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073: Becoming Super Human with Carl Lanore

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Carl Lanore has had his own journey on the road to becoming super human and he’s here to tell us about it today. Carl is the broadcast host of his own Internet program “Super Human Radio”, which airs on the SHOUTcast digital network and has a solid listenership of over half-a-million people, and that number is growing every week. It is one of the longest running health and fitness podcasts, and today you’ll understand why Carl and his show are so popular!

In October 2012 the show broke the one million monthly download mark. Scratch beneath that surface and you find a tireless researcher, motivator and crusader – a muscle man poster child beating the drum for Physical Culture and Ancestral Nutrition while pounding down the pseudo/so-called medical care and pharmaceutical industries which do more to keep people sick than make them well.

On today’s Awesome Health with Carl, we cover a range of topics including his background story.
Carl first became passionate about health, like many of us, through his own struggles. He was in his early 30s when things came to a head: he weighed over 300 pounds, had developed a heart issue in which his left and right ventricles didn’t sync up and his doctors were talking about putting in a pacemaker.

He became depressed and sunk even lower when he sold his alarm company. His now ex-wife bought him a book by Deepak Chopra and Carl recalls one chapter in particular that has stayed with him: the chapter on cellular turnover. When he understood that the body regenerates every cell of itself over time, a light bulb went off: Carl knew he had gotten himself into his health situation. He was responsible for his struggles, and that also meant he was the one who could dig himself out of them.

This was over two decades ago, before there were web sites and social media. But there were message boards and Carl joined some that were for physicians. Doctors would post about different studies and Carl would research those studies. In one he found that Olympic weightlifters’ hearts underwent the most extensive remodeling of any type of athlete. Carl goes on to explain how this remodeling happens, and how this new information reshaped his goals and his focus.

Next we explore why personal responsibility was key to saving his life and how sometimes when we change we also have to change the relationships around us. Carl credits his parents as being the source of his personal responsibility; they taught him from a young age to be accountable. He says they never blamed anything outside of themselves and they never complained. He learned early on to accept the consequences of his own choices, something he still practices today.
Including with his podcast, Carl tells us the origins of it and how one book in particular helped him become laser-focused with his show.

But we don’t stop there – we also talk about which foods are “super foods” in his mind and why, how eating meat changed our prefrontal cortex in our ancestral predecessors and why muscle is so critical for our health as we age.Carl also explains the three most critical things to focus on as we get older: good sleep, time in the sun and sex!

Hear why these are crucial according to him and so much more when you join us for episode 73 of Awesome Health Podcast with Carl Lanore.

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Wade Ligthheart: Good morning. Good afternoon. And good evening. It's Wade T Lightheart from BiOptimizers and the Awesome Health Podcast. And today I am so pumped. I'm so excited. I've got a living legend on the podcast today, Carl Lanore. And this is a guy that is out there on the front lines. If you haven't heard of Superhuman radio, you must have been living under a rock for the last 10 years. This guy is out there saying like, it is how it is and who cares, what anybody else thinks. And I just love. You know, we've developed a relationship over the last, Carl and our company and it's been great. It's been a wonderful relationship and I'm just want to welcome to the podcast someone who, who stands for something that's positive, talks about health, cuts through the crap that's out there… And Carl, I'm so delighted to have you on the show today. Welcome to the show.

Carl Lanore: I'm flattered. I really am flattered. Thank you very much.

Wade Ligthheart: So let's just, before we get it.. I know we're going to talking about muscle-building, and as you age and how important that is, but for the listeners who might not have heard of you or want to find out what your story is, you've been doing this a long time. You're one of the longest. I think you are the longest running podcast in health, is that not true?

Carl Lanore: Health and fitness podcasts in the world? The November of this year, 2020, it'll be 15 years in continuous production.

Wade Ligthheart: Wow. Now, and you have an extraordinary production. Maybe give people the backstory. How did you get started in this whole thing? What was the cause for you to end up in this position and now being one of the leading voices out there?

Carl Lanore: I was the average American or the average guy. Let's just say, cause' these issues they go beyond geography. I was 39 years old. I was 330 pounds. I had developed something called a dysrhythmia, which is - the left side and the right side of my heart became out of sync. You know, raising children, running a business, I hated it. I ate and ate, and ate, and ate. I have very broad shoulders. So 330 didn't look like three 30 on me, but it was. And I developed a lot of health issues and I wasn't even 40 yet. And they were talking about a pacemaker. And I have healthy parents. I had healthy parents. My dad lived to be 86. My mom did 92. And they would have lived longer had they known the things that I know now, by the way. It's interesting.

Carl Lanore: But I was a very, very sick individual and I was very depressed. I had to sell my alarm company and my then wife, my ex wife, she bought me a book by Deepak Chopra called "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind". And I remember reading the book. And the only thing I could tell you about that book today is there was one chapter that talked about cellular turnover and Chopra describes how every cell in your body is replaced by a new cell. Anywhere from six days to six months, you know, bone turnover is slower. And I remember thinking to myself: okay, I made myself sick. I did this to myself. And by the way, now that I am saying this and hearing it, personal responsibility has always been something that has been part of my makeup. I probably learned it from my parents through example. But I knew that I made myself sick.

Carl Lanore: And so I thought, you know, how do I best increase the chances, the likelihood of the cells that are going to replace the bad cells in my heart to be healthy? And so of course, exercise was front and center, but also my diet changed dramatically. In fact, the changes in my diet caused great friction in my marriage and really my desire to save my own life led to my divorce, because my ex wife did not come. She didn't join me in the journey. So I decided to start to read literature. And this is before you could Google and search for things. I'm 62 now. So this is like, I'm just turning 40. There were message boards. And you probably remember them, right?

Wade Ligthheart: Yeah. We had one in the bodybuilding days back in.

Carl Lanore: Yes. And so I started to lurk in message boards where doctors spent time. And these were the old message boards. They weren't the nice HTML message boards. They were actually threads and you had like each thread got narrow and narrow, narrow, like you were literally reading a column. And I started to ask questions. First of all, I lied and said, I was a physician. I figured there's no way, if anybody checked, I'm going to lie. And so I did that. And then I started communicating with physicians. More than anything else I lurked. And then I started asking. When someone would post something about a study, I'd ask where I could get it and I would get the study. And the study that was a game changer for me was one on Olympic weightlifters. And they showed that Olympic weight lifters, both with, and without drugs, their heart went underwent the greatest degree of cardiac remodeling.

Carl Lanore: Remodeling, I liked that word. I'm like: ah, you remodel your house to remodel your office. I want to remodel my heart. And I remember reading this study and they talked about the dynamic effects of Valsalva. You know, when your blood pressure goes up. That actually is a good thing, valsalva is a good thing. It actually, over time repeated frequent regular intervals of valsalva not only increase the strength of the heart. They make the pump stronger, because the pump is going to upregulate. It's going to: Oh man, this guy's going to do this all the time. We got to get stronger. We got to be prepared for next time. But it also increases the thickness and flexibility of all of the blood vessels, arteries and veins. So we're talking about literally upgrading your cardiovascular system, okay? The cardiovascular, cause it affects your heart and your lungs as well.

