BIOptimizers Blog
We have blog posts that answer your questions on how to improve digestion to reduce bloating and constipation, what are the most nutritious foods to consume, how to get the most from your body using biohacking techniques, how to build more muscle and lose fat, how to improve athletic performance, and so much more!
We provide you with the most revolutionizing data within the health field to support your healthy lifestyle.
Solving The Protein Conundrum: A Guide To Building A Fit And Flourishing Body On A Plant-Based Diet
If you’re considering a plant-based diet, you might wonder how to get enough protein. After all, protein is an essential nutrient that helps your body build and repair muscle, maintain healthy bones, and even boost your mood and cognitive function.[custom-citation id="ref-1"]
Read MoreUnderstanding And Overcoming Leptin Resistance
In this article, we’ll explain leptin resistance, how it happens, and how to reverse it with diet, lifestyle, supplements, and more.
Read MoreWhat Is Leptin And Why Does It Matter For Fat Loss?
To lose weight, you obviously need to be in a caloric deficit. However, your body is not a simple furnace that burns calories–many factors regulate how you respond to foods.
Read MoreShould you try a plant-based diet? Individual factors to consider
Plant-based diets are becoming increasingly more popular for not only health reasons, but for spiritual and environmental ones as well.
Read MoreBodybuilding Digestive Enzymes: The Science, How to Choose the Best for Hardgainers, and More
Muscles make you look better, perform better, age better, and live longer, even if you don’t plan on being shredded. However, building muscles can be challenging for some, especially skinny or ectomorph men and women who have very high metabolism to begin with.
Read MoreCollagen Supplements: Health Benefits, Side Effects, How To Take, And More
Collagen is a strong, elastic, most abundant protein in your body. Its characteristics are crucial for many aspects of life, from cellular to whole tissue level.
Read MoreWhat happens if you exercise without dieting? Does exercise help you lose weight?
Many people believe that if you work out regularly, you’ll eventually lose weight. Or, if you eat a donut, you should walk for about an hour to burn equivalent calories. Or when you put in some extra time at the gym, you can afford to splurge a little. Unfortunately, none of these are true, and it’s just not that simple.
Read MoreHow to Fix Sleep Issues Caused by a Caloric Deficit and Intermittent Fasting
Many dieters, athletes, and bodybuilders occasionally experience difficulty falling or staying asleep due to caloric deficits or intermittent fasting. Based on our client experience, we’ve come to believe that sleep…
Read MoreHow Caloric Deficit and Intermittent Fasting Can Affect Sleep or Disrupt sleep
Every year, millions of people attempt to lose weight. Whether for health, aesthetics, or a combination of both, there are many reasons why losing weight is a worthy goal. However,…
Read MoreHealth Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
The health benefits from fasting are endless. That being said, despite what many Intermittent Fasting (IF) zealots will proclaim, it’s not a magical bullet for weight loss. However, it is a powerful tool when used properly. Let’s look at some of the key health benefits of fasting.
Read MoreMajor Psychological Key #1 To Long-Term Weight Loss Results: Release Trapped Emotions
If you have the novelty-seeking genes and an addictive personality, like Matt, your tendency can increase your risk of food addiction and emotional eating. It becomes even more important to develop self-awareness and handle your traumas accordingly. Matt works with addicts in his personal life and he’s found that most addicts’ behaviors are all driven by traumas.
Read MorePsychological consequences of food restrictions: lifestyle tradeoffs for maximizing physique
Often, pictures of physique transformations you see online don’t show the sacrifices it takes to get them. Every year, millions of people aspire for such transformations. Most of them fail or regain their weight by falling back to old habits. Have you wondered what it takes and whether you can stick to it for life?
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