Best Probiotics For Weight Loss

What are the best probiotics for weight loss and can they help you lose belly fat? Most people have already heard of probiotics – they are the good bacteria some people swear by to help balance the gut and digestive system. When your gut isn’t balanced, you may feel bloated, have constipation, diarrhea, or not…

What are the best probiotics for weight loss and can they help you lose belly fat?
Most people have already heard of probiotics – they are the good bacteria some people swear by to help balance the gut and digestive system. When your gut isn’t balanced, you may feel bloated, have constipation, diarrhea, or not feel as good as you could.
Resetting your gut balance with the best probiotics for weight loss won’t only help your waistline shrink, it will help you feel better in almost every way.
When you take probiotics, you are introducing certain strains of bacteria into your system for their health benefits – but which one’s are the best probiotics for weight loss? What probiotics are best to get rid of belly fat?
For more information about the best probiotics for weight loss from BiOptimizers, CLICK HERE.
The Best Probiotics For Weight Loss Balance Good & Bad Bacteria
To understand the best probiotics for weight loss, you have to understand the different pieces of the probiotic puzzle. There are different types of bacteria in the gut. The good ones, Bacteroidetes, and the bad ones, Firmicutes.
People who are lean tend to have more good bacteria and those who are obese tend to have more of the bad bacteria. This means that people who weigh more have more of the bacteria that is meant to extract the bad parts of food, like excess fat and sugar. The other bacteria tend to be found in the stomachs of those who eat a lot of protein and fiber.
The thought is that if we can balance the bacteria in the stomach, we will feel better and help the scales go down quite a bit.
For more information about the best probiotics for weight loss from BiOptimizers, CLICK HERE.
The Best Probiotics for Weight Loss: The Lactobacillus Family
The best probiotics for weight loss fall into the Lactobacillus family. They include:
Lactobacillus rhamnosus is one of the best probiotics for weight loss because it is a member of the Bacteroidetes family. In fact, many believe that it is the best probiotic for weight loss, period. Many studies have been conducted on probiotic and it was found that those who did take it lost almost twice as much weight as those that didn’t take L. rhamnosus – especially women.
Another great probiotic for weight loss is the Lactobacillus Gasseri or L. gasseri. This is an effective weight loss tool because it helps regulate gut health. In studies participants taking L. gasseri lost 8.5% of their belly fat when they also ate and exercised well.
Two more probiotics for belly fat fall into this family are Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus amylovorus. These are all within the best probiotics for weight loss and a reduction of body fat. In another study, people lost as much as 4% of their belly fat in six weeks.
You can get these probiotics in many ways, including by eating dairy food. However, it is often better delivered in capsule form because that way the bacteria is targeted to a specific place in the body. Too often, many of the probiotics get lost on the journey to the gut so you aren’t getting nearly as many as you think.
For more information about the best probiotics for weight loss from BiOptimizers, CLICK HERE.
Probiotics For Weight Loss: How Do They Work?
There is a bit of a mystery as to why probiotics help with belly fat and weight loss as much as they do. There are few competing theories, however. Some studies have shown that probiotics may block fat absorption and increase the amount of fat that comes out in our stool. This means that the number of calories that your body absorbs may decrease – and since weight loss is all about calories in and calories out, it can help in that way.

