Are Sweet Proteins A Healthy Substitute For Sugar?

Excess sugar is linked to health issues like weight gain and blood sugar imbalances. Now imagine enjoying sugar’s taste without the calories or additives—sweet proteins offer this unique advantage. Naturally derived from plants, they’re intensely sweet without extra calories and spiking your blood sugar. First-generation artificial sweeteners, and even natural options like stevia, have a…

Excess sugar is linked to health issues like weight gain and blood sugar imbalances. Now imagine enjoying sugar’s taste without the calories or additives—sweet proteins offer this unique advantage. Naturally derived from plants, they’re intensely sweet without extra calories and spiking your blood sugar.
First-generation artificial sweeteners, and even natural options like stevia, have a bitter aftertaste. Recent studies suggest that they can ruin the gut flora or cause the body to expect sugar by secreting insulin. After all, giving up sugar without giving up the sweet taste isn’t all free of tradeoffs. This is one of the reasons we don’t use stevia in our products.
Unlike traditional and artificial sweeteners, sweet proteins bring a new, versatile approach to sweetness that can be used in everything from snacks to beverages. In this article, we’ll examine how sweet proteins work, what makes them unique, and why they’re becoming popular in food innovation, including BIOptimzers products.

What Are Sweet Proteins?
These sweeteners are proteins – not sugars – that come from the fruit of tropical plants. Their proteins consist of 50 to 200 amino acids, varying widely in size.
Despite all tasting sweet, these proteins are unique in their amino acid sequences and structures, meaning they don’t share the exact “blueprint.” This structure diversity allows each protein to deliver its own sweet sensation.
Some of the best-known sweet proteins originate from tropical fruits in West Africa, including:
- Thaumatin (the most studied): extracted from the katemfe fruit (Thaumatococcus daniellii)
- Monellin: found in the serendipity berry (Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii)
- Brazzein: derived from the oubli fruit (Pentadiplandra brazzeana)
- Miraculin: found in the miracle berry (Synsepalum dulcificum)
The process of producing sweet proteins is fascinating. While it’s possible to extract them directly from the plants, it’s costly and complex. Scientists turned to a more economical method– microbial synthesis.
Microbes, mainly yeasts and bacteria, act as mini “factories” to produce sweet proteins. Yeasts like Pichia pastoris are popular because they can properly fold the proteins and add specific molecules needed for the sweetness to taste right. Plus, yeasts grow quickly and are straightforward to work with, making them perfect for producing sweet proteins on a large scale.
Bacteria, especially E. coli, are also used for sweet protein production due to their fast growth and because scientists know much about how they work. You might think this seems strange since people can get sick from E.coli, and you’d be right. However, the E. coli used in sweet protein production is typically a non-pathogenic strain specifically engineered for safety. Also, the protein would be purified and removed from any bacterial parts when it reaches the end consumer.
To make production even better, scientists use genetic tweaks to help the microbes create more high-quality sweet protein. They may even add helper molecules to guide proper protein folding.
This means that the microbes used are genetically modified, which can understandably raise questions. In this context, genetic modification is a tool to encourage safe, reliable protein production without impacting the final product’s natural sweetness and calorie-free benefits. This approach allows for more accessible, stable sweet protein sources and ongoing research continues to ensure safety and quality.
The Science Behind Sweet Proteins’ Sweetness
You perceive sweetness when sugar dissolves in your saliva and binds to receptors on your tongue. These receptors, part of a group known as G-protein-coupled receptors, work together as a pair. When sweet compounds bind to them, they activate and signal to the brain that something is sweet.
Sweet proteins, like sugar, bind to these same receptors, which triggers that sweet taste. Their remarkable potency sets sweet proteins apart; they can be anywhere from 100 to 1,000 times sweeter than sugar. They likely developed their sweetness to lure animals with multiple food options in the jungle’s depths to eat them and further spread their seeds.
The structure of proteins and the interactions among their components determine their sweetness and how effectively they connect with taste receptors in our mouths.
Certain changes can enhance the sweetness of proteins. For example, modifications to specific regions of proteins like monellin and brazzein can improve their sweet taste. These mutations can also alter the overall shape of the protein, impacting its interaction with taste receptors.
Additionally, these changes can affect how the protein forms hydrogen bonds—connections between its components. A specific mutation in monellin, known as the C41S mutation, creates new bonds that enhance its sweetness.
Top Sources of Sweet Proteins

