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You should be aware of the food you’re consuming. Read this blog to not only refresh your memory but to learn even more about good foods.

What Are The Best… And Worst Foods For Men?

Determining what is actually healthy for men when it comes to food choices these days is not a simple task. The field of nutrition is full of conflicting and inconclusive data, along with countless opinions and debates about what will help you or hurt you. Today we’re going to find some clarity and explore evidence based recommendations about exactly what is worth consuming and why.

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Nutrigenomics and How to Personalize Your Nutrition

If you’re taking supplements and trying different diets, you may wonder if these are right for you. Nutrigenomics is one of the key layers in the hierarchy of nutritional decisions that can guide your best diet and lifestyle choices.However, it’s a very complex and still-growing field. This article will cover what you need to know about nutrigenomics and how to best harness its power.

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What Are Antinutrients And Gut Irritants In Vegetables?

Plants can’t escape their predators, so they produce substances to deter or kill their predators. When we eat the food, these antinutrient substances can damage our guts, affect our biochemistry, or reduce nutrient absorption causing nutrient deficiencies in the long run. 

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What Is A Low Glycemic Impact Or Slow Carb Diet?

If you’re trying to lose weight or manage your blood sugar, you may have heard of the low-glycemic impact or Slow Carb Diet. But it also has many other health benefits beyond fat loss. In this article, we’ll explain what it is, how to do it, and its health benefits.

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