Carl Lanore: And so I thought: okay, I need to start lifting weights. I remember having a discussion with my doctor, dr. Jim Payne. He said to me: you better have life insurance because you don't want to leave your family in a lurch. And I was like: Oh man. And he said to me: I wouldn't do this if I was you. Well, a year after discovering weightlifting, more specifically, cause' I was already walking and riding a bike at that point in time. And I was shedding weight, but not quickly. Once I discovered weightlifting, my goals shifted. And this is an important distinction. If you are chasing a goal weight, you're wasting your time. If you're chasing body recomposition, now you're on the right track. And along with body recomposition came increases in strength. So my short term goals from week to week became reps and pounds.

Carl Lanore: I wanted to add reps. I wanted to get stronger. I remember when the first time I squatted I was so afraid to squat. That ended up becoming one of my best lifts. So, I chased getting stronger and I chased building muscle, and I was getting leaner, without even thinking about it, because I was focusing on those two goals. And so fast forward I was on prescribed eight different medications. The first time around, they were talking to me about the pacemaker. And no pacemaker was ever implanted. I was off the meds and under a year. My doctor didn't know what to say to me, because remember he discouraged me. He said: don't do this. One time. I brought a protein supplement to him. And it was from some company out of VPX maybe. I don't know who it was.

Carl Lanore: And I brought it to his office and I asked, I said: doc, take a look at this, cause' I'm going to start using it. He could not even read the label. The nurse brought in there, literally in under 30 seconds, she walks back. He's got a posted note on it. It says: I would not use this. So, I had to stop looking to doctors at that point in time. It started to become painfully clear to me that doctors are like accountants. If they don't know something, they just tell you don't do it, because that's the safest answer. They can't get in trouble for telling you not to do it. If you do something and it backfires, they can get in trouble. So I started to realize that he was just covering his ass. He wasn't even thinking through my questions. He was just summarily telling me, don't do this, don't do that, don't do that. I ran into him years later, by the way, at a restaurant. And he was shocked when I stood there and said hello to him. He didn't recognize me at all.

Wade Ligthheart: Wow. Two salient points that kind of brought up in that story, I think is really good. One, of course, we'll touch on that in a minute, which is the parasitical pressure that our institutions and our best educated people, and our most successful people are now thanks to ridiculous legal lawsuits and no one taking responsibility for their own choices, wanting to blame somebody else and getting rewarded economically for it. That's a disaster. And it's been scaling up in a way that's been horrible. And talking about compelled speech, we've been in the health industry. We've been under compelled speech now for decades. You know, for example, I'm from Canada, which is ridiculous of what they're doing "to protect citizens". They're just making everything unaccessible. But you said something I think is really key. And I hadn't heard this part of your story before. And that is, when you decided that you are going to go become healthy that caused a split in your relationship.

Carl Lanore: Oh yeah. It was huge.

Wade Ligthheart: I just a week ago was reading an article from Scott Abel, my former bodybuilding coach. He's a great thinker. He's great guy, understanding way management. Don't force it, you got to coax it. Which is exactly what you just like. Don't try to lose a hundred pounds right now. Just coax your way to it, cause' then you can maintain it. You'll get there. Be patient. But can you talk about that, what you've experienced? Because this, in his research had showed that a lot of people who lose significant amounts of weight, it's such a transformation in their psychology or their environment or whatever, all of a sudden they can't hang around with the same people. And I've seen this over and over myself. What was that like for you, when you made the break and maybe the challenges and then the point of - this isn't going to work anymore, and I've got to drift back to being unhealthy or I've got to continue my journey forward and part ways? What was that like?

Carl Lanore: You know what, I've never really thought about it before, but it was scary. I was just thinking about that period of my life. It was scary. It was scary, because I was going someplace I had never been before. So, I had no guide, I had no map, I had nothing. And I say this often on my show too: when you decide to change your life, you must become militant about it. You have to. Because it's too easy for you to sway back and do that two steps forward one step back think for decades and never make any progress. And so I became militant about saving my own life. We have to understand something here. I wasn't an old guy deciding that I wanted to look young so I could go chase a young girl and get out of my marriage. I was very dedicated to my marriage, financially, as a father, and to my wife.

Carl Lanore: Up until that moment where it became painfully clear to me that she was not going to be an asset in my journey. She was not going to support my mission. In fact, she actually said the words to me one day: I liked you better when you were fat. I mean, she actually said that to me and I have been blessed with an amazing memory. I remember everything. I remember people that I went to school with in grammar school. And people don't even remember me and I'm like: Oh yeah, don't you remember? I used to sit next to you in class. Now I remember. Okay. So Facebook is a phenomenon, because I've actually reconnected the people from my past. But anyway, I remember her saying that to me and it really hurt me. Really, really hurt me, well because you're basically saying: I like you better on the path that you were taking, which was going to be a pacemaker and then a short life and a quick death.

Carl Lanore: And that is a very selfish thing to say to somebody that you prefer them on their faster path to death, just because they complimented your life. And so, I mean I tried, I asked my ex wife to go to the gym with me. She referred to the gym as that stinky place. I tried getting her to walk with me around the neighborhood. She said I walked too fast. It was always something. You know, there was always something. And so I ended up, and I remember her saying to me when it was eminent that we were getting divorced, she says: I hope that you're happy with, you know, that you've destroyed this family. It's like, how did I destroy the family? Because I chose not.

Carl Lanore: And here's what I did. My sleep became very important to me. So in order to get a good night's sleep, since I got up in the morning with the kids. I got up at 5:00 AM, jumped in the shower, went downstairs, got the kids up, made breakfast, made their lunch. I drove them to school in the morning. And so I figured, well, since I'm doing that, she can be up with them late at night. I'm going to start going to bed by nine o'clock. And maybe my one mistake was I didn't go to her and say: hey, this is my plan, can you be supportive? In retrospect, maybe that's what I should have done. But instead I got myself earplugs, I got those eye covers. And at nine o'clock I got in bed and I put them on and I took my melatonin and my gabba and I was out.

Carl Lanore: In fact, the kids used to joke. And like, if you asked where's dad at like nine o'clock, you know, my oldest, my daughter would say: oh, he's in his apartment. Because that was my apartment, the earplugs that, you know, I locked out the world. And so, you know, that was the first step that would just annoyed my ex wife. That annoyed her terribly. But then, I stopped eating with them, because I was eating five to six meals a day now. I was doing a more traditional bodybuilding type diet. And I was eating five to six small meals a day. I traveled on business, because I was working for a company at that point in time. Cause' when my health collapsed, the first thing I did was get rid of the alarm company and I said, I'm just going to go to work for somebody.

Carl Lanore: I don't want to sweat anymore. I'm going to work for somebody, let them sweat. And the job I took was with a company called Visonic. And I sold sensors and stuff like that for alarm systems to alarm dealers. And so I was on the road four days a week, which made it great. Because four days a week I ate the way I wanted to eat. I slept the way I wanted to slept. I got up when I wanted to get up. I went and did cardio at the gym in the hotel. It was great. But then the three days that I was home, I'm bucking the system. I don't want to eat that, I want to eat this. I was being too rigid I was told and so on. However, in my defense, I saved my own life. I knew I had to have the courage to do what I knew I needed to do to fix myself and I had to be militant about it. I couldn't bend, because it was too easy to fall right back where I was.

