comes from having total control over your body’s shape, health and performance.
BIOptimization is truly the next level of BIOhacking...
It’s an approach rooted in decades of experience and the latest, cutting-edge science.
And the BIOptimization Blueprint is THE BEST way to begin your journey while setting the stage for lifelong success with this proven approach to physiological transformation.
Our goal is to move 100,000 copies of this book in the next 2 years and we need your help. This is why we’re creating 8 incredible high-value bundles so that you can give, share, or sell this book with your friends, family, and clients.
We’ve designed a process for helping you upgrade whatever you want...
These are possible with the Biological Optimization Blueprint.
This leg of the triangle is key for adding “years to your life, and life to your years”
Maybe you’ve heard of the term “biohacking”. Dave Asprey popularized the term. It’s usually the use of technology or supplements to create effective short-cuts to achieve a result. We’re huge believers, supporters and users of biohacking.
However, this book goes beyond biohacking because we’ve created a scientific process that will lead you to become biologically optimized on all levels. This is a holistic, scientific approach that uses cutting edge tests, the 7 strongest biological optimizers in combination with biohacking to produce extraordinary health, aesthetics and performance.
Health… Is there anything more important? Well - I’d say certainly God, my family and my community, but besides that I think health is a solid foundation for the ultimate “good life”.
Without it, we can’t be present for our families… we can’t work… we CAN’T LIVE. Heck, so many billionaires spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health - but usually…it’s too late for that.
Just think about the saying “health is wealth”, a phrase the Roman poet Virgil coined over 2,000 years ago. It means that health is the most important asset a person can have and that a life without some form of subjectively good health is a life either not worth living or a very subpar life indeed.
Anyways, I should introduce myself… my name is Ben Greenfeld and I’m a health consultant, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author of a wide variety of books including the widely popular titles Boundless Parenting, Boundless Kitchen, Beyond Training, Boundless, Fit Soul, Spiritual Disciplines Journal, the Boundless Cookbook and Endure. I was a former collegiate tennis, water polo and volleyball player, bodybuilder, 13-time Ironman triathlete and professional obstacle course racer, and got voted by the NSCA as America’s top Personal Trainer and by Greatist as one of the top 100 Most Infuential People In Health And Fitness. So yeah, I cherish and live a healthy life.
In my health journey, I met a couple key characters: Wade Lightheart and Matt Gallant. I've actually known Wade and Matt for many years, and in a world chock full of charlatans and posers in the health industry, these guys actually walk what they talk. We three share a deep passion for all aspects of health and they’ve done an incredible job summarizing the best of the best tools, tips and strategies into this book.
Matt and Wade have been guests multiple times on the Ben Greenfeld podcast because they’re a wealth of knowledge when it comes to nutrition, digestion and using little-known hacks and habits that can make you healthier.
That’s why I was happy to hear that they’ve compiled this knowledge into a book that I devoured as soon as I got my hands on an early copy, and then gladly agreed to pen this quick foreword for you.
So…here in your hands, you hold a book that delivers the foundational building blocks to superhuman health (which Matt and Wade call “BIOptimized Health”).
If you just polish off half of the principles, process, strategies and technologies in this book, you can build extraordinary health, looks and performance. Do it all and you’ll be…well…superhuman.
Anyways, Matt and Wade have done a fabulous job synthesizing so many cutting edge health breakthroughs into practical, bite-size pieces that you can implement in your life starting today!
When you choose to follow their so-called “Biological Optimization Process”, you can expect and experience massive improvements across every last spectrum of your health.
After all, there’s no reason for you not to wake up every day with a pep in your step and experience peak performance mentally… have the health and nervous-system to become ultra-resilient to modern stresses… and lose excess body fat and build lean muscle almost as a side effect.
Are you ready?
It’s time to become BIOptimized!