Meg Savane, BA, JD
Meg has a BA in psychology from Denison University and a JD from Florida International University College of Law. She is also a reiki master and advanced pranic healer. Her passion for natural health began in 2008 when she healed her chronic disease holistically through diet and supplements. Since then, she made it her mission to become an expert on healing her body and maintaining her health naturally. It brings her joy to dig deep into science and make content accessible to others.
All Posts by Meg Savane, BA, JD
Nutrition for Stress
We all experience stressful periods in life. How well you cope with stress depends on factors like activity level, sleep quality, and yes, what you eat. In this article, we will dive into how stress affects your nutrition status and how your nutrition affects your ability to get through stressful times successfully.
Read MoreHPA Axis Dysfunction Part 1: Causes and Symptoms
When you understand how the stress response works in your body, you can protect your health and maintain optimum performance amidst the stress.
Read MoreWhat Is The Circadian Rhythm? How To Reset It and How To Have a Healthy One?
A healthy circadian rhythm is critical to your overall well-being. You may associate it mainly with sleep patterns, but it affects numerous systems and processes in your body.
Read MoreWhat Causes High Cholesterol and Does It Really Cause Heart Disease?
Your body needs cholesterol. But what about when it gets too high? And what if your diet is high in cholesterol? Are you doomed to have heart disease? In this article, you’ll get the answer to these questions and better understand what causes high cholesterol and what your blood test results mean.
Read MoreHow to Build Muscle Naturally for Women and Men of All Ages
Having adequate muscle mass not only helps you look and feel good, but it’s vital for healthy aging. It extends your lifespan and your healthspan. Your muscle mass helps determine:…
Read MoreIs HIIT better than steady-state cardio for fat loss?
When it comes to exercise, most people have an outdated notion that long-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardio is best for fat loss. While it’s true that you primarily burn fat, it’s counterintuitive that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can lead to more fat loss in a fraction of the time.
Read MorePart 1: Nutritional Factors That Can Cause Hormone Imbalances In Women
As a woman, you’ve probably been told that any hormonal symptoms you’ve experienced are normal or part of aging. You may have even been recommended birth control, antidepressants, or hormone replacement medication.
Read MorePart 1: Menopause Diet – How Nutrition Can Influence Your Symptoms and Wellbeing
As women, if we’re not already there, we all know that it’s coming: menopause. You’ve probably heard dramatic, often funny stories of women stripping off layers of clothes as an unexpected hot flash hits them.
Read MoreShould you try a plant-based diet? Individual factors to consider
Plant-based diets are becoming increasingly more popular for not only health reasons, but for spiritual and environmental ones as well.
Read MoreWhat happens if you exercise without dieting? Does exercise help you lose weight?
Many people believe that if you work out regularly, you’ll eventually lose weight. Or, if you eat a donut, you should walk for about an hour to burn equivalent calories. Or when you put in some extra time at the gym, you can afford to splurge a little. Unfortunately, none of these are true, and it’s just not that simple.
Read MoreWhy Sleep Deprivation Makes You Hungry and Fat
If you are trying to lose weight, sleep deprivation can prevent you from reaching your ideal weight and feeling your best. In this article, we’ll look closely at how sleep plays a role in your appetite and can affect your weight and body composition.
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