Gina Brown, ND
Gina Brown, ND is a naturopathic resident at Fairfield Family Health, a busy intergrative practice in Connecticut, USA. Gina received her Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and her Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics from Saint Francis Xavier University, Canada, in 2015 and 2014 respectively. In 2022, she completed her Doctor of Naturopathy (N.D.) at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Canada. Dr. Brown has published several research papers and presented posters at international conferences, such as in Naturopathic Doctor News and Review. She is passionate about staying up to date with current evidence-based research and strives to provide valuable insights into the relationship between diet, lifestyle, and health.
All Posts by Gina Brown, ND
Low Progesterone Causes, Symptoms, Supplements to Increase Progesterone, and More
If you’re a woman with some hormone-related discomfort, progesterone is the hormone to pay attention to. Low progesterone is linked to many premenstrual and menopausal symptoms. These may be common,…
Read More6 Popular Health Goals Mushrooms Can Help With and the Best Mushroom Supplements for Them
You might be familiar with mushrooms – as a tasty addition to your meal. But, in the past few years, we’ve been learning more and more about medicinal mushrooms. Due…
Read MoreBest Vitamins and Nutrients for Weight Loss and Belly Fat
To be successful at weight loss, most experts won’t argue that you need a caloric deficit–consuming fewer calories than you burn. But, in real life, it’s never as simple as…
Read MoreExercises to Burn Belly Fat for Beginners
Many of us would love to lose a few inches around our abdomen because it feels so unattractive.
Read MoreHow Do You Stick To Weight Loss Resolutions?
Ah, that time of year again. For many, the start of a new year serves as a fresh start, an opportunity to finally reach those health and weight loss goals.
Read MoreHow to Improve Digestion in Old Age
Do you notice your digestive capacity going down as you get older? Perhaps your appetite is down?
Read MoreCan Fat Cells Be Destroyed Naturally?
Most people embark on weight loss journeys hoping their results will last forever. However, a whopping 97% eventually regain their weight, sometimes even more than what they started with.
Read MoreHow Long Does Magnesium Take To Work?
Unlock the potential of incorporating magnesium supplements into your daily routine and witness remarkable enhancements.
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