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How to Remove Microplastics From Your Body

Microplastics are everywhere—in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and even the food you eat. While we may have once thought these tiny plastic particles pass harmlessly through the body, research suggests they may accumulate in tissues and disrupt cellular function. The good news? Your body has natural detoxification pathways that can help…

Fact checked by Nattha Wannissorn, PhD

Microplastics are everywhere—in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and even the food you eat. While we may have once thought these tiny plastic particles pass harmlessly through the body, research suggests they may accumulate in tissues and disrupt cellular function. The good news? Your body has natural detoxification pathways that can help eliminate microplastics, and there are steps you can take to support this process.

In this article, we’ll explore practical strategies for reducing exposure and enhancing the body’s ability to remove microplastics naturally.

What Are Microplastics?

Microplastics are tiny bits of plastic—so small that some are invisible to the naked eye. Microplastics can be as small as a sesame seed or even tinier. Nanoplastics, on the other hand, are so small they’re smaller than the 1/100th width of a human hair. They’re everywhere: in the air, water, food, and even inside our bodies. Because of their tiny size, they can slip through natural barriers and may build up in tissues over time.  

There are two main types of microplastics:

  • Primary microplastics are made small on purpose, often found in products like face scrubs, toothpaste, and detergents. 
  • Secondary microplastics come from larger plastic items—like bottles, bags, and clothing—that break down over time.  

The problem? Microplastics don’t just pass through without a trace. Studies suggest they might contribute to stress and damage at the cellular level, and some researchers are even looking into possible links to long-term health issues. With microplastics all around us, understanding what they are and how to reduce our exposure is more important than ever.

How Are We Exposed to Microplastics?

While researchers are still uncovering the full impact of microplastics on human health, one thing is clear: exposure is unavoidable. In this section, we’ll explore the most common ways microplastics enter the body and what you can do to minimize your intake.


Enjoying your meals with a side of microplastics? Unfortunately, you likely are. You can be exposed at every meal, from the food containers and wraps we use to store food to inside the food itself. 

Soil contamination

It starts with the soil in which our fruits and vegetables are grown. Plants can absorb microplastics directly from the soil, particularly through tiny cracks near their roots. Once inside, these plastic particles can travel through the plant’s internal system, moving from the roots to the stems and leaves and eventually onto your plate.

One of the biggest sources of soil contamination is wastewater and sewage sludge, often used as fertilizers or irrigation sources. These can introduce microplastics into agricultural fields, where they accumulate over time. Leafy greens like lettuce and root vegetables such as carrots may be especially vulnerable to absorbing plastic particles.

Fruits and vegetables

A study found microplastics lurking in every fruit and vegetable tested—including apples, pears, carrots, lettuce, broccoli, and potatoes. Using high-tech imaging, researchers detected tiny plastic particles in all samples, with apples topping the list for the highest contamination levels.

Kids may be getting an even bigger dose than adults. Since they have a lower body weight, their exposure to microplastics is higher relative to their size. The study also found that where produce is bought matters—some vendors had much higher contamination levels than others, possibly due to differences in farming, soil, or handling practices.

Meat and seafood

The microplastics found in plants extend to the grass and grains that animals eat, eventually ending in the meat on your plate. Microplastics can enter the food chain through contaminated animal feed, like fishmeal or seaweed, used for livestock and poultry. Animals may also ingest microplastics directly from their environment, including through polluted water or soil.

As microplastics move up the food chain—from plants to herbivores to carnivores—they accumulate in the bodies of animals, eventually reaching humans when we eat meat. This process, known as biomagnification, means that animals higher up the food chain often have higher concentrations of microplastics and the associated chemicals, which we then consume.

You’ve likely seen the images of our oceans filled with floating plastics. But the problem goes deeper than just the visible waste. A study revealed that microplastics were found in 180 of 182 marine and freshwater species sampled, showing how widespread this contamination is in our waterways. Pink shrimp had the highest concentrations of microplastics, while Chinook salmon had the lowest.