Wade Ligthheart: This is an interesting, I'm glad you've opened up the playbook here a little bit, because I think there's a message of taking personal responsibility or like… You couldn't trust the doctor. He wasn't giving you one. Your family members were not able to support you at that time. Your business wasn't able to support you. And you had the courage to say: well, if I continue down this path, it's curtains for me and I'm going to change course and that's going to have a certain amount of gravity and that's going to have a certain amount of consequences. One of those consequences is you're here today. Which is the main consequence you're looking for. And then there's the corollary kind of points of quote, unquote, uncomfortable things. These are not fun things. Going through a relationship breakup, not feeling supported in your life, changing your business career, all this stuff.

Wade Ligthheart: Those are very, very big moves for people. And I think there's a lot of people out there today that are trying to appeal to every other outside force, but aren't able to take response. They'd rather give up their freedom to somebody else to be okay. They would rather take the path of least resistance. Were you always that way, that you could just kind of set your mind and do something? Or was that just because of the scare of: hey my health is in order, I gotta do this? Like, what was those triggers for you?

Carl Lanore: I learned personal responsibility at a very young age from both of my parents. My parents never blamed anything on anything outside of themselves. And I'm far from coming from the perfect household. You know, we were poor. My father was a truck driver. My mother was a beautician. We lived in a three room apartment where my sister and I shared the only bedroom and my parents had a fold out couch in the living room. And the only other room was a kitchen and a bathroom off the kitchen. So I come from very meager backgrounds. I never heard my parents complain. I never heard them complain about money. I never heard them blame anything in their lives, on any outside, you know? And the truth is my mother even said, you know, my father never complained about anything.

Carl Lanore: He had illnesses. He never complained. He injured himself. He never complained. He worked long hours like a dog. He never complained. So I guess as a model growing up, complaining just wasn't in my repertoire. It wasn't something I was exposed to. And now that you asked that question, you knowa girl that I was madly in love with, my first girlfriend, I found out that she was not loyal to me. I picked up and moved to Las Vegas. I just picked up and I went, so I've always had a willingness to accept the effects of my choices, you know? And on top of that I've always had a very adventurous personality. The reason I love riding my motorcycle is, because I get on my motorcycle I feel like just going to work as an adventure.

Carl Lanore: So I just feel like, I guess I've never been asked these questions, so I'm thinking, I'm forming thoughts and I'm spit balling here. But yeah, I guess I've always been somebody who was… I know this about myself. Once I make a decision, that's it. I move forward. Now that doesn't mean I don't change. If realized that was a bad decision and changed directions. I'm not going to be an idiot and go down with the ship. But I make decisions and I move fast and I move forward and that irks some people. That irks some people. But yes, I guess in retrospect I've always been this way.

Wade Ligthheart: We've got to get to the good part of story. So when you lose the weight you get in shape and then? We were talking earlier. Now, when did the podcasts start to come in? Like, how did that happen?

Carl Lanore: So once you become enlightened, it's hard to shut that off. Once you realize that doctors don't know what they're talking about, they're just trying to push pills on you and that there are other answers, but they don't know about them so they don't talk about them and if anything, they poopoo, then when you come to them about them. Now this is back then, right? This is back then. This is 20 somewhat years ago. Today either a lot more enlightened doctors, they're getting it. It's slow, but it is happening. You have doctors today that are enlightened about this. So once I discovered, like on that, so here's what happened… I was still married at the time. I was working for this company Visonic and I was helping my ex wife with a project.

Carl Lanore: She did marketing research. And part of the project was to, the guy that she was working with, wanted to start doing a radio show. So I called around and got the pricing for radio shows for her. Was just helping her out, you know, like anybody would. I had that, I knew what this cost to being in like an a radio show and I knew what the metrics were and all that. I went to a Christmas party with her and there was a guy from Florida who does TV, Morning TV back then, who was going to groom this guy that she was consulting for how to be a better host. Well, we happen to be all at the same setting and I had just mentioned that I lost a hundred pounds. Well, you would think there were pigeons and I had a pocket full of corn, because all these people just: wait, you, how did you lose hundred?

Carl Lanore: What did you take? Was it that supplement? And I had people around me and so I'm telling them: no, I started eating five to six meals a day. I train first thing in the morning. I trained with heavy weights. I do cardio once a day. I got my sleep at strict. And then the crowd solely dispersed when they realized it was going to take all that work to change your life. They became disinterested. But this one guy came out of the crowd. And it was the guy that was there from Florida that was supposed to train her client on how to be a better TV and radio host. And he said: have you ever thought of doing radio? And I said: absolutely not. And he said: well, you would be good on radio. And I said: well, I don't even like the sound of my own voice when I have to hear it on my answering machine, like, who's going to want to listen to me?

Carl Lanore: He goes: there's a guy here at clear channel and he gave me his name. You should go talk to him about, see if they have a slot. And I said: what do I say to him? He said: just tell that story that you just told everybody else about how you lost a hundred pounds. Just go in there and say: when he asked her about the radio slots availability, and then just tell them that story. And sure enough it worked and they gave me a slot on Saturday afternoons at noon, which was a prime slot on WK, JK 10 80. And I just cut my teeth. I had a producer who produced my show for me, Kevin O'Neill. And all I had to do was interview people. The show started off very mediocre. You know, I didn't have a direction. I didn't know. I was talking about bodybuilding. I was talking about exercise. I was talking about science. It wasn't until I read Randy Roach's book "Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors: Volume I." Do you know Randy?

Wade Ligthheart: Yeah. When that first came out, he handed a coffee to myself and some distributors that I'm working with in Canada, and we're still connected today. So yeah, he's an amazing guy, blind guy. Credible history of the weightlifting world. Just incredible. It's amazing.

Carl Lanore: Exactly. And volume one was the seminar a book on physical culture and the nutritional contributions of people like Eugene Sandel, Bernard McFadden, all the way up to Jack Lalanne and the Armand Tanny, and these guys understood Vince Gironda. They understood that food does shit to you. Like it really, like this food makes you more muscular. That food will help you get leaner. When you combine it with the right types of exercise modalities, you can change your body. You can look like a Greek God. They understood that. And so Randy wrote his book, changed the direction of the show. Randy is still a good friend to this day. And so after reading "Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors", I knew what I needed to do. I needed to teach people about the history of physical culture, the contribution to health. That physical culture provided that has been pretty much erased from the landscape today because of the AMA and modern medicine. And so that became my mission. That became my mission.

