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Fitness has various benefits – from improving stamina to losing weight. A less common benefit is digestion health: learn more about it in this blog.

Metabolic Adaptation and Starvation Survival Response

You’ve been working hard, cutting calories, exercising, and weight lifting. You’re doing everything right, but suddenly, you stop losing weight. Or every time you manage to lose the weight, it rebounds. What went wrong? It could be something called metabolic adaptation.

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7 Reasons You’re Not Gaining Muscles

Many people tend to overlook the importance of nutrition when it comes to their muscle-building efforts. They focus on strength training, but not crucial anabolic (muscle-building) factors like eating enough calories and protein, vitamin D optimization, and sleep quality.

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5 Ways To Know If You’re Losing Fat

A lot of people are very emotionally attached to their weight when they’re trying to lose weight. When Matt and Wade were personal trainers, they saw a fair share of people cry after weighing themselves.

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What Are The Weight Setpoint And Environmental Settling Point?

When you try to lose weight, your body fights back, making it harder to lose and keep weight off. Once you understand how your body fights back for its survival, there are things you can do to mitigate the effects so you can finally lose weight and keep it off. Here are a few theories of how our survival mechanisms work.

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13 Ways To Increase Your Protein Intake And See Visible Results

Protein is a key building block in your body. It helps repair any muscle fibers that might have been destroyed during exercise. From enzymes to hormones, proteins are involved in a ton of essential bodily processes. Whether you want to gain muscle mass or shed fat, a well-balanced diet with a high protein content will cover all your goals.

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