7 Tips To Beat Bloating Forever

Feeling bloated? Few things will get a person down, like constant bloating throughout the day. You work hard at your gym routine and follow what you consider a ‘good diet,’ yet you never look slimmer. The unfortunate fact may be that it’s not necessarily body fat holding you back but rather bloating that makes it…

Feeling bloated? Few things will get a person down, like constant bloating throughout the day. You work hard at your gym routine and follow what you consider a ‘good diet,’ yet you never look slimmer.
The unfortunate fact may be that it’s not necessarily body fat holding you back but rather bloating that makes it seem like you’ve gained body fat.
What gives?
By addressing some of the common culprits as to why bloating occurs, you can sidestep these issues before they start. Ultimately, you should essentially be bloat-free moving into the future.
While random occurrences of bloating will always happen, you should be able to prevent the chronic issues plaguing you.
Let’s take a closer look.
1. Eating Too Late

Do you have a bad tendency to skip your earlier meals during the day and ‘bank’ your calories for later in the evening?
Many people have a bad habit of late-night eating and may think that by saving those calories from earlier, they can still maintain their target calorie intake but yet, feast during the later evening hours.
While you may be able to do this and still maintain your body weight, the fact is this will not be ideal if you are looking to minimize bloating.
It’s going to do two things:
1. When you go for long periods of time without food, stomach acids may start to increase, and this can lead to pain, abdominal discomfort, and in some cases, bloating itself. While you may think that only large meals cause bloating, in some people, no meal at all can lead to the same thing.
2. When you finally do eat, the high volume of food that you’re consuming is also going to lead to ongoing stomach pain and bloating.
It’s a no-win situation. This doesn’t even take into account the fact that by structuring your day this way, you’re essentially starving your body at certain times and then overstuffing it at others. This will lead to poor energy levels and utilization. It’s a fast way to promote weight gain.
The solution here is simple: spread your food out over the course of the day.
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Rather than cramming food in before bed in the evening hours, have a good-sized breakfast and eat more than just a lettuce salad for lunch. Fuel your body right, and you’ll feel much better.
2. Too Much Cold Liquid With Meals

Another common cause of bloating you may suffer from is consuming too many cold liquids with your meals. You should know by now that staying hydrated is a must if you are going to optimize your health. Nothing is changing there.
But, if you choose to drink too much with meals, this can lead to ongoing bloating issues. Most people are best-served drinking water between meals and actually drinking very little when the meal is actually being served.
One of the reasons behind this idea is that drinking too much water with meals can dilute the stomach enzymes and acids, making it harder for your body to break down the food that you are eating. This may result in the food sitting in your gut longer, thus leading to bloating issues.
Additionally, another issue that can occur if you drink too much with meals is that the water will fill up the gut leaving less room for the food to expand. Many foods will naturally expand when they are being broken down through the process of digestion, so this, coupled with the extra water volume, may place additional strain on the stomach, leading to the bloating that you are experiencing.
Does this mean that you have to avoid all liquids entirely? Definitely not. Some liquids can help ease the digestion process and help to quench your thirst. Just don’t go overboard. Try one glass of water and make it lukewarm, not ice cold. That should help relieve any bloating-related issues that you may be experiencing.
3. Insufficient Probiotics
One major cause of bloating in most people is an insufficient level of probiotics in the gut. This cause is one that too often gets overlooked as many people are looking closer at what they are putting into their bodies rather than considering what’s already inside their system.
Probiotics are healthy bacteria that live inside the gut to assist with the process of digestion while also supporting your immune system. In today’s world, where we are putting a high amount of processed foods into our bodies along with drugs such as antibiotics, which kill off all the good bacteria, it’s becoming harder and harder to sustain levels needed for optimal health.
Most people simply are not eating sufficient amounts of probiotics in the form of yogurt, kombucha, miso soup, or fermented foods; thus, they are falling chronically deficient.
Luckily, supplementation can help. Adding smart supplements to your diet plan, such as P3-OM, can regain optimal levels and help relieve stomach discomfort. Research published in the Gut journal has noted that those who supplement with probiotics and deal with stomach discomfort see good relief from this supplementation and are often able to put these symptoms behind them.
This product works overtime to help rebuild the density of probiotics in your gut, achieving faster doubling rates of these bacteria than any other probiotic on the market.
While you can go the natural route of using foods, it will take a lot longer to do so.
4. Sugar Overload

Sugar is another major cause of bloating that must be addressed. There are so many reasons to cut sugar out of your diet – bloating included – that it simply needs to go.
There are a few reasons why sugar can lead to bloating in various people. First, it contributes a lot of empty calories to the diet and is actually a great source of food for the bad bacteria that live inside your digestive tract. Remember that there are both good and bad bacteria living inside there, so your main goal will be to focus on maintaining the proper balance between the two. By removing sugar and supplementing with a probiotic product, you’ll do the best job of doing just that.
If you are taking in sugar from soda, which is a common source for many, this is another reason you could be bloating. The carbonation in this soda can lead to excess gas in the stomach, thus making you bloated and uncomfortable. Note that diet soda can also have a similar effect as well, so it should also be avoided.
Finally, the last big reason that sugar can lead to bloating is that if you consume sugar in foods that also contain dairy or wheat, for instance, both of those can cause bloating along with the sugar. The two often go hand in hand. Therefore, they create a double-whammy effect on the body.
Additionally, research published in the Clinical Nutrition journal noted that many individuals who suffer from functional abdominal bloating and gas-related complaints also deal with sugar malabsorption and intolerance. In these cases, removing sugar from the diet proves to be the best remedy to reduce symptoms.
Cutting out sugar can be very challenging, but if you are serious about improving your health, it’s a step you’ll want to take. Try finding healthier alternatives, such as fruit, to satisfy your sweet tooth, which should help make things easier.
5. Improperly Managed Stress

