Do not sell my personal information

Your Right to Opt Out of Sale of Your Personal Information

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), beginning January 1, 2020, California residents have the right to opt out of the sale of personal information about them or their household, such as (though not limited to) their name, postal or email address, and other personally identifying information. You need not be physically present in California to exercise this right provided that you have a current California residence.

This right is subject to certain exemptions. For example, the law does not apply to information that has been aggregated and/or de-identified such that it could not reasonably be used to identify you. It also does not apply to information that we share with third-party service providers in order for them to perform certain business functions for us.

If you submit any personal information relating to other people to us or to our service providers in connection with the services (such as if you gift a subscription to another person), you represent that you have the authority to do so and to permit us to use the information in accordance with this Policy.

Exercise Your Opt-Out Rights or Other California Privacy Rights

If you would like to opt out of the sale of your personal information, or to exercise the other rights provided by the CCPA, you or your authorized agent or representative may email us at [email protected] or contact us via postal mail at the following address:

BIOptimizers USA Inc. 
5470 Kietzke Lane, 
Suite 300 Reno, NV 89511

Requests pertaining to children under 18 should be submitted by a parent, legal guardian, or other authorized adult representative.

Please note that we may be required to verify your identity before processing your requests.

Your California Privacy Rights

California Privacy And Data Protection Rights

Starting January 1, 2020, California’s state data protection laws, including the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), give California residents additional rights with respect to their personal data. These rights include (subject to any exemptions and/or exceptions provided by the law and/or its associated regulations) the right to:

You don’t need to be physically present in California to exercise these rights provided that you have a current California residence.

You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment by our business for the exercise of the privacy rights conferred by the CCPA.

Modify Or Delete Data

Please note you can only retrieve data that exists in our BIOptimizers database and that is associated with a specific email address. If you have used multiple email addresses, you need to submit one request per email address.

Fill Out the Form to Request Your Personal Data be Deleted or Exported and Sent To You

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