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Is 500mg Magnesium Too Much?

Although the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) is a generally a trusted guideline for nutrient intake, they only provide us with the bare minimum of nutrients required by approximately 97% of…

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Which Magnesium Is Best for Weight Loss and Belly Fat?

So you’re on a mission to lose weight. While maintaining a caloric deficit is crucial, magnesium deficiency is another important factor to consider. Research shows that magnesium may play a significant role in your ability to shed those unwanted pounds.

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Part 2: Essential Nutrients for Fertility

Fertility isn’t just about having babies. Aside from longevity and healthspan, fertility is the ultimate measure of health (short of genetic or structural causes). Think about it – if either partner isn’t in good health, it’s less likely you’ll be able to conceive a baby and carry it to term.

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Nutrition for Stress

We all experience stressful periods in life. How well you cope with stress depends on factors like activity level, sleep quality, and yes, what you eat. In this article, we will dive into how stress affects your nutrition status and how your nutrition affects your ability to get through stressful times successfully.

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