Food storage

You have more control over one major source of microplastic exposure: food storage. Plastics, from containers and wraps to cookware, are everywhere in the kitchen and can leach tiny plastic particles into your food.

Lower-quality plastics, such as bags, wraps, and cracked or worn containers, are especially prone to releasing microplastics over time, especially when exposed to heat, light, or oils. Non-stick cookware and plastic utensils can also introduce microplastics, and though the risk may seem small, it adds up over time.


Drinking water is another common source of microplastic exposure. A study exploring microplastics in drinking water found microplastics in both tap and bottled water, with particles ranging in size from fibers to fragments. These particles can come from various sources, including:

  • The water treatment process
  • Plastic pipes
  • Packaging of bottled water

A study found that bottled water, in particular, has high concentrations of microplastics, often due to the plastic bottles themselves. Tap water isn’t exempt either, as microplastics from plumbing systems can also find their way into the water supply.

Though the levels of microplastics in water are generally low, constant exposure over time could add up. Using a filtration system or opting for glass or stainless steel water bottles can help reduce exposure. More on that later in the article. 


Stepping outside for a refreshing deep breath now comes with an unfortunate twist: breathing in plastics. Microplastics are not only carried by the wind, but we now know they’re also being released into the air by the ocean.

A study explored how microplastics travel through the air. Researchers used two advanced models to track the movement of air masses carrying microplastics over 30 days. Microplastics, especially tiny particles, can travel long distances, even reaching polar regions. Sea spray and bubble-bursting send microplastic particles into the atmosphere.

Sadly, you’re not much safer in your own home either. Indoor environments can have higher concentrations of microplastics than outdoor spaces. Inside your house, there are internal sources, like:

  • Furniture
  • Clothing
  • Air conditioning systems

Made of polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, rayon, polypropylene, and polyester, they release particles that float around and settle as dust throughout your home. 

Indoor air can have microplastics ranging from almost none—less than 1 per cubic meter—to over 1,500 per cubic meter. Dust around your home can be even more loaded, with anywhere between 475 to nearly 20,000 microplastics falling per square meter each day.

Factors like ventilation, human activity, and the effectiveness of air filtration systems, such as HEPA filters, can influence the levels of microplastics in the air. Even small changes, like closing doors, can impact the amount of plastic floating around inside.

Personal Care Products

The last major source of microplastic exposure is through personal care products. Remember the innovation of microbeads for exfoliating? Yeah, those are microplastics. You can find them in:

  • Facewash
  • Shower gel
  • Eyeshadow
  • Lipstick
  • Toothpaste

Not only are you directly exposing your body to them, but they are such small particles that they go directly down the drain. Due to their size, wastewater treatment plants cannot filter these microplastics, making their way into rivers, lakes, and oceans.

The Effects of Microplastics On Your Body

Microplastics are so widespread that they’ve been found in nearly every part of the human body—including the lungs, bloodstream, placenta, testicles, and even breast milk. And with such widespread exposure in your body, there are health consequences.

We know a lot about the effects of microplastics from animal studies, which allow scientists to observe controlled experiments that would be unethical or impossible in humans. While animals aren’t exactly the same as humans, many of their systems—like the immune, hormone, and digestive systems—work similarly. This makes animal studies a valuable tool for understanding how microplastics might affect human health.

Endocrine Disruption/Hormonal Imbalance

Microplastics can contain chemicals such as BPA and phthalates, which can interfere with hormone function. These chemicals mimic or block natural hormones, potentially affecting reproductive health over time.

These hormonal disruptions can affect both men and women. A review of studies highlighted the concerns:

In men, microplastics may interfere with testosterone production and sperm development, potentially reducing fertility. Some of the chemicals in microplastics can also affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, which regulates reproductive hormones, leading to imbalances that affect sperm quality and overall fertility.

A study exploring how polystyrene microplastics affect the male reproductive system in mice focused on different sizes of microplastics (0.5 mm, 4 mm, and 10 mm). Researchers exposed mice to microplastics for 28 days and checked the sperm quality, testosterone levels, and the structure of the testicles.

