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Best Vitamins and Nutrients for Weight Loss and Belly Fat

To be successful at weight loss, most experts won’t argue that you need a caloric deficit–consuming fewer calories than you burn. But, in real life, it’s never as simple as eating less and moving more. Numerous factors can impact both calorie intake and energy expenditure, such as: Genetics Environmental factors Hormonal regulation Stress The type…

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To be successful at weight loss, most experts won’t argue that you need a caloric deficit–consuming fewer calories than you burn. But, in real life, it’s never as simple as eating less and moving more. Numerous factors can impact both calorie intake and energy expenditure, such as:

  • Genetics
  • Environmental factors
  • Hormonal regulation
  • Stress
  • The type and quality of food consumed 
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Sleep
  • Gut health
  • Psychological aspects like traumas

This is why we built the hierarchy of nutritional factors and wrote a book about personalizing your weight loss program for life-long success. In this article, we delve into the role of essential nutrients and vitamins needed to support a healthy metabolism. 

No supplement out there can make you magically lose weight and keep it off. But, by supporting your body’s metabolic processes, you can set yourself up for long-term success.

Best Vitamins and Nutrients for Weight Loss and Belly Fat

Vitamin D

It is involved with fat loss and metabolism in various ways:

  1. Managing genes that are involved in fat tissue growth, which could influence where fat accumulates and its metabolism
  2. Regulating a hormone called leptin, which controls your appetite and how much energy your body expends
  3. Increasing insulin sensitivity by increasing insulin receptors on muscle cells through a cellular project manager called PPAR-delta.

Another way vitamin D is linked to weight is that it’s stored in fat tissue. Fatter people have more vitamin D in their fat tissue and less in their circulation. This can have metabolic effects throughout the body

A recent review found the less blood vitamin D someone has, the more body fat they tend to have. Also, the more body fat someone has, the harder it will be to increase their blood vitamin D levels.

Does Low Blood Vitamin D Make it Harder to Lose Weight?

A systematic review of 18 clinical trials found that even in the absence of restricting calories, supplementation might have some benefits on BMI. Several of these trials tested the post-supplementation vitamin D levels and observed a correction in vitamin D deficiency status. They also found that certain populations of people might be more likely to notice a benefit, including those who were older and those who were female. 

In terms of metabolic benefits, they found that blood levels of vitamin D needed to be over 80 nmol/L for the best effects on body composition. When looking at all of the studies included as a whole, results trended towards benefits for reducing fat mass, especially in those specific groups. 

A systematic review of 15 weight loss intervention studies using calorie restriction and/or exercise found that weight loss was linked to increased vitamin D compared to those who didn’t lose weight. The researchers proposed that this effect could be due to the release of stored vitamin D from body fat and muscles when losing weight. In another review of 18 trials, vitamin D status did increase in those who lost weight, but this effect was smaller than expected.

So, while vitamin D status does have associations with weight or may help somewhat, it is not a fat burner. Individual responses to vitamin D with respect to weight will vary, with some people dropping several pounds to others having no effect. However, vitamin D is important for many other body functions, and an important vitamin for overall health and wellness. You can get vitamin D from sunlight, fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and supplements.

Many people with extra body fat need higher doses of vitamin D to improve their levels, with clinical trial doses going up to 20,000 IU per day or 10,000 IU/week. The effects of supplementing with vitamin D will be greatest if you are deficient, so test and supplement accordingly. 

These doses may be safe in the short-term and under medical supervision where you re-test your blood levels every few months to prevent vitamin D toxicity. At toxic amounts, it can impact heart rate, urination, and blood calcium levels with potentially dangerous side effects. That is why it is always important to get your vitamin D level checked prior to starting any supplement.  

Because vitamin D doesn’t work on its own, it’s crucial to also combine it with other coworking nutrients like magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A, E, and K. 


Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oil, are an important component of a healthy diet and might help promote weight loss. Obese people tend to have lower levels of omega-3s than those who are normal weight.