Wade Ligthheart: You know, it's interesting because I think about this an awful lot particularly cause' I'm a bit of a history buff in the bodybuilding world, the physique culture world. And I think today what food has become, even produce and vegetables and stuff like… I'm always fascinated by the topic of super food. Super food is just food that was grown someplace that wasn't really dealing with humans that much. And as soon as you know, factory farming came in like the big after World War II, I talk about this… After World War II came in… We had this government regulated monoculture crop production, and we didn't rotate the crops anymore. We didn't leave it fallow for a year where we don't grow anything. We didn't plow the hamp back into the soil to reconstitute the soil. And then we had to start using herbicides, and pesticides, and fungicides as the plants got weak. Now think about this. Had to use chemicals to keep the plants alive as they got weak and then we stripped all the minerals out because of years of nitrogen from bombs. And then we had to start genetically modifying food now. So now if you're eating a tomato or you're eating some lettuce or you're eating strawberries. Like the strawberries I got at home in the wild, they're smaller than a blueberry. You get one cup of strawberries and they're phenomenal. They're not like any strawberry you've ever had in your life. It is like you eat this stuff it is nectar of the gods and it's so hard to get a cup. What's your take on today's world that you're learning based on the food that people are accessing? And then what do they do relative to, there's the macro equation, but you're not just about macros. You're about being super human. And what's the process like, how did you transit from - okay, I was the guy that lost a hundred pounds as a guy that changed my diet, well, then at some point you said, I want to be super human?

Carl Lanore: You know that evolved. The truth of the matter is I never thought about being super human, but it evolved. And actually a good friend of mine, Jesse Rivets, we worked together at Visonic, that alarm company. He's the one who said, call it Super Human radio, because I couldn't come up with a name for it, but when we talked about like the whole gestalt of what I wanted to cover, he said: well, you want people to be super people. You want them to be super human. You want them to be above just human frailty. And you know, none of us are going to be Bulletproof, but we can be bombproof, you know, we can sustain a lot of. I mean, I do shows all the time called Muscle saves lives, where people who were involved in accidents, doctors couldn't believe they were alive and the only reason they're alive is because they carried so much muscle on their carcass. Dan made the flew through a window, six, seven, he went through a window.

Carl Lanore: He landed on the ground in Florida. When he woke up, he stood up. The lady said, no, don't stand up, you may have hurt your neck. So he laid back down, but he walked out of the hospital. The doctor says: I don't know who you are, but I've never seen anybody go through a window windshield at the speed you went through and walk out of this hospital. And it's why is it? Because Dan is super muscular. He trains, he's a superhuman. So the super human was kind of a stretch on what I was going for but the reality is that my objective was to show people who wanted to know. See, not everybody wants to know this. When you tell people as they shut it out, cause' they don't want the responsibility of knowing: oh great, now I have to do something to save my own life. Like, can't I just complain about my genetics and take drugs and wither away? I mean, there's people that really do that.

Wade Ligthheart: That's the bulk of it. What's quote unquote the medicals when they say it's healthcare. It's not healthcare. It's like, we're going to do whatever we can to save you from yourself. So you don't die today. And that's it. And your life is going to kind of dwindle away into some horrific, you know, like if you look at health span versus lifespan… Lifespan is at 60 years old. Now they're going to have a chronic condition for the next 20 years where you're on meds and going to doctors and not being able to live the life that you want and that's cool. Like, are you kidding me?

Carl Lanore: Yeah. That that's the prognosis for most people today. The other thing I want to mention is my frustration with the term superfood. Superfood is a bastardized term that has no meaning today, because everything is a superfood today. So in my mind, a superfood is this. It's the one single food that if you were stuck on an Island and all you had was that to eat, you wouldn't just survive, you would thrive, right? So like it's one food. You eat that food day in and day out for every frigging meal, you don't develop any nutrient deficiencies. You feel strong and robust. You don't develop illnesses. You don't die prematurely. That's a superfood. 99.9% of the things that they call superfoods today are not superfoods. It's just a marketing gimmick to get somebody to think that this food is so full of good nutrition, that it's super. It's not, it's bullshit. It frustrates the hell out of me.

Wade Ligthheart: I love it. So let me. I know what my listeners are thinking. They're thinking Carl, is there a legit, superfood out there?

Carl Lanore: There are a few of them. Yes, there are. Eggs is one of them. You could eat eggs for every meal, every single day for the rest of your life and not develop a nutrient deficiency. I'll give you an interesting anecdote. In the 15 and 16 hundreds, that navies of different countries were on their way to go out and conquer new worlds. They were going out and they really didn't know how far they were going to have to go, what conditions they were going to run into or how long they'd be at sea. The Chinese and the Vikings were the only two navies that their guys would go out to sea for a year and come back healthy, okay? They didn't develop scurvy. They didn't die prematurely. They weren't absorbing led from cans that were made with soldered led and leached into the food.

Carl Lanore: They brought cattle on the ship with them. They milked the cows. They made kefir. They made yogurt. They drank the milk. They would butcher a cow. They would eat the beef. And so when you look at superfoods, by and large, almost all of them come from an animal and people say, well, why would that be? And here's why, because animals make their own vitamin C. Cows have vitamin C in their flesh. You won't get scurvy if you eat beef. You won't get scurvy if you drink milk. No one's testing beef or milk for vitamin C, but it's there because it's resident in the animal, they make it themselves. Everything that you and I need to live because we're animals, other animals need to live as well. So by using animal products, you can replenish the things that you would normally lose. Now, there are vegans who do a great job at being vegans, but it takes supplementation.

Carl Lanore: They can't just eat, I don't know, pick up the kale every meal for weeks and weeks because they'll start to develop nutrient deficiencies. So I'm not bashing the vegan diet by any means, cause' I have a good friend named Mike Mala who is so freaking strong, but he's a vegan by choice. His mom is from India, she raised him that way. They feel sorry for animals so they don't do that. But Mike will tell ya, he uses three different protein powders. He supplements with B vitamins. He does all these things, because he knows that he won't avoid a nutrient deficiency if he's a straight out vegan. But with that being said, most of the superfoods that you could actually sustain life on and not die of a nutrient deficiency or some sort of animal product and eggs is one of them.

Carl Lanore: And you know, fish is another one. So it's not all about… I know a lot of people like: well, I don't eat red meat. Fine. There are some dangers to eating red meat I've learned. You know what? Iron. We have no system in our body to rid us of iron. I have the iron in my body from a hamburger that I ate as a kid. The only way you get rid of iron is either be a marathon runner or do regular blood donations. That's it. Otherwise you carry iron around. Senescent cells have five times more iron than quiescent cells. So we know that there's a linkage between senescent cells and iron accumulation. Iron is a pro oxidant. It produces ROS. It's just horrible. It's rust in the body. So if you're a big red meat eater, and when you get to my age, you better start donating blood a couple times a year. Otherwise you're going to accumulate iron and it's going to hurt you. But with that being said if you look at animal protein, if you look at animal products, there you will find real superfood. The problem with that is the marketing gurus had promoted things as superfood are generally promoting non-animal based products.

Wade Ligthheart: One of the interesting points you bring up here, I find it's common. There's two things that I'd like to touch on. One, is what's funny is I've seen so much stuff with animals that they actually feed the animals vitamins and minerals that the people won't take so that they have all the things so they stay healthier.

