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  • Increases mental clarity and focus
  • Improves sleep and recovery
  • Boosts your energy levels P3-OM
  • Reduces gas and bloating within days P3-OM
  • Helps with weight loss (when combined with calorie deficiency) P3-OM
  • Helps you gain more lean muscle (when combined with proper nutrition and training)
  • Crowd out unhealthy bacteria in the gut
  • Supports healthy immune balance and readiness


Prebiotics And Probiotics Supplements

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  • Increases mental clarity and focus
  • Improves sleep and recovery
  • Boosts your energy levels P3-OM
  • Reduces gas and bloating within days P3-OM
  • Helps with weight loss (when combined with calorie deficiency) P3-OM
  • Helps you gain more lean muscle (when combined with proper nutrition and training)
  • Crowd out unhealthy bacteria in the gut
  • Supports healthy immune balance and readiness

Frequently Bought Together

Get Your Probiotics To The Optimal Zone

Get Your Probiotics To The Optimal Zone
  • New patented SUPER-strain for maximal protein digestion and assimilation
  • Specifically prepared as freeze-dried culture to remain potent through your digestive system
  • Can multiply inside your gut so you don’t need as many colony forming units (CFUs) as other probiotics
  • Requires no refrigeration to maintain potency
  • Vegetarian-friendly, lactose-free, 100% plant-based
  • “Good guy” bacteria to fight off the bad guys and help your good gut bacteria win-the-war inside you
  • Optimizes your healthy gut microbiome when taken on an empty stomach
  • Optimizes your digestion when taken with food or in the morning

Probiotic Plus Prebiotic and a Healthy Gut

An unhealthy gut may have:

  • An imbalanced immune response
  • Reduced capacity to produce and secrete adequate digestive liquids and enzymes, leading to indigestion, low nutrient absorption, and sometimes bacteria overgrowth
  • A weak barrier that allows allergens and bacteria toxins to reach your bloodstream
  • Poor communication with the brain, which can impact mental health and cognitive function
  • Unhealthy movement that may result in irregularity and other digestive discomforts

An unhealthy gut can result in many symptoms outside the gut. Though problems such as gas, bloating, indigestion, irregularity, and digestive discomfort are obviously digestive issues, unhealthy skin, brain fog, mood and energy struggles, and weight gain may also be signs of an unhealthy gut.

Probiotic plus prebiotic supplement promote all aspects of a healthy gut. They help balance the immune response, add to your digestive enzyme bank account, strengthen your gut barrier, communicate with your brain, and promote healthy gut movement.


Lactobacillus Plantarum OM

Other Ingredients: Fructooligosaccharides, Stabilized Rice Bran, Vegetable Capsule (Plant Cellulose and Water).


Dairy Free
Gluten Free
Sugar free
Chemicals & Fillers Free
Chemicals &
Fillers Free
Natural Ingredients
All Natural
USA made
USA made with

P3-OM Benefits

  1. Supports Gut Barrier Health and Nutrient Absorption

    When the gut barrier is supported by probiotics, it becomes stronger, less inflamed, and more efficient at digestion and nutrient absorption. A leaky gut often allows bacterial toxins or partially digested food particles into the bloodstream, leading to chronic inflammation.

    P3OM can support the leaky gut repair process, which in turn helps with food sensitivities and chronic inflammation.

  2. Optimizes Digestive Function and Relieves Digestive Symptoms

    Probiotics plus pre biotics can help improve digestive symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). P3-OM produces protein-digesting enzymes that help you break down the proteins you eat. L. plantarum also ferments fibers and produces beneficial substances that support the gut barrier, balance the gut immune system, and provide energy to the gut cells.

