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What Is The Gut-Brain-Microbiota Axis?

Our body has various connections. Every organ, organ system, and tissue is connected somehow. One of those connections is between the brain and gut, also called the gut-brain axis.  The…

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How to Boost Your Immune System

During this cold and flu season, you may be concerned about your risk of getting sick and ways to protect yourself and your family. Once you understand how the immune system works and what it needs to work well, you’ll be able to give it what it needs.

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When Is It Best to Take Magnesium Supplements?

Magnesium is an essential mineral in over 300 enzyme systems and fundamental processes.[custom-citation id="ref-1"] Most of the magnesium in your body is located in your bone, teeth, and space between your cells.[custom-citation id="ref-2"]

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Why are enzymes important to digestion?

Nowadays, many of us suffer from suboptimal digestion. Digestive issues impact both our physical and emotional wellbeing. The main problem with digestive issues is nutrient deficiency since the gut can’t properly digest, assimilate, and absorb nutrients.

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best probiotic for bloating

Best Probiotics for bloating

Most of us have experienced bloating – that uncomfortable swelling, tightness, and full sensation in the stomach, either after eating or due to some other causes. First, you want to…

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What supplements should I take to lose weight?

This is the time of year when many of us are considering getting back to the gym and picking up more healthy habits. Among these, weight loss is a common health goal, so questions about weight loss supplements often come up. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the different supplement categories that can support your weight loss goals.

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Everything You Need To Know About Bloating And Gas

Bloating is an uncomfortably embarrassing issue. As a digestive health company, our mission is to help you overcome such gut issues through science. In this article, we’ll cover what the latest research has discovered about bloating, the root causes, and what you should do to finally resolve it.

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