Carl Lanore: Yes, because the animals aren't living normal lives. Do you know the San Diego zoo? About five years ago, the lions, the bears all the big apex predators, they were getting sick. They were developing congestive heart failure. They were getting diabetes. It's like, why? Oh, wait, they eat bear chow. They eat lion chow. They're eating foods that are made by companies and they are saying: oh, we know scientifically what these animals need and we're going to make it. It's like dog food. Dog food is crap. No dog ever went through a farmer's field and ate all of this wheat and corn. They don't do that. They eat deer. They eat varmints. They eat animals. So when these animals are getting sick, they will go and cheat: what's going on? Wait a minute, they're developing the same diseases that humans develop. Wait, it's from their friggin diet. It's cause' we are eating artificial diets today by and large and our animals do too. So they develop all the same diseases we do

Wade Ligthheart: A hundred percent. And there's a real big thing, you know, we talked about enzymes. If you take an animal in the wild, it doesn't produce enzymes in it's saliva. You put them on chow for a bit and it starts to produce in about, after about two weeks, they'll start producing enzymes. They'll start shunting food, cause' they're not going… Normally when an a predator sees as an animal and kills it, it's absorbing the enzymatic component of it. Herbivore that's grabbing the vegetables out of the garden is getting the bacteria and they're eating living foods.

Wade Ligthheart: That's a fascinating topic as well. One thing I'm going to go out off a limb here, because this is a component that I haven't solved and you might've heard, cause' I know you have an extraordinary memory and you're very well read and you know, a lot of stuff. There's some geneticists, and this is way out there folks, that have suggested that human DNA has been altered by outside sources to make us not produce vitamin C. Have you heard anything like that?

Carl Lanore: I've never heard that, but I have theories on why we don't produce vitamin C.

Wade Ligthheart: I'd love to hear them.

Carl Lanore: So when about 40,000 years ago, maybe even before that, when we became an agrarian type of a culture where we started growing model crops, and remember we had no such thing as cavities until we started eating just corn, just wheat. Dental cavities were not regular except in Egyptians. And they love sweets, and they're the ones who invented the toothbrush, cause' they had cavities all the time. So, vitamin C has a profound effect on blood sugar levels.

Carl Lanore: In fact, if you go through glucose tolerance test, they will ask you now: have you taken any? They'll tell you now don't take any vitamin C the morning of the test, because they'll actually prolong the blood sugars presence in your blood. Okay? We have been battling blood sugar since we became an agrarian culture. When we were hunter, gatherers, if we came across honey, we ate it, but we were moving all day long. We were burning calories. I remember reading a study, that estimated that the hunter, gatherers within like the paleolithic and pleistocene era were probably going through anywhere from 10 to 15,000 calories a day. That's why they spent all their waking time looking for food and chewing food. Yeah, chewing food. So first of all, this, you could put a lot through this machine that: oh, 2,500 calories a day is all you're supposed to eat.

Carl Lanore: That's nonsense. That's only because we're sedentary today. We don't move. But I have a feeling through selection pressure we stopped manufacturing our own vitamin C, because blood sugar became a problem. I mean, we see it in today's culture. We know that we have insulin resistance and a lot of people develop insulin resistance. And I've thought about this, I thought, why would we stop. It's us and guinea pigs. We're the only two creatures on the planet that don't make our own vitamin C and the only thing I could come up with was that through selection pressure, through evolution and selection pressure. That something that kept our blood sugar elevated too long, probably made people die faster. They didn't breed people that didn't die, maybe because they had a polymorphism where they weren't producing vitamin C, they produced offspring. You know, we're undergoing selection pressure right now today. There are things in our culture that are causing children to die before they give birth. And those genes are taken out and selection pressure moves us forward. I'm sure a lot of people were to go: That's a flawed idea. It's stupid. Here's why it's stupid. And you may be right, but that's the only thing I could come up with. That we'd stopped. We stopped producing vitamin C, because it became dangerous for us. It actually caused us to die sooner.

Wade Ligthheart: So I'll go one step further, cause' I'd love to get your thoughts on this, cause' I don't know the answer to it. Do you think that the development, there's two different camps of the prefrontal cortex was a result of the paleo diet or was that a result, because we moved into higher carbohydrate diets? What do you think?

Carl Lanore: No, it's because we started eating meat. So if you look at, the definitive period of time is that the two predecessors of ours. Actually only one is a predecessor. Australopithecus robustus was the vegan, our vegan predecessor, which had a relatively short lifespan a big jaw, had a huge gut for processing twigs and roots and stuff like that. Their teeth were big, giant flat mashing teeth and they literally would just chew all day long to get every bit of nutrition they could get out of a root or a tuber, or whatever. And somewhere along the line, australopithecus africanus,also known as australopithecus gracile, started to eat meat. I had this discussion with Leslie Aiello, who used to run the Wenner-Gren foundation in New York city in Manhattan.

Carl Lanore: And they are an anthropological group that studies this stuff. And she said that once australopithecus africanus… And remember we all came from, all of our DNA started in Africa just for the record. No matter what. I did my 23 and Me. I'm 14% Northern African, like I know, plus I got the skin to go with it. But so once australopithecus africanus started to eat meat the gut got smaller. Now obviously this took thousands of years. This didn't happen overnight. The gut got smaller. The jaw got narrower. The big mashing teeth in the back became like our molders today. We started to develop incisors and our brains got bigger. The brains got bigger, because digestion wasn't as demanding any longer. The guts got smaller, the brains got bigger, because the guts used to be huge big distended factories and over time and through selection pressure and made choices and so on the guts got smaller, and smaller, and smaller, and this gave way to the brain getting bigger. But it all evolved as a result of us moving to eating nutrient dense animal products.

Wade Ligthheart: It's very interesting, I haven't heard that quite disruption, very well articulated. So we're going to loop back. We've gone down on the tangent. We're going to bring you back to Super human. You're lost a hundred pounds. You're on the radio show. And what happened after that? Like how did you get up? How did you become the Super human radio that you are? What steps occurred after that?

Carl Lanore: I really attributed it all to embracing physical culture. I realized that physical culture… So exercise is an artificial replacement for what we are designed to do. All of time is like this. And the past three, four, 500 years of like this, it's like a notch. We would never design for this. You and I sitting here at a desk. I sit at this desk four to five hours a day. I purposely get up and walk, you know to stay mobile, but we are not designed for this. Diseases today, I like to call them and it's not my original term, diseases of modernity, because they are the result of modern times, creature comforts our desire to move less and eat more. Which by the way, we are genetically programmed to.

Wade Ligthheart: Right. I call it the unintended consequences of the technological revolution.

Carl Lanore: Yes. I had dr. Daniel Lieberman. He wrote a good book called "The Story of the Human Body". He's an anthropology professor at not Yale, not Cornell, but anyway at Harvard. So he came on my show after I had a chance to read the book. The book is profound. If you haven't read it, you really do have to read it. It's really good. "The Story of the Human Body" by dr. Daniel Lieberman. And we were talking about this phenomenon. He says: Carl, he goes: if you go to a hunter, gatherer community, and there are two coconut trees side by side, and you put an escalator in front of this one, they'll all start using the escalator. They'll stop climbing, because we are programmed to conserve energy while accumulating and consuming energy. And that is, because for millions of years, starvation was the problem.

