Fitness has various benefits – from improving stamina to losing weight. A less common benefit is digestion health: learn more about it in this blog.
Exercises to Burn Belly Fat for Beginners
Many of us would love to lose a few inches around our abdomen because it feels so unattractive.
Read MoreBest Magnesium for Bodybuilding
The importance of magnesium is often overlooked among bodybuilders and the general public seeking to gain muscles. This essential mineral plays a crucial role in muscle function and energy metabolism, yet intense workouts can quickly deplete our body’s magnesium stores.
Read MorePart 2: Protein Shakes for Muscle Gain: Science, Timing, Comparison, and More
To gain muscle you could activate the mTOR for optimal protein synthesis. Pair protein with carbs to enhance nutrient uptake and glycogen replenishment. Consider alternative protein sources for muscle gain without inflammatory side effects.
Read MorePart 1: Protein Shakes for Weight Loss: Science, Timing, and Comparisons
Many people use protein shakes for weight loss. They work mainly by helping you eat less and sometimes by adding other nutrients. In this article, we’ll talk about why and the best times to take protein shakes for weight loss.
Read MoreHow to Build Muscle Naturally for Women and Men of All Ages
Having adequate muscle mass not only helps you look and feel good, but it’s vital for healthy aging. It extends your lifespan and your healthspan. Your muscle mass helps determine:…
Read MoreIs HIIT better than steady-state cardio for fat loss?
When it comes to exercise, most people have an outdated notion that long-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardio is best for fat loss. While it’s true that you primarily burn fat, it’s counterintuitive that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can lead to more fat loss in a fraction of the time.
Read More7 Health Benefits Of Building Muscle And Maintaining Physical Strength
In this article, we’ll cover 7 evidence-based reasons why you should prioritize exercising and nutrition for muscle gain.
Read MoreSolving The Protein Conundrum: A Guide To Building A Fit And Flourishing Body On A Plant-Based Diet
If you’re considering a plant-based diet, you might wonder how to get enough protein. After all, protein is an essential nutrient that helps your body build and repair muscle, maintain healthy bones, and even boost your mood and cognitive function.[custom-citation id="ref-1"]
Read MoreBodybuilding Digestive Enzymes: The Science, How to Choose the Best for Hardgainers, and More
Muscles make you look better, perform better, age better, and live longer, even if you don’t plan on being shredded. However, building muscles can be challenging for some, especially skinny or ectomorph men and women who have very high metabolism to begin with.
Read MoreWhat happens if you exercise without dieting? Does exercise help you lose weight?
Many people believe that if you work out regularly, you’ll eventually lose weight. Or, if you eat a donut, you should walk for about an hour to burn equivalent calories. Or when you put in some extra time at the gym, you can afford to splurge a little. Unfortunately, none of these are true, and it’s just not that simple.
Read MorePsychological consequences of food restrictions: lifestyle tradeoffs for maximizing physique
Often, pictures of physique transformations you see online don’t show the sacrifices it takes to get them. Every year, millions of people aspire for such transformations. Most of them fail or regain their weight by falling back to old habits. Have you wondered what it takes and whether you can stick to it for life?
Read MoreMetabolic Adaptation and Starvation Survival Response
You’ve been working hard, cutting calories, exercising, and weight lifting. You’re doing everything right, but suddenly, you stop losing weight. Or every time you manage to lose the weight, it rebounds. What went wrong? It could be something called metabolic adaptation.
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