  3. Controls the Growth of Bad Bacteria, Viruses, and Yeasts in the Gut

    L. plantarum OM has antiviral and anti-fungal properties. It also specifically kills bad bacteria and leaves beneficial bacteria intact. With these properties, P3-OM probiotics can also support recovery from food poisoning and antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

  4. Improves Mood, Stress Resilience, and Brain Balance

    L. plantarum produces neurotransmitters and ensures that they are in balance with each other. Symptoms of imbalanced neurotransmitters include anxiety, depression, irritability, and brain fog.

    L. plantarum also supports the gut-brain axis to normalize excessive stress response, so some people may find that it improves their mood, ability to handle stress, and cognitive function.

  5. Support Healthy Immune Function

    If you have a healthy immune system, you can effectively fight off an infection. A healthy immune system also means that you’re less likely to have autoimmunity, allergies, or other symptoms of chronic inflammation. L. plantarum can support balanced and healthy immune function.

  6. May Help With Yeast Infection

    The vaginal bacteria flora reflects that of the gut, so recurrent vaginal yeast infection is a sign of gut dysbiosis. Several lactobacilli strains help with vaginal yeast infections, when taken orally. Therefore, P3-OM may help with vaginal yeast infection as a probiotic. Some of our users find P3-OM probiotics helpful with yeast infections, while others combine it with other interventions.

  7. May Improve Weight Loss

    Your gut bacteria play a major role in your physique. For example, having too much bad bacteria due to unhealthy diets can lead to a leaky gut, which then allows bad bacteria toxins into the bloodstream. These toxins create chronic low-grade inflammation that cause fatigue and increase hunger, which often leads to weight gain. P3OM can help repair a leaky gut and kill bad bacteria, which can both support weight loss efforts in combination with diet and exercise.

  8. Support Muscle Building Efforts

    Optimal digestive function and protein assimilation are critical for muscle building, in addition to the right diet and training program. Also, incompletely digested proteins on bodybuilding-style diets can become very unhealthy metabolic products. L. plantarum OM is a proteolytic bacteria, which can support your protein digestion and assimilation.

  9. Probiotic Plus Prebiotic

    When prebiotics are added to probiotics, it is known as a synbiotic. Synbiotic refers to the synergistic combination of healthy gut bacteria, from the probiotic, and fibers that the probiotic can ferment for additional energy, provided by the prebiotic. Synbiotics tend to be more effective than probiotics alone because the bacteria’s growth and survival is enhanced by the prebiotics. The fermentation process that results from their combination also produces metabolites that further benefit our health.

How Probiotics Work

Most supplemental probiotics are transient visitors to your gut. While they are visiting, they share genes and produce substances that produce health benefits. They support your health by:

  1. Strengthening your gut barrier by producing beneficial substances, stimulating protective mucus, or preventing bad bacteria from staying in your gut
  2. Competing with bad bacteria for space and resources
  3. Producing antimicrobial substances to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria, which can sometimes make your microbiome healthier
  4. Balancing the immune system, so it can effectively fight off pathogens but also prevent allergic or autoimmune diseases
  5. Producing enzymes to digest food and food substances we don’t have enzymes to digest
  6. Processing (activating or degrading) supplements, drugs, hormones, nutrients, and neurotransmitters
  7. Communicating with your brain through neurotransmitter-like substances and nerves that connects between the brain and the gut
  8. Producing and activating vitamins, such as vitamin K and some B vitamins

When To Take Probiotics

The goal is to deliver the probiotics to your large intestine relatively intact, so you want to minimize their exposure to your stomach acid and naturally occurring digestive enzymes. When food enters your stomach, your gut secretes digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid, so it’s best to take your probiotics on an empty stomach. However, if you get stomach upset from taking it without food or cannot take it without food for any other reason, probiotics are still beneficial when taken with meals.

Our P3-OM preparation (freeze-dry method) can withstand stomach acid and digestive enzymes, so you will still experience the benefits even if you take it with meals.

On average, it takes between 9 and 11 hours for food to reach the colon after ingestion. To use P3-OM to support protein digestion, take it in the morning. To use P3-OM to kill bad bacteria in the gut or improve your microbiome, take it at night before bed.