Carl Lanore: Not obesity. This is a new phenomenon for us. So really embracing physical culture and focusing on body building. And I use that term and I spaced those words purposely, cause' there's bodybuilding, which is a sport, but then there's body building, which is a phenomenon that I try to teach people through my show. When I first started doing my show for the first few years, I closed every show by saying: muscle is metabolic currency so get into the gym and make a deposit today. And science has proven that to be correct. The more muscle you carry later on in life, the longer you will live, the more muscle you carry later on in life, the less likely you are going to be to develop diseases, especially metabolic diseases. The more muscle you have, the less likely you are to fall.

Carl Lanore: The number one reason people are institutionalized when they're older is they fall a few times. The kids go: hey mom, hey dad, you can't live at home, you got to go into the institution now. So muscle is the most important organ in the body. I say that, and I know that's a stretch, but I say it on purpose, cause' I want people to argue with me and say: no, it's not, the heart is, the brain is. And oh, okay. But now we're saying it's on the same level. At least as these other things that you pose a lot of importance on. Doctors don't get it. They just don't get it. So just today, there was a study that came out of Stu Phillips, his lab over at McMaster's university that looked at the 141 different genes that cause muscle wasting.

Carl Lanore: They took. It was a 10 week trial. It was healthy young men. They did leg presses for eight weeks, built muscle. And then for the last two weeks, they put the one leg in a brace. They couldn't stand on it, it had like an impediment at the bottom. So they deloaded the leg for two weeks. And the amount of muscle, it took them 10 weeks to put on both legs. They lost that muscle in the brace leg in two weeks.Now from an evolutionary perspective, this makes perfect sense to me. Why? Because muscle is metabolically expensive tissue. The more you have, the more you have to eat. And if you're not loading this leg, the body goes okay, you're broken. You probably aren't gonna be able to hunt very well anymore. So we're going to start reducing your metabolic needs by getting rid of some of this muscle. It's like, if you're in a balloon and it's sinking, you start throwing sandbags out.

Wade Ligthheart: It's amazing how intelligent the body is.

Carl Lanore: Yes, it is. And see, this is the problem. We think that we're smarter than nature. We think, oh, because we can do science and do all this crazy shit that we know better. Look at baby formula. I got baby formula. I should've got breast milk. I'd be healthier today as a result of it. I've done shows, proving that. But that's our downfall. Our downfall. Can I curse on this show?

Wade Ligthheart: Technically don't, but go ahead.

Carl Lanore: We are too effing smart for our own good. That's the problem.

Wade Ligthheart: Dr. Jordan Peterson illustrate something really extraordinary. It's a three minute clip, you can check it. The decoupling of intelligence and wisdom. So you can be extraordinarily smart and we've all met that guy or that girl who has 47 degrees and they're extraordinarily bright that you can ask them about anything and they can figure something out. And they can't function in real life. They don't know how to convert their intelligence into wisdom. Similarly, I can think of one friend in particular. He's lived an extraordinary, simple life. He was never very good at school. And he would be the first guy to say: I'm not the sharpest guy. And he's one of the wisest persons I know. There's a realness to him.

Wade Ligthheart: How challenging do you think… Or like as a challenge right now, because right now I'm thinking I'm a kid being born today. I've never been in a garden. I've never hunted for my food. I've never seen how a house is built. I've never seen like the changing seasons of nature. I've never run or exercise or much. They took that out of my school. They didn't teach me anything about civil liberties or how the country got formed. They're cramming down these kind of things. There's no score in the game. Right? I can write a program. I can make a cool video. I can do these kind of tertiary activities, but I don't really know how things work. Do you feel that that's one of the biggest changes?

Carl Lanore: Biggest dangers. The biggest danger. And here, let me distill it down. Thinking critically and deductive reasoning are things that all animals on the planet possess. A fawn doesn't have to be taught to fear humans, right? It's like it's part of their deductively critical thinking. And people say: Oh deer don't think. Oh yes, they do. Everybody, everything thinks. Down to the smallest fly that you're swatting and he's moving out of the way of your hand. He's thinking about it. There's a reaction there. So, and let me give you an example. Right now, these people are gonna listen to this and think: yeah, yeah, yeah, I get that, it's true. But the reality is that we have been rewarded for not thinking critically. We have been rewarded for not using deductive reasoning. It's very unpopular to be a critical thinker or deductive reasoner, because you make you very unpopular in the "tribe mentality" where it's more important to conform and think like everybody else, so you can belong.

Carl Lanore: And that's where we are today. So let me give you an example. And I already know in their minds what they're going to rebut. So I'll give the rebuttals. Okay. So right now we're all freaked out about COVID-19 right? And it's legitimately killing people and it's legitimately infecting people, right? Every single month for the past decades, 40,000 people in United States have died directly from cigarette smoking. Right? We don't hear anybody talk about that. Nobody's upset about it. We don't have any war, social justice warriors talking about big tobacco or better yet the fact that the government makes how many billions of dollars on those deaths through taxation of those cigarettes. So as a critical thinker, I have to look at the fervor over a COVID-19 right now and think this is disingenuous.

Carl Lanore: I mean, we're losing half a million, three quarters of a million people every single year, like clockwork to cigarette smoking. And then the rebuttals out there are going to be: yeah, but you don't want COVID, you catch COVID, but you have to decide to smoke cigarettes. It's your personal choice. Well, there's a personal choice out there right now where people don't want to wear a mask, but you're saying it's mandatory. So if I can start smoking today, then why do I have to wear a mask? And then people will say: oh well, that's because if you don't merit wear a mask, you're going to make other people sick and if you smoke, you're just making yourself sick. But that's not true. Because according to the CDC own statistics, 148,000 people a year die from secondhand smoke. 148,000 from secondhand smoke.

Carl Lanore: So my choice to smoke, not only craps me out, but craps other people out. Not to mention the financial burden I put on people who don't smoke to have to pay more in insurance for the stupid decisions that I make. So if you are a critical thinker, then we have to back up and we got to go: okay, you know, COVID is a bad thing, but what about all these other things? Like when are we going to start fixing this stuff? And that's, why isn't anyone doing it? Because if you point that out to people, you will challenge their intelligence and they will repel your argument simply, because it goes against what everybody else is telling them right now. And we don't have it. Critical thinking is something you don't have to teach someone. A critical thinker can overlay an experience of a completely different nature and see how a parallel, something that they're about to do and go, wow, that turned out like that, chances are, this is not going to turn out good either. That's what critical thinking is. Critical thinking isn't by route. You don't have to learn the rules. You just have to be observant of things that happen in life and go: well, if we're looking at this that way, then we have to look at this, that way too, don't we? And critical thinking is unpopular today.

Wade Ligthheart: Was listening to Eric Weinstein's podcast recently at The Portal. And he starts talking and he says: not what's being presented to the world that's important, it's, what's not being presented to the world, which is exactly what you bring up. And he talks that him and his brothers, they're both super geniuses and they're polymath. And that means they're geniuses in multiple different areas. And they said, institutionally they're being discouraged. They were discouraged that if you were good at a bunch of things, you weren't really serious about the topic you were.

