BIOptimizers Proudly Announces its Annual Scholarship Contest

At BIOptimizers, we’re focused on helping people of all ages reach their full potential through better health and wellness. To help aspiring students reach their educational goals, we’re announcing a yearly essay contest.

Currently, we're not accepting
applications for the scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements


Our team at BIOptimizers knows just how hard it is to go to school while working against acquired and genetic conditions, and we’re here to help in any way we can. We’d love these $500, $1000, and $1500 scholarships to go to dedicated, focused, and hardworking college students who have shown an interest in biological optimization. If you are over the age of 18 and you’re enrolled in a full- or part-time program at an accredited university, you are eligible to win our scholarship.

The Application Process

We’d like to open this contest to the widest possible entrant pool, so we’ve made the application process as easy as possible. Follow these steps to apply:

Write an essay of 1000 words or more on one of these three topics:


“How Improving the Microbiome Will Be the Medicine of the Future”


“How to Harness the Power of the Microbiome to Achieve Happiness and Success”


“How Optimizing Brain Performance Will Allow One to Reach Their Full Potential”

  • Save the essay in Microsoft Word or PDF format—we can’t accept Dropbox or Google Docs links.
  • Be sure your work is 100% original.
  • Don’t forget to include your name, your contact information, and the name of your university.

It’s important that you only send the information we’ve requested, as extra submissions may slow the editorial process.

BIOptimizers will not share or publish your essay or your information, we will only publish winning essays to our website.

Choosing A Winner

After the deadline, our team will evaluate all entries based on their originality, creativity, and quality and pick first, second, and third place winners. First place will be awarded a $1500 scholarship, second place will be awarded a $1000 scholarship, and third place will be awarded a $500 scholarship.

We will choose a winner and will notify them by phone and email on that day.


Scholarship awards will be paid directly to the school after winners are selected.

There is no fee to enter.

Yes, non-U.S. residents may still enter.

No, you must be 18 years or older to enter.

No, each individual may only enter one time.

There are a few topics to choose from, please choose from the list provided.

Yes, you must cite your sources and provide a list of works cited or a bibliography.

You may follow any essay style guide that you see fit.

Your work must be 100% original. We use tools to check for plagiarism and any plagiarized work will not be accepted.

BIOptimizers will not share or publish your essay or your information, we will only publish winning essays to our website.

Our Vision

Make Biological Optimization attainable to everyone on Earth and Help End Physical Suffering by Optimizing Digestion, Optimizing Brains, and Activating BIOptimized Health

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We Work With 5 World-Class Formulators To Create The Best In Class Formulas

We never stop evolving the products. We keep researching and testing and upgrading the formulas to fit the needs of our consumers.

This is why we’re announcing this scholarship.

We have helped over 782,975 people optimize their health and digestion since 2004, now we want to help the future scientists of the world afford the education they need.

We work with some of the smartest people in the world to deliver on our commitment to the people


Dom D'Agostino

Scientific Advisor


Monia Avdic, PHD

Probiotics Expert


Sabina Halilovic

Genetic Expert

We have created a partnership and invested heavily with the Burch University in Sarajevo and created a probiotics lab with multiple PhDs in Bosnia working on creating the evolution of probiotics.


We work with one of the top Chinese herbal experts in the world.


We work with the top probiotic scientists.


We work with one of the smartest formulators in the world who has 4 decades of experience in the game.


We work with a man we believe is possibly the greatest plant extractor expert on Earth.

Privacy Policy

At BIOptimizers, our entrants’ privacy is our focus. While we will not give or sell your information to outsiders, we do reserve the right to use contest entries on our blog and for other purposes. By entering our scholarship contest, you agree to this privacy policy.

The team at BIOptimizers wishes you good luck in our upcoming scholarship contest. We will read each entry, and we’re excited to read yours!

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