If you are taking antibiotics or supplements that may have antibacterial properties, be sure to take them at least an hour away from your probiotics.

Ultimate Digestive Solution
Ultimate Digestive Solution
Ketogenic Diet
Ketogenic Diet
High Protein Meal
High Protein Meal
Muscle Building High Calorie Stack
Muscle Building High Calorie Stack
Optimizing Your Fasting
Optimizing Your Fasting
Eating in Foreign Countries
Eating in Foreign Countries
Food Poisoning
Food Poisoning
Eliminating Parasites
Eliminating Parasites
The Perfect Meal
The Perfect Meal
Ultimate Intra-Workout Shake
Ultimate Intra-Workout Shake
Ultimate Biological Optimization Program
Ultimate Biological Optimization Program

P3-OM Questions:

When is the best time to take this product?

P3-OM is a live probiotic strain and is best consumed first thing in the morning, with a meal to enhance digestion, or right before going to bed to allow the probiotics to get into the large intestines for maximum benefits.

Why do you use RICE BRAN in this product?

We use stabilized hypoallergenic rice bran as an agent to prolong the shelf life of the enzymes which can become activated by moisture. By including a stabilized hypoallergenic rice bran we are able to offer longer shelf life and improved effectiveness of the product.

The date on the bottle is about to expire, why is that?

The date listed on the P3-OM is the MFD (Manufacturing Date). You can find this date on the bottom of the bottle. The product expires 2 years after MFD.

Why do you use only 1 strain and not multiple strains?

We use only one strain of probiotics because it’s a hyper-aggressive strain that’s designed to rid your body of pathogens, undigested proteins, and other contaminants which can be compromising your system.

Everybody’s microbiome is different, so we have developed a strain of bacteria that could be used by virtually everyone without upsetting the balance that implant colonizing strains could have. P3-OM goes through the whole body, not just the digestive tract, and this helps clear every part of the system to help support your entire immune response.

Can you use other probiotics with P3-OM?

Taking multiple or combined strains is not recommended since they can often compete against each other, don’t survive the gastrointestinal tract, or upset the balance of the microbiome.

If you do decide to use other probiotics that have different strains, it is suggested that you cycle off and on every 3 months to different probiotics or use a transient strain like P3-OM.

How long does P3-OM stay in your body?

The live probiotics in P3-OM will remain in the body for 3 to 5 days. If you stop taking probiotics, the gut bacteria are likely to return to their pre-supplementation condition within one to three weeks.

To maintain optimal microbiome, we recommend a maintenance dose after 90 days of high dosage.

Consult your medical practitioner prior to starting any supplements.

How do you take probiotics if you take more than one?

We recommend only taking one probiotic strain since multiple strains can often compete against each other, will upset the balance of the microbe, or will not survive the gastrointestinal tract.

If you are taking more than one type of probiotic, we suggest splitting up the doses, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Always consult your medical practitioner prior to starting any supplement.

Is this product safe for children? If so, what is the recommended dosage?

P3-OM is safe for children. The recommended dose is 1 capsule for every 44 lbs.

Please consult your medical practitioner prior to starting any supplement.

What is the recommended dosage?

The recommended dosage for P3-OM is 1-2 capsules with every meal and 1-2 capsules before bed. You can find the dosage on the label.

Consult your medical practitioner prior to starting any supplement.

How do you know if probiotics are working?

Individual responses to probiotics vary, depending on the current state of your health and gut bacteria component. Within a few days, you may start to notice the following shifts:

  • Improved digestion and regularity
  • Less bloating and abdominal discomfort
  • Improved mood and cognitive function
  • Improving metabolism by reducing obesity-inducing bacteria toxin in the blood which may also reduce appetite cravings and improve overall metabolic health.

