5 Epic Goals You Can Achieve with Nutrition and Exercise

Many people nowadays get their nutrition goal inspirations from social media or someone else, partly because the educational system provides no reference of what health success can look like. Also, people tend to seek healthcare or nutrition changes only when they suffer from symptoms or disease. At BiOptimizers, we’re about democratizing health successes beyond being…

Many people nowadays get their nutrition goal inspirations from social media or someone else, partly because the educational system provides no reference of what health success can look like. Also, people tend to seek healthcare or nutrition changes only when they suffer from symptoms or disease.
At BiOptimizers, we’re about democratizing health successes beyond being disease free. That means expanding all three sides of your BiOptimization triangle to achieve the aesthetics, health, and performance you want. This article will show you what these possible epic goals look like.
Become A BiOptimized Human
Our definition of a “BiOptimized Human” is someone who is maximizing all three sides of the BiOptimization Triangle: Aesthetics, Performance, and Health.
BiOptimization means maximizing all 3 sides of the BiOptimization Triangle: Aesthetics, Performance, and Health. Sometimes, you will need to prioritize one while balancing another. Trying to fully maximize one side too much will typically endanger the other two. For example, pushing aesthetics or athletic performance to a world-class level usually has detrimental impacts on health.
Becoming BiOptimized requires you to improve all aspects of the BiOptimization triangle. The BiOptimization Triangle breaks down into 5 exciting journeys…
The 5 epic goals you can achieve with nutrition and exercise
Most people start their health and fitness journey with aesthetic goals. They want to look better. It ranges from guys wanting to look like superheroes, to guys just wanting to look lean and fit. Some women want to hop on stage with bikinis, others want to build thunderous booties, and some just want to look and feel good in their clothes.
We are not here to tell you what you should or shouldn’t look like. What you consider sexy and attractive, is a highly personal choice. That’s up to you. Whatever look you choose, we’re here to give you the keys to make it happen.
#1: Build Lean Muscle Mass

The benefits of having more lean muscle mass doesn’t end there because muscle mass increases longevity, healthspan, and functionality (see our book “From Sick To Superhuman” to learn more).
Optimal levels of strength and lean muscle mass is one of the main determinants of healthspan and lifespan.
The benefits of building muscle mass include:
- Promote a healthy metabolism and better blood sugar control
- Prevent or slow down age-related fatigue, loss of function, disability, fall risk, frailty, and death
- Increase mobility and balance, reducing falls and all-cause mortality
How Much Muscle Muscle Mass Should You Have?
Here are the various health ranges for body fat and Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI). To calculate it, take your fat-free lean body mass and divide it by your height in inches.
Ideal FFMI Ranges
Range | Men’s FFMI (Fat-Free Mass Index) | Women’s FFMI (Fat-Free Mass Index) |
Unhealthy Danger Zone | Below 14 | Below 11 |
Unhealthy | 15-17 | 12-14 |
Average/Healthy | 18-19 | 15-17 |
Optimal/Athletic | 20-27 | 18-22 |
Maximization Zone (Danger) | Over 28 | Over 23 |
Some key points on this chart:
- Past 27 FFMI, you’re entering the Maximization Zone and it will almost certainly require steroids, testosterone, and other enhancers
- This chart was created by examining the stats of fitness competitors as well as female pro bodybuilders
- For 99.9% of the population to enter the Maximization Zone, it will almost certainly require steroids, testosterone, and other performance enhancing drugs
#2: Lose Excess Body Fat
Virtually everyone on Earth would choose to press a Magic Button to lower their body fat if it was that simple. Unfortunately it isn’t.
Excess body fat HIDES your natural shape. Losing excess body fat reveals your natural shape and will get you closer to the “optimal aesthetic ratios”. We’re not here to fat shame anyone. However, after working with hundreds of people, most people do NOT feel comfortable when they carry excess body fat. Most people suppress their emotions about their obesity. Self-esteem and confidence goes down as body fat goes higher.
Less body fat will also improve your health including but not limited to:
- Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Poor immune function
- Heart disease and strokes
- Sleep apnea
- Joint pain and immobility
- Fatty liver
- Kidney disease
How Low Should Your Body Fat Be?
This is a critical question. Less is better up to a point and then less becomes detrimental. Very few people have the genetics to get shredded. We will discuss the dark price that many people pay when they pursue aesthetic extremes in a moment.
Ideal Body Fat Ranges
Range | Men’s Body Fat Levels | Women Body Fat Levels |
Unhealthy Danger Zone | 35%+ | 40%+ |
Unhealthy | 25-34% | 30-39% |
Average/Healthy | 18-25% | 23-29% |
Optimal/Athletic | 8-18% | 11-22% |
Maximization Zone (Danger) | 7% or less | 10% or less |