The results showed that the microplastics, especially the larger particle sizes, collected in the testicles. The exposure caused a decrease in sperm quality and testosterone levels. Researchers also observed inflammation in the testicles and disruption in the protective barrier around the testicles.

In women, microplastics can disrupt hormone function, affecting key factors like:

  • Egg development (by causing the ovaries to shrink)
  • Placenta formation
  • Embryo growth

These are all crucial for fertility and a healthy pregnancy. Microplastics may also cause the uterus lining to thicken, leading to heavier periods and making it harder for embryo implantation. Because some of these chemicals act like estrogen, they’re linked to higher risks of conditions like breast cancer and endometriosis. 

Decreases Immune Function

Microplastics can interfere with your immune function at a cellular level. A review of studies explored just how these tiny particles can make it harder for your immune system to function properly. This is what the researchers found.

When microplastics enter cells, they disrupt normal communication, which can upset immune system balance. Over time, this may lead to damage in tissues and organs. Microplastics also cause stress inside the cells, producing molecules that trigger inflammation. This interferes with how the immune cells react to threats because it interferes with the signals that control their actions.

On top of that, microplastics can stick to proteins inside cells. This can lead to long-lasting effects on your body’s first line of defense—the innate immune system—and even mess with how your body remembers how to fight off future invaders. Too much exposure to microplastics can block immune responses, making it harder for your body to protect itself. 

Gut Microbiome Disruption

As you eat and digest your food, microplastics pass through your digestive system and end up in your gut, where they may disrupt the balance of your gut microbiome. This community of bacteria and microbes is crucial for healthy digestion and overall well-being. When this balance is disturbed, it’s known as gut dysbiosis, which can lead to various health problems. 

One study examined how polyethylene terephthalate (PET) microplastics affect the human gut during digestion and fermentation. Researchers simulated the human digestive process to see how these microplastics might impact the gut microbiome.

Researchers found PET microplastics negatively impacted the gut, reducing healthy bacteria like Bifidobacterium and Clostridium. At the same time, the amount of harmful bacteria, like Proteobacteria, increased, which could lead to gut problems.

When digested, microplastics can form an organic corona, a coating that might affect how they interact with the gut microbiota. This can influence how easily the microplastics are absorbed and how they affect the microbes in the gut, potentially leading to long-term disruptions in gut health.

Impaired Learning and Memory

Microplastics can also accumulate in your brain. They can slip past the blood-brain barrier, a protective shield for our brain, and cause our brain’s immune cells to become overactive. 

One of the things that can get disrupted is acetylcholinesterase (AChE), an enzyme that helps nerves communicate properly. When disrupted, AChE can affect the balance of important chemicals in the brain, like acetylcholine. This can affect how well our nerves communicate, leading to problems with thinking, memory, and movement.

An animal study also found that microplastics can cause trouble in the hippocampus through neurotoxicity and increased inflammatory response, contributing to cognitive defects in learning and memory.

Blocked Arteries

Microplastics may also contribute to cardiovascular health risks. 

A study examined how microplastics and tiny plastic particles (nanoplastics) might be linked to heart problems. Researchers examined the plaques in the arteries of 304 patients who had surgery to clear blocked arteries.

They found plastics like polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride in the plaques. The patients with these plastics in their arteries had a much higher risk of heart attacks, strokes, or even death. This suggests that microplastics could be a new risk factor for heart disease.

Increased Risk of Bacterial and Fungal Infection

Because plastics tend to be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, that also means increased exposure to harmful pathogens. When microplastics accumulate in the body, they can carry these bacteria and fungi into different tissues.

Microplastics can also provide surfaces for harmful bacteria and fungi to attach, forming biofilms that protect these pathogens from the immune system and antibiotics. As mentioned earlier, microplastics can trigger an immune response in the body, weakening the immune system and making it less effective at fighting infections. 

In this way, microplastics carry harmful microorganisms into the body, making it harder for the immune system to protect against them.