Omega-3s might help regulate appetite by influencing the production of certain hormones that control hunger and fullness. In one study, participants given diets higher in omega-3:

  • Felt less hungry
  • Had lower levels of hunger-specific hormone ghrelin
  • Had higher levels of a satiety hormone called CCK

This might help control overall calorie intake. It also increases dopamine, which may boost your mood and motivation, while reducing emotional eating.

There is also some evidence to show that omega-3s might enhance your body’s ability to burn fat for energy (fat oxidation). One study looking at different types of fats on energy balance and metabolism found that unsaturated fats (like those from omega-3s) can induce higher levels of fat oxidation compared to saturated fats

Another study found that EPA and DHA can help the liver reduce the production of new fat molecules and guide existing fats into fat oxidation rather than forming harmful triglycerides.

One study of 300 healthy subjects looked at vitamin D status, body mass index (BMI), and dietary intake. The obese ones had significantly lower omega-3 levels, even though their omega-3 intake was similar. This suggests that dietary intake may not be enough to achieve optimal levels; supplementation may be necessary.


While this mineral might not be the first that comes to mind when thinking of weight loss, magnesium is critical for supporting metabolism, blood sugar, and weight regulation. In a study examining 140 Pakistani children, lower serum magnesium levels were linked to heavier weight.

Magnesium is a cofactor in over 300 biochemical reactions throughout your body. It is essential for 

  • Proper insulin function, helping your body shuttle glucose into cells. This helps with regulating blood sugar, which is closely linked to weight. When your insulin sensitivity is good, your body is better able to use glucose for energy and reduces the risk of any excess being stored as fat
  • Activating enzymes that help break down other macronutrients, including fat, helping you maintain an efficient metabolism.
  • Supporting a healthy stress response and mitigating some negative health effects of stress

Stress can be a big contributor to weight gain, and adequate magnesium levels are linked to lower cortisol levels. Cortisol, a stress hormone, can become a problem when it is high for long periods of time and can cause excess fat storage (particularly in the abdominal region). 

Cortisol also tends to lower magnesium levels over time. By supporting your stress response, and helping promote relaxation, magnesium can indirectly help weight loss efforts.

Find out which magnesium is best for weight loss and belly fat.

Amino Acids or Protein

Proteins, and the molecules that make up this important macronutrient called amino acids, play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy weight. Most importantly, proteins are required to maintain lean muscle mass. Having more lean muscle means that even when resting, your body maintains a high metabolic rate.

Proteins are also the most satiating macronutrient – they keep you full! This can help you better adhere to a healthy diet, control appetite, and help you maintain a negative energy balance (which we learned is important already)

In addition, your body must expend more energy to break down protein, called the thermic effect of food. This makes protein an important part of any weight management strategy, enhancing metabolic efficiency.

One study looking at higher protein intake for weight loss found that those who ate more were better able to manage their weight. After analyzing 37 studies, researchers found that individuals with increased protein intake experienced an average weight loss of 1.6 kg compared to those with regular protein intake, even when the overall calorie intake was the same.

Another found that going above the recommended daily intake for protein can lead to more effective weight loss, while improving body composition and preserving muscle. Long-term studies spanning 6-12 months suggest that following a high-protein diet not only promotes weight loss, but also helps prevent the regain of lost weight.

The reason that protein seems to work so well for weight loss might be because of its effects on hormones. High protein diets can increase appetite-reducing (anorexigenic) hormone levels while decreasing appetite-enhancing (orexigenic) hormone levels.

Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, also play key roles in regulating metabolism and supporting fat loss. Branched-chain amino acids can help promote fat oxidation and help preserve lean muscle mass as you lose weight. This is crucial, because again, having more muscle is important to keep that metabolism fired up.

Do Multivitamins Help With Fat Loss?

So, if a variety of nutrients are important for weight loss, what about taking a multivitamin? Multivitamins, acting as effective “workout buddies”, can impact your results by enhancing metabolism. In a cross-sectional study, researchers found that rates of using a multivitamin decreased with increasing BMI. And, in another, those who used multivitamins long-term experienced less weight gain over time than those who didn’t take any.