Other studies have shown that probiotics increase the secretion of a very important hormone called GLP-1, which helps to promote satiety and the feeling of fullness. At the same time, it can increase metabolism rates and burns belly fat more quickly.
For more information about the best probiotics for weight loss from BiOptimizers, CLICK HERE.
Can You Lose Weight From Taking Probiotics? The Evidence Is There
While there still needs to be a great deal of research to be done in order to say definitively whether probiotics help for weight loss – or rather, how effective they are at helping you to lose weight, the early reports look quite good. It appears that probiotics positively impact the gut biome, making it easier for people to lose and manage weight and burn belly fat.
Anecdotally, there is even more reason to believe that probiotics can help with weight loss. People who take probiotics tend to feel better and make better decisions. They are more likely to go for a run when they know that their digestion won’t act up in the middle of it. When you feel fuller, you are less likely to overeat and will focus on eating food that is healthy. Even more importantly, taking a probiotic for weight loss can help to remove some of the “gunk” that fills our systems at any given time.
Can You Get The Best Probiotics For Weight Loss From Foods?
Now, most people have heard the adage that “abs are made in the kitchen” and that is quite true most of the time: you should get a majority of your vitamins and minerals from the food that you eat. However, it can be difficult to get the probiotics that you want from your diet.
Why? The sheer amount that you need for health benefits may be daunting and could actually cause you to overeat. That being said, you should include some of these probiotics in your diet anyway, including tempeh, miso, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, and other fermented foods.
There are some other problems with trying to get the best probiotics for weight loss out of food. The main problem is that in order to prepare these foods, you will kill off most of the strains when you cook them. Other people have trouble finding these foods when they haven’t been stored or packaged in ways that destroy the benefits. They are also difficult foods to work into your daily diet, especially if you don’t have a taste for fermented foods.
How To Choose The Best Probiotics For Weight Loss
When you are ready to get started on this lifestyle change, you want to really think about making the right choice. You want to ensure that you are purchasing a probiotic that is reliable, safe, and effective. There are a lot of people hopping on the probiotic bandwagon and their inexperienced advice isn’t always the most reliable. You want to ensure that you look at reviews and see how long a probiotic company has been around.
When it comes to the actual probiotics, you want to check the expiration date and ensure that the bacteria that will do all of the work are alive. You will want to check the CFUs (colony forming units) and ensure the number is in the billions. Do not get anything that is less or you will not see any tangible benefits.
All probiotics should specify the number of live organisms and lists the strains that have been used in their formula – if they do not, you do not want to purchase from that manufacturer. Make sure that you get some information with the probiotics that you buy: you want to be able to track what works for you and what doesn’t, especially if you will be trying different probiotics.
It’s critical to ensure the brand and type of probiotics you choose have living microbes that will be alive through the best by date, instead of the ones that are only alive at the time of manufacturing – look at the fine print. There is a difference – they should be alive when they reach your gut to be able to do the work that will help you lose weight.
The best probiotics can’t be found for a “bargain” price. An investment in your health is an investment in yourself, and you want to do all that you can to keep yourself healthy.
For more information about the best probiotics for weight loss from BiOptimizers, CLICK HERE.
Storing Probiotics For Weight Loss For The Best Results
For the best results and an increased amount of weight loss, store all probiotics away from any heat or moisture – you should store them somewhere no children should reach either. Humidity levels and heat can kill the bacteria. You don’t want your capsules to be too cold either, but you can store them in your refrigerator for a nice balance. It is also helpful that your refrigerator is dark (and hopefully when you feel fuller, you won’t keep opening it and turning on that light.)
Keep them away from anything that might be too potent for its survival – bacteria is tough, but you want to err on the side of caution. If you keep them in a cold, dark cabinet, that works as well. Some probiotics might have special requirements for storage, so be sure to read the label and follow those instructions.
How To Take Probiotics For Weight Loss
If you have any questions about how to take the probiotic for weight loss, how you feel, or even how to store it, it should be easy to get answers from the manufacturer. You want to be careful with these capsules and take only the recommended dosage of the probiotics.
Talk to your doctor if you are going to start a new routine. Even the best probiotics can go wrong if you take them inappropriately or you don’t take them at the right time. If you are undergoing cancer treatment or taking medicine of any kind, you should talk to your doctor about when and how to take your probiotics.
Most often, you should take probiotics on an empty stomach for optimal benefits.
Ready To Start With The Best Probiotics For Weight Loss On The Market Today?
Having a healthy gut microbiome is one of the best things you can do for your health, especially if you are interested in losing weight. We are finding new strains and new methods to produce and enhance the best probiotics for weight loss, fat loss, and weight management. Probiotics are extremely beneficial and can impact a number of different illnesses, conditions, and your overall health. When you feel better, it is more likely that you will make good choices in activities, food, and drink.
Taking the right type of probiotics may help you lose weight, target specific health issues, and improve your quality of life.
If you are ready to feel your best in all aspects of your life, including how you look in the mirror, consider adding probiotics to your diet.
At BiOptimizers, our mission is to discover, create, and share the best in the market and help you achieve an optimal state of well-being in the body, mind, and soul.
For more information about the best probiotics for weight loss from BiOptimizers, CLICK HERE.