Wade Ligthheart: This is taught in our quote unquote A league institutions. Yet, if you look back to the foundational people of this country, these people were incredible. They were generals. They were farmers. They were builders. I mean, it was amazing and you're going: wait a second. These guys did this without power. They did it without telephones. They did without TVs. They didn't have cars, trucks. And we're able to think out these incredible ideas and concepts and put them into place in a very, what we would consider extremely harsh conditions. And be able to build principles that could last for generations or ideologies that would set foundations. Sorry, I went on a tangent there, but I get so passionate about it. So going back to this, what do you see happening right now for humanity? Like, is there hope? Is there an evolutionary split? What is going on?

Carl Lanore: There is hope and I'll tell you what it is right now. And this is disheartening to say, it really is. It makes me kind of sad. So those of us who are critical thinkers, those of us who understand the value of physical culture, those of us who understand the value of great sleep, hygiene, those of us who understand the value of the types of things that are very popular within the community of people that we are talking to right now. We will instill those things into our children. Just the way not complaining about shit was instilled into me without it being spoken to directly. It's just by way of action. You see your mother and father live that way, and that's the way you learn. You know, a lot of people like to blame things on genetics, but you also get your lifestyle from your parents, not just your genetics.

Carl Lanore: So, you know, there's a lot to the epigenetic angle too. Here's what I think is gonna happen. Right now we see children at 12 years old developing colon cancer. We see children at 10 years old that a full blown diabetic hypertensive. We see a younger and younger children developing more cancers. This is very sad what I'm saying. I hope people take this message in this spirit that it's meant. I am not praising the death of young children. I am angry at the idiocy of their parents, because you as a child, you have to be led down this path. This is not a pet. You just get up and go on your own. You can't drive to McDonald's yourself. You have to be fed McDonald's. So what's happening is, as I said, earlier, selection pressure is still happening right now. So what's going to happen is probably about two or 300 years from now, those who are still alive, they're progeny that continue to go on.

Carl Lanore: We'll have the things that endowed them with the ability to live through this era, where people are going to get sick and die. You know, in the 14 hundreds, we had the plague. Immediately after the plague, we had a Renaissance. There was like all this great stuff coming out of Paris and artists and thinkers, and beautiful stuff. And we called it the Renaissance. What people fail to realize is the Renaissance happened exactly after the plague stopped. Why did that happen? Well, first of all, it cold the herd. It got all the people who couldn't take care of themselves. They couldn't figure out not to eat after they wipe their asses. They didn't. You know, all these people, they just died and they stopped having offspring and their genes were removed from the gene pool.

Carl Lanore: Today it's a different type of a melody. And today you have people that are not critical thinkers. They don't realize that food is the reason for their diseases. 99% of diseases are from food and lifestyle. I'll go broad, I'll say lifestyle. They are not going to. Their children are not going to have children. We're going to have a slower moving calling of the herd over the next three or 400 years. The people that are gonna be on the other side of that are the people who learned to hunt and fish, and cook their own food, and understand the value of good nutrition, and the value of good sleep. They maybe are moving to the country right now, out of the cities, cause' they don't want to be part of the madness. Those are the people that are gonna have children that are gonna have children that are gonna have children that are going to end up being a concentrated population a few, 300 years for now, maybe 400 years from now.

Carl Lanore: So I do think there is hope. I really do. But my biggest fear is the ever-growing mass, and I hate to come back and say this, of non critical thinkers, non deductive reasoners and here's why… Because non critical thinkers and non deductive reasoners are willing to do things that are not in their own best interest to be part of the crowd. So they're like: okay, we don't like the captain of this ship, we're going to get together, we're going to sink the ship. Wait a minute. I don't think you thought this through. You're on the ship. You're going to die too. Oh, I don't care. We're going to get that son of a bitch, we're going to sink the ship.

Carl Lanore: We have people that are no longer critical thinkers. They live in a world of magical thinking that somehow they're not going to die if they do these stupid things and they are. So we're fighting against them. We really are. We're fighting against them, pulling the humanity down into a hole, but I really think we're going to win, because I think that the critical thinkers and the deductive reasoners who have children, they will have children that will carry on and we'll be safe at the other end. But it's probably going to take three, four, 500 years, I predict that. I'll be gone. I'll be a long time gone.

Wade Ligthheart: It was interesting. I was reading " Homo deus" is great by Yuval Noah Harari. And he introduced the concept that there is two main splits that's happening here right now. That's biological intervention and there's technological intervention. And most of us don't realize it, but we're basically cyborgs. And I think Elon Musk talk about that, we're attached to these things. Right? And there's a lot of people that have electronic equipment in them to keep them going. That was the decision making process that you had to make. And now we're getting into wearable clothes. And then now they're talking…

Carl Lanore: Those skeletons that'll let you walk when you're paralyzed. Yeah, exactly.

Wade Ligthheart: Right. So there's all these things happening on that technological side. And then we're getting into gene manipulation with CRISPR genes. There's people doing it today. I'm not recommending it, but there's people doing it today. So we have that and then we have this underlying thing of a fundamental nutritional issue going on and an environmental issue that we're not providing the environment that stimulates the function and building a bustle and these set of things. Based on all these kind of, and thenas you said, lack of critical thinking. So we've got these competing, you know, monsters in the room that we have to slay in order to keep the species going. And I love what you're saying. What's the answer to live long and strong in your standpoint Carl? Like, what are you planning to do? And what would you do had you started all over again? What would you advise people? They got a young family, how they going to do it? What are the choices that they need to make in order to live their best life?

Carl Lanore: Turn to an ancestral diet. And what that means for everybody is different. You have to look at where you evolved, where your people came from. You know, I'm 87% or 86% Italian and 14% Northern African. Those are actually very close together. Italy and Northern Africa are just side by side. Look at the foods that were indigenous back then, that didn't require any type of special agricultural tricks to get them to grow like genetic modification stuff. Look to the diets that your ancestors three, four, five, 600 years ago ate. So that's where your ancestral diet comes from. It's not the paleo diet for you, maybe it is. Maybe it's the Mediterranean diet for you, maybe it's not. But look for that. Protect your sleep at all costs. This is a big one. It's becoming more increasingly difficult for people to get good sleep.

Carl Lanore: It's destroying health. It's destroying lifes. It's leading to cancer. It's leading to Alzheimer's disease. It's leading to all sorts of problems of modernity. Protect your sleep. And there's lots of good books out there to learn how to do that. But that's another one. And find ways to design your life so that you are forced to be constantly physically active. Maybe become a farmer. Instead of getting a desk job cut lawns for living. Those are the jobs. Heres the funny thing. A hundred years from now these are going to be crap jobs, because while they pay really good, we get sick sooner and die faster. And the people who are out there laboring that we laugh at today, like: Oh, look at that guy. She married a plumber or whatever. They're going to live longer. Maybe not plumbers, but they're going to live longer, because they're physically required to be moving and active. And then add to that playing sports or going to the gym and training.