Within a few weeks to a month, you may start to notice:

  • Improved skin health from inside
  • Relief from symptoms of leaky gut
  • Improved nutrient status due to better nutrient absorption
  • Weight loss (in combination with diet and exercise)
  • Made in USA
  • GMP Certified
  • Manufacturing COA

Product Information

Product Dimensions:

  • Cap diameter: 1.5 inches
  • Bottom diameter: 2 inches
  • Height: 4 inches
  • Weight: 3.10 ounces


Do not use if ulcer or gastritis are present.


Why BIOptimizers Is A Different Kind Of Company

  • "BEST IN CLASS" guarantee: Our mission is focused on customer obsession. If after trying our products you don't feel we are the BEST IN CLASS, we will refund your money.
  • We work with 5 world-class formulators to create the best in class formulas
  • Customers love us: 5000+ positive product reviews
  • 99.3% customer satisfaction
  • We have helped over 662,794 legendary customers optimize their health since 2004
  • The 365 Day “Best Product Ever Or Your Money Back” Guarantee
  • One of the fastest growing companies in the USA - 3 years in a row
  • Experienced customer service: our happy health concierges are happy to help via phone at (800) 719-2467 or email [email protected]

How We Create Best-In-Class Solutions

We have 20 full-time scientists doing non-stop experiments to improve all of our formulas. We never stop improving our supplements. Our commitment to giving you the best results possible is absolute. Here’s a video that shows some of the test that we do in our BioLab at the International Burch University.

P3-OM - 365-Day Money Back Guarantee

All BIOptimizers products come with a 365-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your BIOptimizers product for any reason between today and 365 days from now, just send back your remaining unopened bottles of the product and we'll give you a full refund (minus the cost of shipping and handling). If you open a second bottle, you no longer qualify for any guarantee. Reach out to our customer happiness team and they will take complete care of it.

365 Money-Back Guarantee

Why BIOptimizers Is A Different Kind Of Company

  • "BEST IN CLASS" guarantee: Our mission is focused on customer obsession. If after trying our products you don't feel we are the BEST IN CLASS, we will refund your money.
  • We work with 5 world-class formulators to create the best in class formulas
  • Customers love us: 5000+ positive product reviews
  • 99.3% customer satisfaction
  • We have helped over 662,794 legendary customers optimize their health since 2004
  • The 365 Day “Best Product Ever Or Your Money Back” Guarantee
  • One of the fastest growing companiers in the USA - 3 years in a row
  • Experienced customer service: our happy health concierges are happy to help via phone at (800) 719-2467 or email [email protected]

BIOptimizers Was Born From Pain And Passion

Wade’s passion and mission for helping others optimize their health started when he witnessed his 23-year-old sister pass away from cancer. It was a heart-breaking experience that shaped his destiny. That’s when he realized that health was the most precious asset we have in this life.

Matt’s passion and purpose for helping others started when he helped his best friend lose 191 lbs in 18 months. He watched his friend’s entire life transform as a result. He went from never having a girlfriend to being married in just a couple of years.

Wade Lightheart

Wade Lightheart


Matt Gallant

Matt Gallant

Chief Executive Officer

Wade and Matt were both trainers working with pro athletes and other high performers. They both spent a decade in the gym helping people transform their health. Wade and Matt met in the gym, struck a friendship, and then started a business partnership that has been going strong since 2004.

That’s right, we started selling fitness programs, digestive enzymes and organic plant-based protein in 2004. Our obsession to build the best-in-class formulas and solutions just gets stronger. Our policy is, “If we can’t build the best product in that category, forget about it.”

We’re willing to go ALL IN on the formulas. What does this mean? Our average cost per bottle is 200% to 400% higher than most of our competitors. We use the optimal, effective doses of the most researched ingredients. We know that once you experience the results, you’ll be a fan of BIOptimizers for life.

Matt & Wade Matt & Wade
Matt & Wade Matt & Wade

Thank YOU for helping us become one of the fastest-growing companies in America - 3 Years in a row.

Thank you for trusting us with your health.