Because metabolism requires many vitamins and minerals as cofactors (helper molecules that allow biochemical reactions to take place), your body can become more efficient by filling in any nutritional gaps you might have.

Another study of 87 people with obesity, found multivitamin use reduced body weight, body mass index, and improved various lab parameters linked to poor health. Multivitamins contain a variety of important nutrients, which can positively impact health. In addition to the ones we learned about above, some of the nutrients that help manage weight include:

B vitamins: These vitamins are essential for converting food into energy. They play a crucial role in metabolism, helping the body break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to produce energy. Improved metabolism can contribute to weight loss by enhancing the efficiency of calorie burning.

Vitamin C : This vitamin is an antioxidant that may support weight loss by helping the body combat oxidative stress during physical activity. Additionally, vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of carnitine, a compound that plays a role in the transport of fatty acids to be used as energy.

Calcium : Calcium is involved in various metabolic processes, and some research suggests that higher calcium intake may be associated with lower body weight. It plays a role in regulating fat metabolism and may help in reducing fat absorption.

Iron : Iron is crucial for transporting oxygen in the blood, and it plays a role in energy metabolism. Proper oxygenation of tissues, including muscles, is important for effective exercise and fat burning. There are also higher rates of anemia in those with higher body weights, which might be related to underlying inflammation.

Zinc : This mineral plays a big role in enzyme function, acting as a cofactor for many processes involved in fat metabolism. These enzymes help break down fats in a process called lipolysis, and help to ensure that fat tissue is functioning properly. It also plays a role in insulin regulation, helping with glucose and fat metabolism.

While it is better to get as many nutrients from food as you can, sometimes this can be challenging when you are also trying to reduce your food intake. This is where multivitamins can be most helpful, a form of nutritional insurance. Those who may benefit the most from using a multivitamin are: 

  • Those who are older (because our body becomes less efficient at breaking down food and extracting nutrients with age)
  • Those on restricted diets
  • Those who avoid certain foods (like vegans and vegetarians)

Keep in mind that the doses of multivitamins are only to help maintain healthy levels of these nutrients. They’re not necessarily optimal doses. If you need to address serious deficiencies like anemia, a higher dose may be more appropriate. You may need to work with your doctor to get regular blood tests following higher doses of the single nutrient supplement.

Supplements That Help With Fat Loss and Belly Fat

Optimize Your Blood Sugar and Berberine Breakthrough

Keeping blood sugar levels in check is crucial for weight loss because it helps regulate insulin, a hormone that controls glucose absorption. When blood sugar is stable, insulin levels remain balanced and can prevent excessive fat storage. 

Stable blood sugar also reduces cravings and promotes a steady energy supply, making it easier to adhere to a healthy diet and maintain an active lifestyle, both essential for successful weight loss.

Learn more about the effects of blood sugar balance.

Berberine Breakthrough can be a helpful tool to help you stay on track. It works by helping to stabilize blood sugar preventing the rollercoaster effect that can lead to energy crashes and cravings. It is also formulated to help weight loss efforts, by supporting your body’s biochemistry through its antioxidant properties derived from herbs and compounds like alpha-lipoic acid and propolis.

Optimize Your Metabolism and Support Muscle Health With Protein Breakthrough

When it comes to managing appetite when dieting, protein is key. Protein Breakthrough goes beyond mere weight management – it actively curbs food cravings, reduces hunger throughout the day, and enhances satiety with its fiber and protein content. Plus, the added insoluble fiber promotes healthy digestion and gut microbiome, helping regulate bowel movements and keep you feeling your best.

This high-quality, organic, low-glycemic, and high-protein meal replacement is a game-changer if you are seeking a convenient and nutritious on-the-go option. The plant-based protein blend, featuring pea protein, hemp protein, and pumpkin seed protein, supports lean muscle and aids in lowering your net calories. By replacing some calories with this premium protein, you leverage the body’s use of 30% of protein calories during digestion, facilitating easier fat loss.

This vegan, low-carb, low-glycemic, soy-free, and gluten-free formula is not only delicious but also loaded with essential amino acids. The balanced protein combination helps you recover faster from workouts, preserve lean muscle, and burn fat effectively.