- Body fat percentage-wise, less is better up to a point. For men, below 7% and for women below 10%, the body will go into fight-flight-freeze mode unless you’re a genetic anomaly.
- Less body fat typically translates to better health and performance
- Every person has an optimal body fat range depending on their genetics and life history. The body has a set point. When you try to push past that point too aggressively, expect it to fight back. This can trigger the Starvation Survival Effect and other health problems. For some men, that will be 18% and for others it will be 9%.. For some women, that will be 11% and for others, it will be 22%
Having too low body fat for men can result in:
- Severe metabolic damage, which can take months to recover from
- Low testosterone, which can result in depression, low sex drive, bone loss, and overall low quality of life
Women need more body fat than men. The lowest healthy level of body fat varies from person to person. Some are naturally thin, while others need more to function optimally. Having too low body fat for women can result in:
- Severe metabolic damage
- The reproductive hormones shutting down, causing loss of menstrual cycles and infertility. In some cases, it can induce early menopause or make menopausal symptoms worse
- Loss of bone mass due to low estrogen
- The body experiencing the Starvation Survival Effects, which can cause fatigue, depression, low sex drive, lowered immunity, and overall reduced quality of life. Sometimes, this leads to a major chronic health problem
You want to have just the right levels of fat to keep you warm and hormonally balanced. Excess fat, especially fats between your internal organs, can promote inflammation and metabolic derangements that contribute to: It is a great health goal to have as close to zero visceral levels of body fat.
#3: Maximum Cognitive Performance
Mental performance refers to:
- Cognitive function: the ability to learn, think, reason, and make decisions
- Focus
- Memory
- Mood regulation
- Mental endurance
- Mental and cognitive resilience to stress
This is the realm of high-performers including: CEOs, executives, marketers, entrepreneurs, artists, sales people, etc… People that use their minds to achieve their goals and objectives.
The top people in these realms are world-class mental athletes. They push their brains to superhuman levels both in intensity and duration. It’s not unusual for entrepreneurs to work 80+ hours a week while they pursue their dreams. Their goal is to maximize their brain’s functioning capabilities.
Age-related cognitive decline may start as early as 18 years old before accelerating as people reach old age. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do about it, both through lifestyle and nutrition. Nootropics (such as the ones you can find at www.Nootopia.com) are the keys to optimizing your mental performance.
#4: Maximum Athletic Performance