Carl Lanore: Resistance training is so critical. Everything we learned now, that's good for health you could dial it right back to a couple of good sessions, a week of resistance training. Those three things are very important. And as far as, if you're alive already now and you're older, the three critical things that you need to pay attention to is, as I said before, sleep number one, sun exposure, number two, and sex. Sex is not subject of a joke. It's not what you and the guys snicker about. From an evolutionary perspective, Maslov doesn't even come into the equation, okay? How many likes you get on Instagram means nothing. There's only one thing, you were born to procreate and die. That's all your genes are set up to do. That's it. Live through the reproductive years, make babies, and then evacuate the planet. That is what your job number one is.

Carl Lanore: The minute you lose your libido, wake up, because you're now on the side of dying. You're not on the side of living any longer and fix that. People think that a loss of libido is no big deal. It is the Canary in the mind. You will not be able to have sex when your body realizes that you can't sustain life longer, because the body is protective, it's perfect, it knows, wow, this gal is sick. She can't have babies. I mean look at people, look at female bodybuilders who undergo rigorous dieting. Rigorous dieting, right? They starve themselves. They want to be 1% body fat, which is so horrible for a woman's health. Well, they lose their period. Why? They can't have babies. Why? Because they can't find a food, their brain thinks to save themselves. How could they bring a baby into the world? Let's just shut that machinery off.

Carl Lanore: So, those are the three things that I think is very important if you're already alive and you want to try to turn some bad outcomes into good outcomes. Get your sleep straight. Spend time in the sun and that means being active out in the world. It doesn't necessarily just mean laying in the sun. And pay attention to sex. The more sex you have, the healthier you will be. I guarantee it. There's research that proves that you know, that there are three good studies that show the more orgasms a man has, his risk of prostate cancer goes to zero. To zero. Think about that. I know guys who have prostate cancer today. I know they're not having sex. When you stop using that machinery, the body thinks, well, you're not going to be here much longer so we're just going to let you fall apart now.
Wade Ligthheart: I love that. It's a very interesting perspective that you put out there, because it's a topic. That's the other part that I've noticed today as well. There's so many areas that all of a sudden you go. Well, there's two areas. One, people kind of go in hushed, smiled tones, and we were just going to disassociate from that Carl. And then the other one is what you referred to earlier and then they get this sort of thing. For those who are watching video, they get that. They have this nervous system overwhelmed that they start freaking out, because you've challenged them on something that have no answer to. You expose the lack of critical thinking. I think that's really, really powerful. And I mean, who doesn't want to be on the planet having sex, feeling great, being able to do as many things as you want to do. I mean, like if you just sit there and go, well, which would you rather do? Would you rather be sitting home with a pain in below your gonads for the rest of the light while you decide whether you're going to do chemotherapy or radiation or get cut open? Or would you rather be living a life where you're working out, suntanning and having a lot of sex? I mean, which one is it?

Carl Lanore: Jacked and tanned. That's what I want. That's me. That's what I want. That's what I want.

Wade Ligthheart: So I know you've been very gracious with your time. I want to kind of lead to the next thing. So can you tell us a little bit more about the show? Where it's going and what's your plans for the next, however long you're planning on living? What are you shooting for? Are you shooting for length or you're shooting for quality?

Carl Lanore: No, I think I'm going to get lengths. I do, because it seems to be in my genes. I even did it in my 23 and Me, I had like the highest number of longevity genes that a person can have. You know, I have parents that lived long, I have grandparents that lived long. So I don't think the longevity thing is going to be a problem for me, but staying viable is important. You know I power lifted up to 2005 and I definitely put my body through a Iot. I have injuries. I have a lumbar spine problems. I hang in a inversion table every night before bed. It's the reason that I don't have the problems that I would have. That's a great device and anybody should own one. I show up for work every day. I'm excited to interview the people that I interview.

Carl Lanore: I really never thought that it would last this long. I never thought how long it would last. And I talk to Alisa all time and I say, you know, I don't think I'd ever retire. I mean, as long as I can think critically and speak, why wouldn't I just keep working? Like, I don't understand this whole, the whole premise of retirement came during the industrial revolution. Right? I mean, you don't see Amish and Mennonite people going, man, I can't wait to retire and stop having to milk these cows. You know, it's like, this is what you do. Retirement became the reward for doing a crap job that you hated from eight to five, with one meal in the middle. It was like, yeah, I know your life sucks for the next 30 years, but then you're going to retire and you're gonna get this money and you're gonna be able to sit home and do nothing. I don't want to sit home and do nothing. I can't ever imagine sitting home and doing nothing. So why wouldn't I just keep doing this?

Wade Ligthheart: I love it. I think Larry King has, of course, one of the great interviewers over time, said same thing. And he's like: I want to keep like the thought of me not doing it, it's like, why would I stop? I mean, he's like in his eighties, I think now, and he's still at it. He's still running a show and so I certainly hope that you continue to run the show for decades, and decades, and decades to come. You're one of the most fascinating interviewers out there. And what I love is you tell it like it is, you're willing to take a stand. You're willing to stand up for things and you do your homework. You do a lot of research. And so Carl, can you share with our listeners where they can find out about your radio show, your Twitter handles all that stuff? Because of all the people I know in that health interview world, the people that are talking, bringing in this, you're probably one of the most knowledgeable people I've ever met. Like your memory and your ability to tie things in, and your ability to think is really incredible.

Carl Lanore: I have a huge head. There's a lot of storage space in here. It's like a YouRent.

Wade Ligthheart: Well, it's amazing. And every time we chat I learn something. And to me, that is a really great gift and I thank you for providing the gift of insight. Please share where everybody else can reach you.

Carl Lanore: Sure. The website is I'm not on Twitter. I am on Twitter, but I don't spend any time on Twitter. That's just where people go to bicker. I have a Instagram it's @superhumanradio. And then of course our Facebook page is a super human radio network. And those are the places where you can watch a show. So every day I do a show four to five days a week, and I do it on video. Oh, we have a YouTube channel, also that super human radio network, YouTube channel. And you can watch the live videos on YouTube or Facebook, or you can download the podcast from Stitcher, from Apple podcasts, from iHeart media. I'm on every single podcast platform there is out there. So there's a lot of ways to consume the show. You can watch the videos. You can listen to the podcast. We're on Alexa too, but we're having some problems. You can give it a try and say: Alexa play super human radio podcast, and it should open, but some people say it doesn't open it. Somebody… Chris Brown or somebody did a song called superhuman. And for some reason, Alexa confuses my show with that. So we need to modify the invocation on Alexa. But yeah, I mean, the show's been out there for a long time. It's out there pretty much everywhere that people consume podcasts.

Wade Ligthheart: You're a real gem. Thanks for taking the time. I know we're going to bring you back, because there's so many topics. We opened up a lot of doors, but thank you so much for joining us today. Carl Lenore, you can listen to them at superhuman radio. One of the real treats, one of the great thinkers and one of the persons that's fighting for our health freedom on the airwaves. Go check them out. It's something that you'll be fascinated with and his guests are great, but his information is even better. Thanks so much for joining us for the Awesome health show. Wade T Lightheart from BiOptimizers. We'll see you again in the very near future. Take care.
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