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Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

The health benefits from fasting are endless. That being said, despite what many Intermittent Fasting (IF) zealots will proclaim, it’s not a magical bullet for weight loss. However, it is a powerful tool when used properly. Let’s look at some of the key health benefits of fasting.

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Major Psychological Key #1 To Long-Term Weight Loss Results: Release Trapped Emotions

If you have the novelty-seeking genes and an addictive personality, like Matt, your tendency can increase your risk of food addiction and emotional eating. It becomes even more important to develop self-awareness and handle your traumas accordingly. Matt works with addicts in his personal life and he’s found that most addicts’ behaviors are all driven by traumas.

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Nutrigenomics and How to Personalize Your Nutrition

If you’re taking supplements and trying different diets, you may wonder if these are right for you. Nutrigenomics is one of the key layers in the hierarchy of nutritional decisions that can guide your best diet and lifestyle choices.However, it’s a very complex and still-growing field. This article will cover what you need to know about nutrigenomics and how to best harness its power.

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What Are Antinutrients And Gut Irritants In Vegetables?

Plants can’t escape their predators, so they produce substances to deter or kill their predators. When we eat the food, these antinutrient substances can damage our guts, affect our biochemistry, or reduce nutrient absorption causing nutrient deficiencies in the long run. 

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Why Do I Have So Many Food Sensitivities?

Many people suffer from inflammation from foods, especially if they’re on a Standard American Diets. However, they may not have connected their symptoms to their foods. These reactions can be very individual, depending on where the weakest links are in their bodies.

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