Dedicated athletes have one goal: maximize their performance on the field. Optimizing athletic performance includes maximizing:
- Strength
- Speed
- Endurance
- Movement and balance skills
- Energy levels
You may think of physical performance in terms of what you can do in the gym. However, food is vital to optimize recovery and energy. Food and supplements can also enhance athletic performance.
The Price Of Athletic Performance Maximization
Similarly to pro bodybuilders, pro athletes often shorten their lives. Extreme training generates a lot of oxidative stress, which can quickly deplete nutrients and promote aging.
Many pro athletes use a variety of performance enhancing drugs in order to gain an edge and become the best. If you ever choose this route, we suggest working with professionals that can help minimize the risks and damage that can happen with certain substances.
Die For A Gold Metal?
In the 90s, Dr. Robert Goldman asked elite athletes whether they would take a drug that guarantees their success in sports but will kill them within 5 years. Half the athletes said they would take it.
There is no doubt that abusive steroid use and water cutting regimes are harmful and can shorten the lifespans of athletes who use them.
#5: Maximizing BioSpan (Longevity)
BIOSPAN is composed of 2 factors: LIFESPAN and HEALTHSPAN. Lifespan is how long we live. Healthspan is your quality of life.
Lifespan was stuck in the 20s, 30s and 40s for centuries. Thanks to modern science, we have already made tremendous progress in this area in the last two centuries, and we’re just getting started. Now we’re in the 70s and climbing. Contributors of this improvement came from advances in the medical system, antibiotics, improvements in economic prosperity, and more.
We live in exciting times. We understand the body at a level we never have before. New breakthroughs in health technology are happening at an exponential rate. We have more tools at our disposal. We have new ways of testing and optimizing our bodies: DNA, blood tests, sleep monitors, food allergy and gut biome tests, and many more.
Eventually, advances in health technology will allow humans to live well into the 100s, maybe even 200s, and beyond. Some people are shooting for biological immortality. Google’s chief futurist, Ray Kurzweil, says humans will have eternal life by 2029. Kurzweil has built an amazing track record of accurate predictions in the last few decades. Whether he’s right about this remains to be seen.
Using simple induction and deduction, it stands to reason that we can live a much longer lifespan than our ancestors who didn’t have the knowledge, health-tech, and supplements we do now. Armed with this knowledge, you can positively impact your lifespan. Maybe you’ll be one of the first “great, grand, grand parents”?
We are certain that by building the right habits, you can extend your lifespan significantly. There is already tremendous scientific evidence showing major reductions in “all-cause mortality” with several of the solutions we share in our books.
Healthspan is the length of QUALITY health. Your healthspan is how long you remain healthy, functional, and vital. How long you are going to rock and roll?
For most people, healthspan is far more important than lifespan. When we tell someone, “We think you could live to 150 years old.” Most people cringe and reply with “I don’t want to be decrepit.” No one wants to spend 50 years in a wheelchair.
In a typical aging pattern, people’s healthspan starts to decline after 27, but goes down dramatically in the last few decades of their lives. They’re living longer thanks to life-extending medical innovations. The problem is, there is a low quality of life.
“Average” health means aging into sickness and disability. This is not limited to the elderly—millennials are developing chronic illnesses as early as in their thirties.
But, here’s the great news: you are in control of your healthspan. It’s up to you to make the unbreakable commitment to yourself to optimize your health to maximize your healthspan. You can live an incredible life filled with energy, vitality, and joy right until the day you pass on to the other side.
Following the RIGHT diet for your body and optimizing it will have an enormous effect on your healthspan.
The BiOptimization Health Spectrum: From Sick To Superhuman
Beware Of “Normal”
The medical definition of health is the absence of disease. This is when you have normal lab tests and an overall lack of diagnosis. The lack of disease is not necessarily a good indicator of health, and it’s certainly no indication of “Bioptimized Health” either. When doctors look at your bio-markers, they rarely care about you being “optimized”. They just look for abnormally bad results and prescribe drugs to get out of the danger zone.
Unfortunately, the mainstream system is designed to help sick people get to neutral health (at best)—and even then they struggle. 66% of Americans are now diagnosed with chronic diseases and prescribed medication to manage their diseases. People who are diagnosed with chronic diseases become dependent on medication to stay alive and make life manageable.
Wade realized the importance of health when he observed his sister’s tragic battle with cancer. He literally watched her go from near-superhuman, to sick, and ultimately—dead—all in a span of four years.
At the age of 16, she was the 2nd best Air Cadet in all of Canada. She had exceptional performance and strength. She was on track towards a career in the military. Then, she was diagnosed with cancer, which brought her and the entire family through four years of hell. No doctor, drug, or surgery could save her.
Our purpose is to help people go from “sick to normal” and then from “normal to SuperHuman.” That’s what our first book,“From Sick To Superhuman,” is about.
We’re not interested in simply returning people to “normal”— instead we set our sights on extraordinary levels of health—which we call “BiOptimized health.” We define someone who is BiOptimized as someone whose body is functioning near its best and optimized on every major level.
BiOptimization’s #1 enemy is our genetic programming and psychological beliefs. Genetically, we’re programmed to peak at age 27 and then start decaying as we age. You CAN combat and reverse this trend for yourself… IF you change your beliefs about what’s possible FOR YOU. YES… YOU can become BiOptimized by following the right nutrition and lifestyle advice towards the right goals.
How To Be A World-Class Goal Setter
Yes we believe YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL. However, you can’t build it all at the same time. We suggest having one core focus at a time. Then you move on to the next goal and the next and the next..
Three critical strategies for setting goals:
- Set one goal at a time
- Build a multi-year roadmap of goals
- Always have a goal
For example, you may start with losing excess body fat. Once you’ve achieved your fat loss goals, you can choose a new goal. It could be building your ideal levels of lean muscle.
Some men want to focus on building lean muscle first. Then maybe they want to maximize their athletic performance.
For people that want to accomplish incredible feats in their careers, optimizing their brains for long-term performance may be the primary goal. Then health becomes the prize.
As most people get into their 50s and beyond, they start thinking about their mortality. This is when focusing on healthspan and lifespan can become the core focus. In our opinion, healthspan and lifespan should become your focus in your 40s. Why? Because it’s much easier to maintain your health than it is to reverse health problems.
We do suggest building a multi-year “Goal Roadmap” for your body. Constantly having goals is one of the major keys to long term success. This creates an unstoppable multi-layered dopamine loops. If you only have one goal and you achieve it, then your motivation will drop. Creating a never-ending journey is the answer for life-long fulfillment.
Here’s a very important concept: It takes 20% of the energy to LOCK IN results than it does to achieve results. It takes 20% of the energy to maintain your fat loss than it does to achieve it. It takes 20% of the energy to maintain lean muscle mass than it does to build it, etc…
This is how you can “Have it all.” Achieve one goal, then lock in the results. Achieve the next goal and lock that one in, and keep going.
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