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What Causes Low Blood Sugar? Identifying the Culprits

Everyone experiences a drop in blood sugar levels (or hypoglycemia). It happens in healthy or non-diabetic people when blood sugar levels dip and you experience the resulting symptoms. This article covers the main causes behind low blood sugar levels and ways you can fix it.

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What Does Brain Fog Feel Like?

The main cause of brain fog is that the brain struggles to produce enough energy for it to function. If you are interested in learning more about the causes of brain fog, read our other article—What causes brain fog?

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The Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet

A gluten-free diet may be difficult to follow, because gluten-containing foods are everywhere. For many people, excluding gluten can reduce inflammation and help with their pesky symptoms.  However, everyone has…

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What Are Proteolytic Enzymes and What Do They Do?

Proteolytic enzymes, such as peptidases, proteases, or proteinases, break down proteins[custom-citation id="ref-1"] by cutting their peptide bonds. Peptidases cut at either end of the proteins, whereas proteinases cut inside the protein chains.[custom-citation id="ref-2"]

These can also be broken down into two categories: digestive and systemic, based on whether they can be absorbed into the bloodstream. 

This article will focus on digestive proteolytic enzymes and protein digestion. To learn more about the inflammation-balancing benefits of systemic proteolytic enzymes, check out our systemic enzymes article.

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Reset Your Gut In 3 Simple Steps

When it comes to our health, the gut microbiota (also called gut flora) plays a big role. The gut microbiota includes numerous strains of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. If you…

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How To Maintain Stable Blood Sugar Levels

If you often experience energy crashes, brain fog, irritability, sweet cravings, and hunger and gain weight in the midsection, you may have poor blood sugar control.

When your blood sugar is stable and healthy, you will feel steady energy and mood throughout the day, you won’t have sweet cravings, and weight loss will be more achievable.

Fortunately, there are many ways to stabilize blood sugar naturally. This article will explain the symptoms of unstable blood sugar, ways to test for it, and how to stabilize your blood sugar naturally.

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