Optimize Your Sleep With Sleep Breakthrough and Magnesium Breakthrough

Proper quality sleep is vital for weight loss. Sleep helps regulate hunger and fullness hormones, such as ghrelin and leptin. When disrupted sleep impacts these hormonal signals, it can increase appetite, impair insulin sensitivity, and increase the likelihood of making unhealthy food and exercise choices. This can have negative impacts on weight loss efforts.

Sleep Breakthrough can be a helpful addition to ensuring you get the sleep you need. It comes in two flavors with unique formulas, depending on your goals. Instead of most sleep supplements, these formulas contain no melatonin and instead focus more on foundational aspects of sleep. 

Sleep Breakthrough 2.0 Blue Berry Dreams contains potassium, some GABA, and Magnolia Bark. It was designed to help you fall asleep quickly, provide high-quality sleep, and leave you feeling refreshed and energized every morning.

Sleep Breakthrough 1.0 Tropical Dreams does not include GABA, but has more Magnolia Bark. This formula is particularly helpful for improving deep sleep, enhancing dream activity, and reducing the likelihood of sleep disruptions.

Magnesium Breakthrough Drink can be a helpful addition to your sleep routine, by helping to promote relaxation and getting you to sleep more quickly. It contains all magnesium types that have been shown helpful for promoting sleep, and for maximal health benefits.

Support Healthy Stress Response With Magnesium Breakthrough and Stress Guardian

A healthy stress response is important for weight loss. Stress triggers the release of a hormone called cortisol. When cortisol is elevated for long periods of time, like during periods of chronic stress, it can impact weight gain (especially around the abdomen). Managing stress effectively helps regulate cortisol levels and support a healthy weight.

Stress can also influence other hormones related to appetite and metabolism. This can lead to increased food cravings, overeating, and difficulty maintaining your weight. It can slow down metabolism, making weight loss much more challenging.

Magnesium Breakthrough provides all seven types of magnesium crucial for different tissues and organ systems. Most people only take one or two types, leaving them at higher risk for deficiency. Importantly, stress exacerbates magnesium excretion, creating a cycle of deficiencyMagnesium Breakthrough is formulated to promote a healthy stress response, neurotransmitter balance, and relaxation.

Stress Guardian is designed to holistically address stress management. It features 14 carefully selected ingredients that aim to optimize stress resilience by boosting mood and promoting healthy stress responses. This synergistic blend can also support hormonal balance, and help maintain energy levels to keep you functioning well throughout your day. 

Support Fat Metabolism With kApex

kApex® is designed specifically to support those following a ketogenic diet. This 100% plant-based formula aids in a smooth transition to ketosis and minimizes potential side effects by enhancing digestion, helping with mitochondrial function, and providing trace minerals needed for healthy metabolism.

Some of its key ingredients include:

  • Proteases and lipases for digestion support.
  • Dandelion root to stimulate bile production and support liver health.
  • Betaine HCl to help maintain healthy stomach acid levels.
  • AstrazymeTM to support a balanced immune response and enhance amino acid absorption.
  • L-carnitine to help fatty acid transport into mitochondria.
  • Ubiquinone (CoQ10) to reduce oxidative stress and enhance mitochondrial function for anti-aging effects.
  • InnoslimⓇ to support the AMPK pathway, boosting energy production in fat and muscle tissues.
  • Adaptogens to help combat fatigue, maintain metabolism, and support performance
  • Trace minerals, which act as cofactors for metabolism and digestion

Final Notes

Starting a weight loss journey can be complex, and influenced by various factors like your genetics, lifestyle, and nutrition. While there is no magic supplement for instant results, ensuring your body has the nutrients it needs can support your efforts. 

From Vitamin D and Omega-3 for fat regulation to Magnesium for stress management, Amino Acids for muscle health, and the comprehensive benefits of multivitamins, optimizing your nutrient intake becomes a key strategy. It’s crucial to prioritize a balanced approach to nutrition that takes into account your needs and individuality.

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