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Psychology of Weight Loss Motivation

Every year, millions of people attempt to lose weight, yet many more want to but don’t feel motivated to do so. Is it really about motivation? Could there be more science to it?

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Pros And Cons Of a Raw Food Diet

The raw food diet is high in all plant-based nutrients, phytonutrients, enzymes, probiotics, antioxidants and fiber. By focusing on organic or naturally grown fruits and vegetables, the diet is also lower in pesticides, antibiotics, and other toxins you can find in foods.

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Why Every Diet Fails

The smartest path to success is understanding other people’s mistakes and learning from them. Insanity is ignoring them and repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

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25 Stealth Toxins Ruining Your Health And What You Can Do About It

The modern diet and lifestyle may seem normal, as do feeling crummy and performing suboptimally. The truth is that there are many normal things that won’t kill you but are silently ruining your health. If your goal is to optimize your health, performance, and aesthetics, it’s important to be aware of these stealth factors and mitigate your risk.

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