CEO/Co-founder of BIOptimizers


Scientific Studies

  1. Markowiak-Kopeć P, Śliżewska K. The Effect of Probiotics on the Production of Short-Chain Fatty Acids by Human Intestinal Microbiome. Nutrients. 2020;12(4):1107. Published 2020 Apr 16. doi:10.3390/nu12041107
  2. Yong SJ, Tong T, Chew J, Lim WL. Antidepressive Mechanisms of Probiotics and Their Therapeutic Potential. Front Neurosci. 2020;13:1361. Published 2020 Jan 14. doi:10.3389/fnins.2019.01361
  3. Ata, B., Yildiz, S., Turkgeldi, E. et al. The Endobiota Study: Comparison of Vaginal, Cervical and Gut Microbiota Between Women with Stage 3/4 Endometriosis and Healthy Controls. Sci Rep. 9, 2204 (2019).
  4. Superti F, De Seta F. Warding Off Recurrent Yeast and Bacterial Vaginal Infections: Lactoferrin and Lactobacilli. Microorganisms. 2020;8(1):130. Published 2020 Jan 17. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8010130
  5. Boutagy NE, McMillan RP, Frisard MI, Hulver MW. Metabolic endotoxemia with obesity: Is it real and is it relevant?. Biochimie. 2016;124:11-20. doi:10.1016/j.biochi.2015.06.020
  6. Markowiak P, Śliżewska K. Effects of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics on human health. Nutrients. 2017;9(9):1021.
  7. Superti F, De Seta F. Warding Off Recurrent Yeast and Bacterial Vaginal Infections: Lactoferrin and Lactobacilli. Microorganisms. 2020;8(1):130. Published 2020 Jan 17. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8010130
  8. Bermudez-Brito M, Plaza-Díaz J, Muñoz-Quezada S, Gómez-Llorente C, Gil A. Probiotic Mechanisms of Action. Ann Nutr Metab. 2012;61:160-174. doi: 10.1159/000342079
  9. Hemarajata P, Versalovic J. Effects of probiotics on gut microbiota: mechanisms of intestinal immunomodulation and neuromodulation. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2013;6(1):39-51. doi:10.1177/1756283X12459294
  10. Pedersen N, Andersen NN, Végh Z, et al Ehealth: low FODMAP diet vs Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in irritable bowel syndrome. World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20(43):16215-16226. doi:10.3748/wjg.v20.i43.16215
  11. Di Stefano M, Miceli E, Armellini E, Missanelli A, Corazza GR. Probiotics and functional abdominal bloating. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2004;38(6 Suppl):S102-S103. doi:10.1097/01.mcg.0000128939.40458.25
  12. Sarkar A, Lehto SM, Harty S, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, Burnet PWJ. Psychobiotics and the Manipulation of Bacteria-Gut-Brain Signals. Trends Neurosci. 2016;39(11):763-781. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2016.09.002
  13. Bajaj JS, Heuman DM, Hylemon PB, et al. Randomised clinical trial: Lactobacillus GG modulates gut microbiome, metabolome and endotoxemia in patients with cirrhosis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2014;39(10):1113-1125. doi:10.1111/apt.12695
  14. Chen L, Li H, Chen Y, Yang Y. Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG reduces mortality of septic mice by modulating gut microbiota composition and metabolic profiles. Nutrition. 2020;78:110863. doi:10.1016/j.nut.2020.110863
  15. Jung YO, Jeong H, Cho Y, et al. Lysates of a Probiotic, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Can Improve Skin Barrier Function in a Reconstructed Human Epidermis Model. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(17):4289. Published 2019 Sep 2. doi:10.3390/ijms20174289
  16. Nermes M, Kantele JM, Atosuo TJ, Salminen S, Isolauri E. Interaction of orally administered Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG with skin and gut microbiota and humoral immunity in infants with atopic dermatitis. Clin Exp Allergy. 2011;41(3):370-377. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2222.2010.03657.x