A study explored how polystyrene microplastics impact Candida albicans infections (yeast infections). Researchers tested this in both lab dishes and living larvae, finding that exposure to microplastics increased the risk of infection. Higher concentrations of microplastics made the fungi more invasive, suggesting they could worsen fungal infections.

How to Get Microplastics Out of Your Body

Now that we’ve discussed the challenges of microplastic exposure, let’s explore practical, effective ways to help your body naturally detoxify and remove them.

Drink Filtered Water

Drinking enough water is key in supporting your body’s natural detoxification. When adequately hydrated, the water helps dilute toxins in your body, making it easier for your kidneys to filter and excrete them through urine. Increased urine flow is essential for flushing waste products and toxins like microplastics.

Additionally, staying hydrated helps regulate the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (AVP), which, when present in high amounts, can lead to water retention and reduce the body’s ability to eliminate toxins. Drinking enough water keeps AVP levels in check, allowing your kidneys to function more efficiently.

The Institute of Medicine recommends drinking approximately 13 cups for men and 9 for women daily.

If you’re trying to get rid of microplastics, you need to be mindful of not increasing your exposure while drinking. Here are some guidelines to consider:

1) Avoid plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are among the most common sources of microplastics. They can break down over time, especially when exposed to heat or sunlight. Opt for glass or stainless steel whenever possible to reduce the risk of adding more microplastics to your system while staying hydrated.

2) Choose an effective water filter or boil your water

Not all water filters are equally effective at removing microplastics. To minimize exposure, look for filters that target particles down to 1 micron or smaller. Membrane filters, like those used in reverse osmosis systems, are particularly effective at removing microplastics, though some small particles may still slip through.

Activated carbon filters, on their own, may not be as effective, especially without additional filtration technologies like microfiltration. Choose filters specifically designed to handle these particles to reduce microplastics in your drinking water effectively.

Boiling tap water can help remove microplastics, especially in hard water, where minerals cause plastics to clump together. Up to 80% of microplastics can be removed in hard water, but soft water is less effective, with only about 25% removed. It’s important to note that boiling doesn’t make the plastics disappear but causes them to clump with minerals, which can then be filtered out—just be sure not to use a plastic filter!

Eat a Healthy Diet That Supports Detox

A fiber-rich diet and cruciferous vegetables support the body’s detox processes. These foods contain bioactive compounds that help neutralize and eliminate toxins, ensuring the body stays healthy and cleansed.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are packed with glucosinolates, which break down into active compounds like sulforaphane and indoles. These compounds activate phase II detoxification enzymes that support your body’s ability to process and eliminate toxins efficiently. Here are some great options to add to your diet:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Kale 
  • Cauliflower 
  • Cabbage 
  • Arugula 
  • Radishes

Fiber-rich foods

Incorporating fiber-rich foods into your diet is essential to support your body’s natural detox process and minimize the impact of microplastics. A review of studies highlighted how fiber can help:

  • Fiber binds to microplastics in the intestine, helping to move them out of the body more quickly.
  • Helps strengthen the intestinal barrier, which can lessen the effects of microplastics on the digestive system
  • Absorbs toxic compounds carried by microplastics, preventing them from being absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • By promoting regular bowel movements, fiber helps flush out microplastics and other toxins, supporting overall digestive health.

Some high-fiber foods to consider adding or increasing in your diet include: 

  • Beans (black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas) 
  • Lentils 
  • Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats) 
  • Fruits (apples, pears, berries) 
  • Vegetables (sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach) 
  • Nuts and seeds (chia seeds, flaxseeds, almonds) 
  • Avocados

Take Supplements to Support Detoxification

If you’re looking for additional ways to support your body’s ability to get rid of microplastics, consider adding supplements to your daily routine. Here are some good ones to start with. 


