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[Exclusive] Coconut Oil Pulling Benefits – What Is Oil Pulling & How To Do Oil Pulling

Looking for a fast way to instantly improve the health of your teeth and gums? Want to promote better overall health and longevity? One thing that many people don’t realize is the fact that your oral care can determine a big part of how healthy you are overall. Those who have poor oral hygiene may…

Smiling woman mouth with great teeth. Close up

Looking for a fast way to instantly improve the health of your teeth and gums? Want to promote better overall health and longevity? One thing that many people don’t realize is the fact that your oral care can determine a big part of how healthy you are overall.

Those who have poor oral hygiene may be at a greater risk for several diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, dementia, respiratory infections, as well as diabetic complications. Not to mention, maintaining good oral hygiene is just smart as far as gum disease goes as well. Nothing ruins your look quite as much as teeth that are stained, dirty, and not well-maintained.

While brushing your teeth every day and flossing are musts that most people know about and practice regularly, often, this simply isn’t enough.

While those may be great for getting food particles stuck between the teeth and reducing the bacteria that’s sitting right on the teeth, it isn’t going to do the deep and thorough clean that you need.

That’s where oil-pulling teeth come in.

Check out the video below to learn what oil pulling is and some of the coconut oil-pulling benefits that you can expect to receive.



Let’s go into a few more details of oil pulling and how to do oil pulling correctly.

Oil Pulling 101

Coconut oil pulling is one of the best ways to help remove unwanted bacteria and gums from the teeth, revealing fresh and clean breath and lowering your risk of dental-related problems.

While oil pulling was initially utilized primarily in Ayurvedic medicine, more and more individuals are realizing some of its benefits.

Coconut oil pulling is one of the best ways to help remove unwanted bacteria and gums from the teeth, revealing fresh and clean breath and lowering your risk of dental-related problems.

While oil pulling was initially utilized primarily in Ayurvedic medicine, more and more individuals are realizing some of its benefits.

To best explain oil-pulling teeth, think of how you would clean your dishes with dish soap. The soap will dissolve the stuck-on grime and oil on your dishes, removing them from the plates and bowls and washing them down the drain.

Likewise, the oil you’ll be swishing around in your mouth will help dissolve the stuck-on grime and oil in and around the teeth, which will then be removed when you spit out the liquid.

Young beautiful brunette woman using mouthwash at her bathroom

Unfortunately, this is a very unresearched area, so while there is not a lot of research to back up oil pulling, what we do have proves to be very promising.

For instance, in the Journal Of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, a study revealed that holistic approaches to oral care, including oil pulling, can be one of the most effective natural health solutions that will improve the health of your teeth and gums.

In addition to helping improve the health of your mouth and gums, oil pulling is also an effective way to freshen your breath. Because it removes the bacteria that reside in the mouth and can lead to bad breath, after doing it, you can see just as good, if not more powerful, results as you would if you were using a mouthwash. A study published by the Department of Pediatric Dentistry in Chennai, India, stated this.

So, while mouthwash and oil pulling will help freshen up your breath, oil pulling will also provide numerous benefits.

Coconut Oil Pulling Benefits

Speaking of those benefits, what does this technique have to offer? Let’s look at some reasons to do oil pulling with coconut oil.

  •      Kills Candida

The first big benefit you’ll receive from oil pulling is that it can help kill excess candida.

Candida is a fungus that lives in the mouth and intestines and, when present in proper levels, can be beneficial for assisting with overall digestion and nutrient absorption.

But, when it is overproduced, it can cause further health problems, including digestive issues, feeling tired and worn down, and potentially even increasing your risk of suffering from autoimmune problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.

  •      Improves Digestion

Because digestion starts in the mouth, having a healthy set of gums is key for optimizing digestion. If your mouth is dirty and filled with bacteria, this may compromise your ability to break down food properly and, as such, lead to issues associated with energy levels and numerous nutrient deficiencies.

You can increase your overall health standing by ensuring your digestion process is running smoothly from the start. Oil-pulling teeth can help do this.

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  •      Reduces Plaque And Gingivitis

Oil pulling is one of the best ways to help reduce plaque and gingivitis. Gingivitis is a condition related to inflammation of the gums and typically happens when the immune system has started attacking bacteria that reside in the plaque.

By removing the bacteria, you can help decrease this immune response and, as such, stop gingivitis before it starts.

Oil pulling is also great for removing plaque buildup, increasing the health of your teeth and gums.

  •      Prevents Disease

As noted above, gum health is directly correlated to many different diseases, so you’ll be doing your part to reduce these conditions by sustaining better oral health.

While it may not necessarily cure or completely prevent disease if you are at high risk, it can certainly lessen the severity of symptoms or help lower the chances of contracting that illness.

