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114: These Magic Cookies Burn Fat & Improve Gut Health – with Crosby Tailor

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From College Football Player to Fitness Model to…Pastry Chef???

You may have noticed that most pastry chefs do not look like Adonis. Bakers are typically “doughy” in appearance, not “in great shape.” On this episode of the Awesome Health Podcast, today’s guest is a pastry chef with abs. That’s right, Crosby Tailor is a professional model who has figured out how to make desserts that are not just “sugar-free.” His desserts are made with the finest ingredients yet taste delicious. Tailor’s incredible treats — from cookies to brownies to ice cream — are so healthy they can even meet your macros. His creations can serve as nutritional meals. Wild! 

Crosby Tailor is a Los Angeles-based modern-day renaissance man: a health/fitness coach, model, sugar-free dessert chef, and Founder of Crosby’s Baking Co.

As a result of being dissatisfied with the way traditional desserts left Crosby feeling, the fitness expert began experimenting with sugar-free, nutrient-packed recipes and published the results on his Instagram. Crosby’s efforts have earned him more than 80k followers who drool over his superfood creations. 

Crosby’s delectable treats and expert fitness knowledge have gotten him profiled internationally by publications such as VOGUE, Sunday Times UK, and ELLE. He has been featured on-air for shows like Food Networks Chopped and ABCs Good Morning America, to name a few. 

Crosby is also a Bioptimizers ambassador!

In this podcast, we cover: 

  • How a bodybuilder and fitness coach ended up in the cookie business
  • Crosby’s favorite fails during his pursuit of a healthy cookie 
  • How Crosby built his business using creative thinking—what Wade calls “renaissance ideas”
  • Crosby’s daily routine to stay in stunning shape while building a dessert business 
  • What Crosby see’s coming in the food industry
  • Food choices and digestion protocols Crosby sticks to for optimal health
  • Details on the ingredients used in Crosby’s cookies  

“I never thought I was going to be a ‘baker.’ Which is weird.” 

Crosby was an athlete-at-heart—someone who got a scholarship to play football in college. He then became a model—he had an agent and everything. Becoming a baker or pastry chef was the last thing Crosby ever envisioned himself doing. “But I think as we progress and turn the next page or create a new chapter, we start to develop different creative elements in our world. One thing that kind of fell into my lap was making dessert. So I’ve been running with that since.” 

We present what the guest highlighted, answering that question and giving more details in the podcast.

A New Dynasty of Desserts

Crosby’s cookie evolution has recently grown into a simple yet scrumptious treat that’s healthy! Flavors include chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, sugar cookies with white chocolate chips, and some delicious ginger snaps. The goal is to bring the chocolate chip and snickerdoodle flavors to market first and then scale the business. As the customer base grows, then Crosby will introduce new flavors. 

Eventually, Crosby’s Baking Company would like to offer some baking mixes and brownie mixes. Wholesale opportunities and direct-to-consumer sales are in the plans until one day, Crosby’s Baking Company becomes the new dynasty of desserts

This revolutionary approach to sweets begins in Crosby’s mind. “I try to look at dessert now as another time in the day when I could be fueling myself with the best ingredients for my health” instead of the old paradigm that thinks dessert is a trade-off of a temporary “high,” but the return is bad for your health. “Why not have your cake and eat it, too?” 

The results are desserts that taste like real desserts but still hold all the nutrient-dense energy you need from a typical meal. Some of Crosby’s cookies have comparable macros to an average meal. Three cookies can pack the same calories, carbs, and fats. Plus, the ingredients are often better than a lot of regular meals out there. Your favorite restaurant might be “clean,” however, maybe they use canola oil or corn-fed beef. Crosby’s desserts get created with all of this in mind.     

Listen in to flip your entire thought process on desserts and what is possible. You can eat great-tasting treats like cookies, brownies, and ice cream yet stay slim and feel great — what matters is the ingredients and who bakes the cookie!

Check out this episode – these revolutionary desserts could change your life. 