Supporting a healthy gut is a great strategy for overall health, including protecting against the effects of microplastics. A review of studies explored the potential benefits. Researchers determined probiotics may help in the following ways:

  • Strengthening the Gut Barrier: Probiotics can enhance the intestinal barrier, which may prevent microplastics from entering the bloodstream.
  • Immune System Support: They help regulate immune responses and promote a healthy inflammatory response.
  • Restoring Gut Balance: Probiotics can restore a healthy balance of gut bacteria that microplastics might disrupt, promoting overall gut health.
  • Toxin Binding: Probiotics, such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus plantarum, help bind to toxins and reduce their harmful effects on your body.
  • Reducing Oxidative Stress: Probiotics have properties that help reduce oxidative stress linked to microplastic exposure.

For added support against microplastics and to promote gut health, try our top probiotics, Probiotic Breakthrough (P3-OM) and MicroBiome Breakthrough. Probiotic Breakthrough features L. plantarum, while MicroBiome Breakthrough contains a blend of probiotics, including L. rhamnosus—both strains are known for their ability to bind to toxins.


While omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, don’t directly remove microplastics, they support detoxification by enhancing liver function and promoting a healthy inflammatory response.

Omega-3s help the liver clear out toxins by supporting bile production and flow. Bile helps break down fats and flush out waste. Omega-3s help protect liver cells from damage caused by bile acids and support the smooth flow of bile out of the body. This takes stress off the liver, allowing it to be more effective in removing toxins, including microplastics.

Omega-3s also help balance the body’s inflammatory response by reducing the activity of certain immune cells and limiting the release of compounds that can trigger excessive reactions. A heightened inflammatory response slows down the detoxification process.

Including omega-3-rich foods like fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts—or taking a high-quality omega-3 supplement—can help optimize your body’s detox processes. Choose a reputable brand that prioritizes purity and sustainability to minimize exposure to microplastics and other toxins.

Plant-based antioxidants

Researchers continue to explore how increasing your intake of plant-based antioxidants can help counteract the effects of microplastic exposure. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals created by microplastics, helping to reduce oxidative stress. This, in turn, supports your body’s detoxification processes and overall health.

A study on African catfish explored how microplastics affect reproductive health and if certain plant-based compounds could help. Researchers fed the fish diets with microplastics for 15 days and tested their sperm quality, hormone levels, and overall reproductive function.

Fish exposed to microplastics alone showed declines in sperm quality and hormone levels. However, when given lycopene (from tomatoes) or Chlorella (a type of algae), sperm health and hormone balance improved, with Chlorella particularly helping restore sperm count and motility.

Though this study focused on fish, it suggests that plant-based nutrients like lycopene and Chlorella may help reduce the effects of microplastics. Including more lycopene-rich tomatoes and watermelon, or Chlorella in your diet—or taking them as supplements—could help support your body’s defenses against microplastics.

Support Natural Detox Pathways

Your body has natural detox systems, but a few simple habits can give them a little extra boost. Regular exercise and infrared saunas are two easy ways to support your body’s overall detox process. And it’s not because you’re sweating – it’s unlikely that you can sweat out microplastics. 

Preventing Further Exposure to Microplastics

Beyond supporting your body to get rid of microplastics, one of the biggest things you can do is prevent exposure as much as possible in the first place. 

Reduce Plastic Use For Food and Drinks

Making small changes to how you store and consume food and drinks can have a big impact. Start by switching to healthier containers for your meals and beverages. Instead of using plastic bottles, or food wraps, consider alternatives like:

  • Glass
  • Stainless steel
  • Bamboo

This goes for utensils, too. And whenever possible, opt for fresh, unpackaged items. 

Some other quick fixes to decrease your microplastic exposure in the kitchen include:

  • Using glass, wooden, metal, or bamboo cutting boards
  • Use loose-leaf tea instead of plastic tea bags, which release microplastics
  • Lower your dishwasher temperature to reduce the release of microplastics during the wash cycle.