While numerous sweet proteins exist, only a few have made it into food production and possibly onto your table. Let’s look at some of the most commonly used at this point.
Katemfe Fruit and Its Sweet Protein, Thaumatin
Researchers discovered thaumatin, the first discovered sweet protein, in 1972. They obtained it from the fruit of the West African plant Thaumatococcus daniellii, commonly known as katemfe or miracle fruit. Thaumatin consists of two sweet-tasting proteins, thaumatin I and thaumatin II. Known for its extreme sweetness, thaumatin is estimated to be 2000 to 3000 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar).
Thaumatin has a unique taste profile. Its sweet flavor is often described as having a fruity or licorice-like aftertaste. Additionally, its sweetness lasts longer than sugar’s, which can influence its application in various food formulations.
Companies use thaumatin in various products, including beverages like Magnesium Breakthrough and Mushroom Breakthrough, as well as low-calorie foods. It is considered safe for consumption in many countries.
Other Notable Sweet Proteins
Thaumatin isn’t the only sweet protein finding its way into your favorite foods. Let’s take a look at some other commonly added sweeteners.
Monellin is derived from the fruit of the West African plant Dioscorea dumetorum, commonly known as the “sweet potato.” It is specifically a glycoprotein (molecules that comprise protein and carbohydrate chains), known for its intense sweetness—reportedly up to 1,000 times sweeter than sugar.
Unlike single-chain thaumatin, monellin comprises two polypeptide chains held together by non-covalent interactions. However, it loses its sweetness at temperatures above 50°C and in acidic environments. To overcome this limitation, researchers have developed single-chain monellin derivatives that remain stable under more extreme conditions, allowing its use in cooking and baking without losing its sweetness.
Miraculin, found in miracle fruit, changes how sour foods taste, making a lemon taste sweet when eaten after the fruit. For example, a lemon may taste sweet instead of sour after eating miracle fruit.
Researchers believe miraculin binds directly to the sweet taste receptor on the surface of taste buds. Under normal, neutral conditions, miraculin attaches to the receptor without triggering sweetness. However, miraculin activates the receptor when an acidic substance is present, causing sour foods to taste sweet.
This effect happens because the acid causes a structural change in miraculin, allowing its carbohydrate portion to bind to the receptor’s sweet-detecting site. This activation occurs within a specific pH range (between pH 4.8 and 6.5), where we perceive sour foods like lemon or vinegar as sweet. So, miraculin itself isn’t sweet but alters how sour foods taste by transforming our perception of their flavor.
Miraculin has gained popularity in culinary circles, particularly in “flavor-tripping” parties, where participants consume miracle fruit and then sample sour foods to experience the altered taste sensations.
Brazzein is a mighty sweet protein first found in the obli fruit of the West African plant Pentadiplandra brazzeana, where locals have traditionally used it to sweeten food. This protein can be 500 to 2,000 times sweeter than sugar.
It holds up well under heat, staying stable at temperatures up to 80°C for up to four hours. Brazzein’s heat resistance is thanks to its compact structure, which includes four disulfide bridges reinforcing its stability.
While brazzein can be directly extracted from plants, it’s more commonly produced through microbial synthesis in systems like E. coli, Kluyveromyces lactis, and even transgenic plants. Brazzein can be engineered to be even sweeter in these settings—up to 22,500 times as sweet as sucrose.
Brazzein is also great for enhancing flavors or pairing it with stevia to reduce that lingering aftertaste.
Why Choose Sweet Proteins