Episode Resources:
Crosby Tailor Instagram
Crosby Tailor Wehr Facebook
Crosby Tailor Twitter
Crosby Tailor Linktree 

Read The Episode Transcript:

Wade Lightheart: Good morning. Good evening. And good afternoon. It's Wade Lightheart from BiOptimizers with another edition of the Awesome Health show. And today boy oh boy, this is one of my favorite things. I love cookies. And if you love cookies, you're going to love this because we have none other than by optimizer ambassador, Crosby Tailor, who is a modern day Renaissance man, a health and fitness coach model, sugar-free dessert, chef and founder of Crosby's baking co.

 Crosby Tailor: Oh, wait, Hey, thanks for having me on. I appreciate it. That's such a funny story. I think the cookie started, man, I'm kind of lagging. The cookie started a good six years ago when I started experimenting as a hobby making sugar-free desserts. Right around that time, I was having a lot of issues digestive wise. So one thing that, you know, wasn't really doing well when I ate it, but the traditional dessert that spool of all the regular flour and refined sugar and all the different oils that are in it that are just awful. So every time I would have a dessert and be like, Oh, I'm just going to treat myself. I would feel horrible afterwards. And I had recognized that there was some gut issues going on at that time that I had to take care of. So one thing I couldn't eat that I kind of put on the bad list for awhile with sugar. So I was like a good three months in, on this journey of eating cleaner. And the one thing that I miss so much, it was just like having that dessert at the end of the night, you know, for the palette. And I finally just started to create and just kind of figure out how to put some of these recipes together that were gluten-free sugar-free, grain-free even and experiment with these things. And it wasn't too long before I started kind of hacking that dessert world and creating all sides, all types of creations. So it's been an interesting and fun journey to say the least never thought I was going to be quote unquote a baker, which is kind of like a weird thing. Like I played college football and I'm an athlete at heart played high school basketball and football, and then got a scholarship to play football in college. And after that, I did some modeling and it never was in the radar to be like, Oh, I'm going to eventually be making food in some kind of way. But I think as we progress and turn the next page and create a new chapter, we start to develop different creative things, in our world. And one thing that kind of fell in my lap was making dessert. So I've just been kind of running with that sentence.

 Wade Lightheart: It's a great story. And I think you bring up a couple of components. I think a lot of people listen to podcasts or they see people with large Instagram followers and they like, well, you know, I wish it was me and they kind of have this set mindset of how you're going to get there. But, you know, as an athlete and a model and now a guy that runs his own cookie company, what I think is really important is, how have you been able to maintain kind of a flexibility in your thought process as you move through the stages of life? Because I think a lot of people, and then I was one of those guys that was so fixated on one thing. And I tried to force a lot of things as opposed to the allowance of things. And it seems like he figured that out. I'll really, was there any moments or were you just kind of that yeah, we just kind of go with it kind of person. This is what's happening or were there some key elements that helped you kind of develop that? I think a very healthy mindset, especially in a world that's changing so quickly and so fast.

 Crosby Tailor: Yeah, that's a good question. I think around that time, I was already learning a lot about Chinese medicine and in Eastern philosophy of food and Eastern medicine. And so I was really into certain herbs and adaptogens and cool things like that. And I was still kind of in that bodybuilding world because I had to kind of use it for modeling, you know, I transitioned from a football body, which we just ate as much as we could anytime of the day. You know, I'm trying to get five, 6,000 calories a day. And just to be able to withstand that four hour practice the next day, as well as weights as well as being able to be in the film room and be able to have the mental energy for that kind of like a completely different way of packing my body by becoming leaner and creating that moral a V-shape bodybuilding physique for photos and stuff. And so I kind of already had,ufigured out some things, but more aesthetically, I never really besides the herbs and never really thought about it,uin more of a health and longevity perspective until it hit me in the face and my gut was like, what's going on? You know, I'd eat certain foods and it was awful. And so what happened was through this, I kind of had some knowledge of, okay, sugar right now is really not working for me. UI understand that there's a lot of inflammation that comes from,ucertain grains and gluten definitely. Uand I started to do a deep dive into all the toxins that are also in these foods. And I realized that while I'm starting to create these desserts, it was a trial and error experience of, you know, sometimes I would make something and it would taste delicious, but then I would months later find out, Oh, I'm using this product and you really can't eat that because now you're going to create free, radical damage with the food. So I'm like, Oh, you know what, I'm going to have to transition to something else. And so one I was using actually, mhey protein at times in my desserts. And then I was like, well, this is kind of stupid because when you heat way it's denatures in and it kind of, hakes the protein less bioavailable in ways. So I was just like, you know what, let's figure out a different protein. And that's when I came upon collagen and I started using that and, hou know, it's already pre digested and you can heat it. So I'm like, Oh great. I have like one of my, so it was like a kind of trial and error experience of understanding. Okay. How do we put together the perfect cookie when it comes to not only flavor and taste? Umause I really want it, wanted it to taste like that. Mrs. Fields creation. I didn't want it to have that. Like, you know, and no shame to some of these like healthier cookies out there, but some of them aren't that good. They just don't taste good.