  •      Whitens Teeth

Want whiter teeth? This is another of the big coconut oil-pulling benefits that you will experience.

Woman Teeth

Often, regular toothpaste will not remove stuck-on stains residing in the tooth enamel. Especially when the stains are oil-based, regular water and toothpaste won’t thoroughly clean the oil off, revealing whiter teeth underneath.

This is where coconut oil pulling steps in. By using coconut oil, you’ll be helping to remove the oily residue more effectively, lighting the color of your teeth.

Whether you have coffee, tea, or wine stains, oil pulling can help benefit you.

  •      Lowers Inflammation

Oil pulling may also help to lower the amount of chronic inflammation in the body, which, again, is linked to various diseases. Many people in today’s world are suffering from chronically high levels of inflammation thanks to our lifestyles that rely on convenience foods, lack of activity, and the high levels of stress we face.

Oil pulling can help put you a step in the right direction by decreasing the inflammatory response keeping your body in better balance.

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  •      Strengthens Your Immune System

Coconut oil is a very powerful immune-boosting substance, so it only makes sense that oil pulling with it will improve immune strength.

While you are not drinking the coconut oil mixture you use during the oil-pulling process, it will still help to strengthen the immune system.

With fewer bacteria in your mouth that could potentially weaken your immune system, your body is left to thrive.

  •      Improves Your Gum and Jaw Strength

The actual act of oil pulling and swishing the liquid around will work towards strengthening your gum and jaw.

Many people never even consider jaw and gum strength when considering physical strength, but it’s still important to note. The stronger your jaw is, the less likely you will experience jaw-related issues later in life.

  •      Reduces Teeth Decay And Cavities

Finally, oil pulling is a great way to help reduce tooth decay and cavities. As these two dental issues typically arise when bacteria is left to sit on the teeth and gums, by removing those bacteria, you can avoid them before they start.

Again, while regular dental check-ups and a thorough cleaning will help you treat tooth decay and any cavities present, it won’t do much to prevent them over the long term.

Oil pulling will do a much better job.

Now that you can see the many benefits that oil pulling can bring, let’s go over how to do this in practice so that you can implement it into your lifestyle.

How To Do Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a relatively simple process to do.

First, you’ll want a bowl or glass to create the mixture. Next, you’ll want to consider using a special oil called OraMD. This very powerful substance acts as an antibacterial oil and takes your oil-pulling practice to the next level.

You’ll put four drops of the OraMD oil into the bowl. You’ll want to add about five tablespoons of coconut oil and mix it all together.

Now, you are ready to begin.

Coconuts and coconut oil on wooden table

Place the oil mixture into your mouth, and you’ll swish it around for 20 minutes. Set a timer and distract yourself with whatever you want to do – reading, cooking, checking your social media, or otherwise. The 20 minutes will fly by before you know it.

Remember while doing this that you should avoid swallowing the liquid as plenty of bacteria have been released from the teeth floating around. If you feel it’s hard not to swallow the liquid, that’s a good sign that you have too much in your mouth and should spit some out.

When spitting out the liquid after 20 minutes, you should spit it into the garbage can rather than the sink. If you do this often, the oil may begin to build up in the pipes, and you could run into drainage or plumbing problems.

After the oil-pulling process is finished, do not go immediately, drink or eat. You must now thoroughly rinse your mouth with some clean water until you feel like any remaining residue has been removed.

At this point, you should notice that your mouth is feeling cleaner than ever.

So there you have the main points to know and remember about oil-pulling teeth. It’s a newer strategy to hit the Western culture, but one that should continue growing as more and more people realize its benefits.

Do you have any experience with oil pulling? If so, share it with us below.




Singh, Abhinav, and Bharathi Purohit. “Tooth brushing, oil pulling and tissue regeneration: A review of holistic approaches to oral health.” Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 2.2 (2011): 64.

Asokan, Sharath, et al. “Effect of oil pulling on halitosis and microorganisms causing halitosis: A randomized controlled pilot trial.” Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 29.2 (2011): 90.

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  1. Morgan on March 7, 2024 at 9:40 pm

    I’ve enjoyed the feeling of my mouth 👄 being so clean

    • Ann-Marie on June 3, 2024 at 4:56 pm

      That’s great! I am happy for you.

  2. Renee Brutsman on April 10, 2024 at 3:04 pm

    Very helpful as I have never oil pulled before and am interested in healthy options. Where can I get OraMD oil?

    • Ann-Marie on June 3, 2024 at 4:52 pm

      Hello Renee,

      My name is Ann-Marie, and I am a Happy Health Concierge at BiOptimizers!

      I am glad you found the information helpful. You can order the OraMD oil on

      If you have any other questions, please email us at [email protected]

      Take care and have a nice day!

      My very best regards,
      Happy Health Concierge

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