Not only do sweet proteins provide a delicious taste, but they also come with unique benefits that can enhance your overall wellness, starting with their low-calorie profile.
Low Calorie
Weight management relies on balancing calories in and calories out. Sweet proteins provide a unique, low-calorie option for satisfying a sweet tooth without the high-calorie guilt of traditional sweeteners. By incorporating sweet proteins, you can enjoy sweetness while keeping your calorie intake in check.
On average, sweet proteins contain around four calories per gram, but because they are so powerfully sweet, the minimal amount needed to provide sweetness is essentially calorie-free.
Blood Sugar Control
They taste like sugar but digest like proteins. Sweet proteins can offer a unique advantage for blood sugar control. Sweet proteins provide a more stable alternative to traditional sugars because they are metabolized differently and do not lead to rapid spikes in blood glucose levels.
An animal study explored this further by testing sweet protein as a possible alternative to fructose in drinks. Researchers wanted to know if it could better affect blood sugar and metabolism. For 30 days, researchers monitored the rats’ body weight and food intake. They also conducted glucose tolerance tests to see how well their bodies managed blood sugar and collected tissue samples for detailed analysis.
Those consuming sweet proteins experienced improved insulin response, meaning the healthy rats managed blood sugar more effectively than with fructose.
There is no data on whether these sweet proteins might trigger an insulin response like some artificial sweeteners. We need more research to fully understand their potential metabolic impacts.
Support Digestive Health
While still in the beginning stages of exploration, an animal study suggests that thaumatin breaks down during digestion to release bitter peptides that may support health in unique ways.
Researchers began by dissolving thaumatin in simulated salivary fluid and incubating it under conditions that mimic the initial stages of human digestion. They then added simulated gastric fluid and adjusted the pH to 3 to replicate the stomach’s acidic environment. Finally, they introduced pepsin, a key digestive enzyme, to initiate protein breakdown.
Digestion of thaumatin led to releasing 66 peptides, three of which were bitter. These bitter peptides interact with receptors in the gastrointestinal tract that regulate enzyme secretion and support digestive motility.
Additionally, these peptides stimulate gastric acid production by activating specific bitter receptors in the stomach. This increase in stomach acid enhances digestion and can be especially beneficial for individuals with low acid levels.
Natural and Sustainable
Derived from tropical plants, sweet proteins are a natural alternative to artificial sweeteners. Unlike artificial options that rely on synthetic chemicals, sweet proteins offer a natural choice that fits well with a whole-food approach.
Microbial synthesis produces sweet proteins using fewer resources, often employing yeasts and bacteria as “factories.” These microbes are efficient in their growth and don’t demand as much water or agricultural land as sugar.
This method of production not only reduces the environmental impact but aligns with sustainable practices that prioritize resource efficiency. If you’re eco-conscious, sweet proteins offer a way to enjoy sweetness with a lighter environmental footprint.
Are Sweet Proteins Safe?

Thaumatin and brazzein are recognized as safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although there haven’t been studies on humans, there is a long history of human consumption in the regions where plants originate.
Researchers conducted a thorough safety study on brazzein and monellin to check for any toxic, allergic, or genetic effects using mice, rats, and guinea pigs. Even when animals received very high doses of up to 5000 mg per kg of body weight, there were no signs of toxicity, allergic response, or genetic effects.
To give you an idea, consuming just 1 gram (1,000 mg) of these proteins is about the same as eating around 2,000 grams of sugar. So, eating enough of these proteins to reach the high doses tested in the studies would be nearly impossible, and even that dose didn’t show any harmful effects.
Further research is essential to understand sweet proteins’ long-term safety and health benefits. The existing data is promising, indicating that these proteins are a safe alternative to sugar. They offer several health advantages and present fewer risks than artificial sweeteners, making them an appealing sugar alternative.
Sweet proteins offer a delightful way to enjoy the taste of sugar without the extra calories or adverse health effects. With their low-calorie content and potential benefits for blood sugar control and digestive health, they are a versatile option for making healthier dietary choices.
At BIOptimizers, we harness the power of thaumatin in our products, providing a naturally sweet, safe, and effective alternative to traditional and artificial sweeteners. By incorporating sweet proteins into our formulations, we aim to help you achieve your health goals while enjoying the flavors you love, including:
As research continues to uncover the benefits of these remarkable proteins, we’re excited to be at the forefront of this health-focused trend, making it easier for you to embrace a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.
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