 Wade Lightheart: Yeah. They, they seem to fall in a category is they're called a healthy cookie, but they're really garbage and tastes relatively okay. Or they have this kind of, kind of overly chemicalized kind of taste. Or then the third thing is it looks like a cookie, but tastes like a cow Patty. So how many experiments did you have to run to get to kind of where you are at in the, in the cookie creation program? Cause I think a lot of people just assume that one day you whipped up this recipe and it magically happened and that's never the case. Like there's like probably a tremendous amount of fails. So was that experience like? How long did it take you? Maybe what was some of your favorite fails? You know, I always have a favorite fails. I think a lot of people are so afraid of failing. Nowadays.

 Crosby Tailor: I had a cookie that I was making that was so delicious. I would make kind of like a normal cookie base, but they were like protein cookies at the time. So I'd make the cookie and then I'd let it rest and put it in the fridge. And when it cooled off, I was making these like probiotic claustrum infused icings. And then I had like you know, kind of like a dress, the cookies in certain ways with the icing and the cookie was absolutely delicious, but it was like, I mean, to actually scale this product, it was insane. I mean the cookie itself probably costs, it just in costs. They were probably like $3 a cookie, like how is that going to get the market?

 Wade Lightheart: You can only sell it at Erewhon for $85 a cookie.

 Crosby Tailor: Right. I probably would get some customers honestly, but yeah, like if you had the right tag words on it, anti-aging cookies. I mean, they would probably be, I could probably sell them 15 a pop, but yeah, I had to kind of from a position, there was never a time when I was like, I really hate this cookie. I always liked the way that they taste. I kind of figured out I had like a weird kind of hit it on like the third try when it came to flavor. And I got really lucky when it came to that. And then I just had to kind of tinker with it and like take out a little bit of this and maybe add this instead and develop something that now, you know, six years in the making, not that exact cookie, but yeah. Ujust different levels of cookies. I now have something that's like so much more simple than I ever made, but they taste amazing. And they're the classic Kahn flavors, chocolate chips. Snickerdoodle uI have a white chocolate sugar cookie that I'm working on right now, a sugar cookie with white chocolate chips. Uthat's phenomenal. UI've been making ginger snaps, which are really, really delicious. Uand then I can just see it kind of moving in a direction where I start with chocolate chip and snicker doodle, get those to scale and market those. And then as I become more popular create kind of like the next cookie. And eventually I'd love to create baking mixes and brownie mixes and start just the whole package of like going from, okay, I have one or two desserts to, I have a whole company of skews that I could,uMark it too, all different companies and wholesale opportunities direct to consumer and create kind of the new dynasty of the way I look at dessert, which I try to look at dessert now as another time in the day that I could fuel myself with the best ingredients for my health and not just a time where I'm like, Oh, I'm just gonna throw this one. You know, this is wash, I'm going to eat it terrible for me, chocolate chip cookie, or kill this whole thing of ice cream. And then just try to figure it out the next day to me, it's like, why not have your cake and eat it to eat something that tastes like the real deal, but also you get all the nutrient dense energy that you would need from even a normal meal. Like I can compare the macros of some of my cookies, even like three cookies to having like a small meal. Ucalorie-wise and then when it comes to the carbs fats proteins, and if you really want to get down to it, the ingredients that are in it can sometimes be even better than a lot of the normal meals out there that we don't even really know a lot of the time that we're eating so clean, but the restaurant might be using canola oil or, you know, I think we're getting good protein and it's, you know, corn fed beef. And there's just so many different avenues that I think,we can look at food and really trying to figure out the best possible scenario for us to get the best nutrients. Uand I just wanted my desserts to kind of fall into that same guideline.