Would you ever have considered that a non-food reason could be behind your bloating? For many people, this is exactly the case. Too much stress in your day-to-day life can contribute to the bloating feelings that you are having.
The reason behind this connection is that stress will stimulate the sympathetic nervous system – your ‘fight or flight response, so to speak. When this system is simulated, digestion, which is part of the parasympathetic system, is put on hold. Essentially, the breakdown of your food will be halted when you feel uncomfortable or stressed. This leads to food sitting in your digestive tract, and as such, bloating occurs. Research published in the Nursing Research journal noted that daily stress is a serious factor that can lead to increased symptoms associated with stomach discomfort, including bloating.
To remedy this bloating, you need to learn to relax so that normal digestion processes can resume. For some people, this is very hard as they are constantly stressed to some degree and are never fully able to get past their bloating.
If you are dealing with an unhealthy stress response, you’ll want to use various techniques to try and minimize this stress.
This might include writing in a journal, speaking to a friend, doing intense exercises, or meditating. Meditating is one of the best ways to combat stress and offers a wide variety of other health benefits as well. So it is something to seriously consider adding to your life if this is impacting you.
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Stress in any form will be detrimental to your long-term health so learn how to manage it now before it begins to manage you!
6. Eating Too Quickly
In a world where there just aren’t enough hours in the day, do you often feel like you have to race through your meals? If so, you aren’t alone. Many people eat their meals on the go, finishing up their work, or doing a host of other things. They try to get their food in as quickly as possible so they can continue their daily activity.
Eating too quickly is another big no-no as far as your health is concerned. There are a few issues with this.
First, you likely aren’t chewing your food properly when eating at this rapid pace, which just means that you’re going to place more stress on your digestive system to try and break it down. Your digestive system works best when the food particles are already broken down to a large degree through chewing, which is the start of digestion. Skip this stage, and you’re already creating problems for yourself.
These large food particles moving down into your digestive tract and taking longer to break down further leads to bloating.
Second, when you eat so quickly like this, you will miss out on the natural signals your body sends you to let you know that you have had enough to eat. This cue tells you to stop eating, but by the time it finally does hit, chances are, you’ve eaten far more than you should.
Now you have way more food than needed in your stomach, and as it breaks down and begins to digest, severe bloating occurs.
Finally, another issue related to eating too quickly is not giving your brain time to be psychologically satisfied with your food. This can increase your food cravings and also make you want to keep eating, even when you aren’t hungry for more food.
If this goes on often enough, you will gain weight.
It’s time to learn to slow down while you are eating. It’s one of the most important things you must do if you are going to combat bloating naturally. Remember to chew your food 20-30 times and put your fork down between bites. Taking an additional 10 minutes to eat your meal can make a big difference in how you feel for hours after the meal.
7. Lack Of Proper Digestive Enzymes
Finally, don’t overlook the benefit of digestive enzymes in your diet. Digestive enzymes are natural enzymes that most people’s bodies make on their own and help break down various foods we eat.
There are enzymes for proteins, enzymes for dairy, enzymes for gluten, enzymes for fats, enzymes for sugar, and so forth. When you don’t make all the enzymes needed, however, that’s when problems occur – namely bloating.
For instance, you may suffer from bloating predominantly after consuming dairy products. This is likely because you lack the digestive enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose, a sugar in dairy. Unless you supplement with this enzyme, you will always be left feeling unwell after consuming dairy products.
This is where a quality digestive enzyme product is key. This product will help ensure you have the full spectrum of enzymes, so you can eat your well-balanced diet without worry – your body has you covered. Research published in the BioMedSearch journal noted that digestive enzyme supplementation could help relieve much of the suffering of those not producing enough natural experience.
You’ll know if you lack digestive enzymes if you tend to find that you are always bloated after eating one particular type of food. This tends to be a giveaway that that food is causing the issue and is likely due to your inability to break it down.
Breaking News!: Get the 12 Week To Doubling Your Energy course for FREE right now and discover all the many roles that digestive enzymes play in keeping your health in check and your body feeling its very best.
While you can sometimes get around this by just avoiding the food, if it’s a healthy food variety, you need to eat for optimal health; that isn’t ideal. Supplementing with a digestive enzyme product such as Masszymes is a far smarter plan.
So there you have the seven main reasons why you might be feeling bloated and what you can do to help relieve this bloating. The first step is to pinpoint the cause of your bloating; then, you can work out an appropriate solution to getting past it. This no longer has to be a problem with the right action plan.
Fernández-Bañares, Fernando, et al. “Sugar malabsorption in functional abdominal bloating: a pilot study on the long-term effect of dietary treatment.” Clinical Nutrition 25.5 (2006): 824-831.
Roxas, Mario. “The role of enzyme supplementation in digestive disorders.” Altern Med Rev 13.4 (2008): 307-14.
Moayyedi, Paul, et al. “The efficacy of probiotics in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review.” Gut 59.3 (2010): 325-332.
Hertig, Vicky L., et al. “Daily stress and gastrointestinal symptoms in women with irritable bowel syndrome.” Nursing research 56.6 (2007): 399-406.
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Hi Tim,
My name is Elisa, and I am your Happy Health Concierge here at BiOptimizers. Thank you for contacting BiOptimizers! You can take Masszymes or P3OM without the other product. However, we do suggest this since our products work in synergy. Enzymes begin the process of digestion and probiotics accelerate the process inside the gastrointestinal tract. If you have any other questions please contact us at [email protected]. Or call us at 1-800-719-2467. Take care and have a great day!
My very best regards,
Happy Health Concierge
[…] … bloated? Few things will get a person down like constant bloating throughout the day. You work … by L Cordain – 2012 – books.google.com […]
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