Choose Proteins Wisely

When choosing what to have for lunch or dinner, it’s worth considering that some proteins contain higher levels of microplastics than others. A study examined 16 protein sources, ranking them by their microplastic concentration. Here’s a breakdown from the lowest to the highest:

  • Chicken breast
  • Pork loin chops
  • Top sirloin steaks
  • Tofu block
  • Plant-based ground ‘beef’
  • Plant-based nuggets
  • Minced Alaska pollock fish sticks
  • Plant-based fish sticks
  • Chicken nuggets
  • Headless shell-on white Gulf shrimp
  • Headless shell-on Key West pink shrimp
  • Alaska pollock fillets
  • Breaded shrimp

Reduce Your Exposure From Personal Care Products

This is a hard one to achieve. There are microplastics in the majority of our personal care products. Here are some strategies to help reduce your exposure: 

  1. Avoid Exfoliants with Microbeads: Some scrubs, cleansers, and toothpaste have tiny plastic beads called microbeads, which pollute the environment. Look for products that say “microbead-free” or check the ingredients for words like polyethylene or polypropylene, which are microplastics.
  2. Choose Natural Ingredients: Pick products with natural exfoliants like sugar, salt, or jojoba beads instead of plastic microbeads. You can also go for moisturizers, sunscreens, and makeup made with natural or organic ingredients.
  3. Check the Ingredient List: Some personal care products might have plastic particles listed under names like “polyethylene,” “polypropylene,” “acrylate,” or “nylon.” Avoid these ingredients to reduce microplastic exposure.
  4. Go for “Clean” or “Eco-Friendly” Brands: Many eco-friendly beauty brands use safe ingredients and sustainable production. Look for products that are free of harmful chemicals and microplastics.
  5. Use Solid Products: Solid soap, shampoo bars, and deodorants often come without plastic packaging and are usually microplastic-free. These choices can help you avoid plastic.
  6. DIY or Minimalist Approach: Try making your own personal care products using simple, natural ingredients. This way, you know exactly what’s in your products and can avoid microplastics.
  7. Opt for Biodegradable Packaging: Some products come in biodegradable or recyclable packaging, which helps reduce plastic waste. While this doesn’t directly remove microplastics from the product, it still helps make your routine more eco-friendly.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

To reduce the amount of microplastics you breathe, start by improving the air quality in your home. One effective way to do this is to use a HEPA filter. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters trap tiny particles, including microplastics, in the air. By placing a HEPA filter in key areas like your bedroom or living room, you can lower the concentration of airborne microplastics.

In addition to using a HEPA filter, here are a few more tips to improve indoor air quality:

  • Vacuum Regularly: Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to reduce dust and microplastic particles that settle on the floor.
  • Ventilate Your Home: Open windows when possible to allow fresh air to circulate and push out trapped particles.
  • Avoid Synthetic Fabrics: Materials like polyester and nylon can shed microplastics into the air, so consider opting for natural fibers like cotton or wool.
  • Minimize Plastic Products: Reducing plastic items in your home will help limit the release of microplastics into the air from things like plastic furniture, toys, or containers.

Choose Natural Fiber Clothing

One of the most effective ways to reduce your exposure to microplastics is choosing clothing made from natural fibers. Synthetic fabrics, like polyester, nylon, and acrylic, shed tiny plastic particles every time they’re washed or worn.

Natural fibers such as cotton, wool, linen, and hemp are biodegradable and don’t contribute to the microplastic problem. By opting for clothes made from these materials, you reduce microplastic pollution and support sustainable, eco-friendly practices.

Here are a few tips for making the switch to natural fibers:

  • Read Labels: Look for clothing made entirely or primarily from natural fibers.
  • Invest in High-Quality Pieces: Clothes made from high-quality natural fibers tend to last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  • Caring for Your Clothes: When washing natural fiber clothing, use a mesh laundry bag or cold water to prevent wear and tear, which can release microplastics.


While microplastics aren’t going anywhere soon, you can take conscious steps to help minimize their effects on your body. Staying hydrated, eating fiber-rich foods, and taking key supplements—like Probiotic Breakthrough (P3-OM) and MicroBiome Breakthrough to support gut health—can aid detoxification. At the same time, reducing plastic use, especially in food storage and personal care, helps limit exposure. Small changes, like switching to glass or choosing whole foods, add up over time, helping your body manage microplastics and stay healthy.

BIOptimize your digestion
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