 Wade Lightheart: You bring up a couple of things that I think are very striking and similar in some of the developments that we did at BiOptimizers. And I remember when I started that journey most of the supplements that were available didn't really work. They were kind of hopes in a bottle or up to six structions. And I think there's a conceptual idea in the dessert world that you can't have something that's good for you because everything to a certain point wasn't good. And I felt the same thing in the supplement or, well, well, supplements don't work and stuff. I'm like, yeah, but you can make supplements that work if you want to put the time, the effort, the energy. And there's one thing I thought was really interesting where you thought you start off here and then you kind of reduce and kind of eliminate all the fluff if you will. And I think it was Leonardo DaVinci said that perfection is when there's nothing left to take away, but just the absolute. And I love this concept that you're sharing with people of actually looking at the macros as, as a cookie, as a meal was taking this or taking it in a way and looking at it from, Hey, we can make something that tastes good and is good for you. It feels like you're eating something bad, but it's not. I mean, that's a Renaissance to me. That's what Renaissance ideas is, is let's take something that we know love and want. That's not so good for us and find a healthy way to do it. And we've done that at BiOptimizers. Was that something that just came to you one day? How often do you use these cookies? Is it something you say like, look, I gotta, I've got this cookie thing going on. I got a sugar thing going, I got this data I'm going to solve this problem because I want my cookies. Was that what it was? Or what, like, like how did you kind of get to that mindset? I think this is so key because, you know, you've obviously building this expanding business and you're very creative thinker and, you know, it's, it's an invention mindset, which is great.

 Crosby Tailor: Yeah. I think it just kind of started as a hobby of like having that, it wasn't even like an every night kind of thing that I wanted to eat this. But it was, Hey, let's, you know, let me, let me get in the kitchen and figure out how to make a healthy dessert. And then as I started making them, it was super cool. I felt like that became my creative outlet to get in the kitchen. And it was like art to me, you know, I'd throw together a certain ingredients to make different flavors. And I was always excited about I'd wake up and be like, Oh, it'd be really cool to make like a double chocolate fudge this with this and have like a frosting or, you know, make an ice cream and, and do like a chocolate sauce on top of it. I was always thinking of like cool ways. And I think part of it too, was like, I loved throwing these recipes on Instagram and getting the like, Oh my God, I can have that like, Oh, you saved my, I haven't had ice cream in this long, or I haven't had a cookie in this long. Like you're telling me I can eat this and it's going to be okay for me. Like that was that kind of like fired me up that I had like a customer base out there that was really excited about alternative ways of making these desserts. And so it just became kind of like a exciting new endeavor for me. And it was never about me personally more so once I knew that I can indulge in this with my gut issues, I was like, wow, this could be really something big for a lot of people that are struggling to find a healthy, [Inaudible] alternative that are, you know, have gut issues like me or trying to lose weight or are pre-diabetic or diabetic, or have digestive issues or just like really, really jacked or really, really lean. And they want to like, keep that physique and still eat cookies. Like I was like, wow, there's like such a massive market for this. And it turned from a hobby to me making, Oh, well, how about I make, instead of making 12 that I'm going to eat in the next couple of days, all quadruple the batch and then start hitting up some of my friends, Hey, you want to try these cookies? And it turned into, you know, at that time, Instagram was like, just kind of like hitting and I didn't have that many followers, but I had like my close friends and some people on there. And I, every once in a while I would post the dessert and people that, wow, like, what is that? How can I get that? And so I started just randomly making for just my close friends in LA and I would make a dozen cookies. Even back then. I was selling a dozen cookies for like 40 bucks and people weren't blinking because people want, people understand the value of something like that. You know, I think that, I mean, I just shipped a couple of dozen cookies to a friend in Connecticut and they paid for like two day shipping, which was insane, the amount of that, but the value for that person and his girlfriend to have those cookies for lack of Valentine's day weekend, knowing that they're eating the best ingredients and still being able to indulge is worth it for somebody that, you know, has the income for that kind of thing. So I feel like it just turned into, well, this is something that I really am passionate about that can also be a business that can also be a business endeavor that I could go after and help. A lot of people satisfy. A lot of people, you know, create an opportunity for myself. And that's how it's been since.

 Wade Lightheart: Beautiful. I find that when you kind of get past one's own self and see the bigger picture, there's a driving factor. It seems to activate creativity more so than, you know, we figure something out for herself, but what drives it beyond that seems to be the greater good or the greater family. And I've noticed so many inventors and business people and stuff. Now we're going to switch gears a little bit because, you know, you're obviously a super fit guy and, you know, good looking guy, you got a lot of these Instagram followers, like, Oh my God, you're talking to Cosby, blah, blah, blah. What do you do for a fitness routine? How do you stay in shape? Through this process of, you know, because creating a company and running a company and do it standards, it's a lot of stuff. It's a lot of stuff going on. So how do you manage that? That people might not know your day to day level, what's your day to day life?

 Crosby Tailor: I get up early, I'm up early, I'm up at five, five o'clock 5:30. And I almost see it as like two days. I was talking to first time I've ever been on clubhouse. Are you heard of clubs clubhouse there?

 Wade Lightheart: Yeah. It seems to be catching trend right now, right?

 Crosby Tailor: Yeah, it was cool. I was on there with my buddy Max Luca bear and Kelly Lovech and a couple other awesome people in the food world. And we were given talks about some of our, some of our life hacks and fitness hacks and that kind of stuff. And that's kinda how I like to talk about it. It's like I wake up so early that I feel like I have two days, I feel like I have five, five 30 to like lunch. And then I have everything after lunch and that five 30 to nine 30 before I normally probably get a workout in, if I'm working, if I'm training that day, it's probably around nine 30, 10. But, and people are like, well, what are you doing for four and a half hours before you train? And why, why wake up so early? It's like, I have a regimen in the morning that has kept me feeling the best I've ever felt in my life in the last couple of years. And it's like, if it, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. You know what I'm saying? Like, I feel good. I wake up, I have similar things every morning. I probably change up certain things that I put in like a pre-workout drink, but for the most part having a routine and creating consistency and your life is such a takeaway. And that was a big takeaway for me with some of my mentors when I was trying to figure out my stuff was, you know, what am I doing that is stopping me from getting to this next level that I want to get to? And one thing for me is I'm an Aries, like type a personality. I kind of need that structure and routine that really, I really thrive in that kind of environment. And there was a time when I was just kinda like would wake up and just kind of, Oh, I'm going to, Oh, I'll do this. And Oh, maybe I'll go here today. And there wasn't really like a thing that I did. And now that I have a morning routine and kind of a nighttime routine, everything else in between is way more spontaneous. But that morning routine and nighttime routine puts by body in this place where it's like, bodies, love, bodies, love habit, right. They love to kind of like, know what might be happening at that five o'clock in the morning when it comes to even like our, our functions of our body, like bowel movements and all that stuff in the morning. Like my body is on point about all that stuff. It knows when things are going to happen. And so that consistency really has over time. I never said I'm gonna gain eight pounds of muscle and burn some fat off in the next six weeks. I just live my life consistently in a very like,ukind of predominantly like clean, very clean way. I don't really dabble into toxic toxic things, or I don't really drink, I don't drink alcohol. Like every once in awhile I might,uI stay away from vegetable oils and,uI try to get an adequate amount of protein in my diet daily. I have transitioned into a place where I have a lot of metabolic flux, a lot more metabolic flexibility now. Whereas I tried the Cheeto, I tried certain things that like very low carb and keto. I tried,uall awesome at first. And then by like month four, I'm like dragging and some kind of way. So now I feel like for me, it's been this metabolic flexibility of understanding, Hey, carbs and sugars are energy to me. I'm going to use them at the right times pre and post-workout, I'm not going to like, eat like a bunch of carbs right before I go to bed. I'm going to have them around my training time. UI love to wake up to more of like a protein fat,ukind of idea in the morning, Bulletproof coffee. I still drink. I love it. Uand then when it comes to actually absorbing and being able to utilize the energy like ever since I met you guys and started using all the BiOptimizers stuff, when it comes to mass signs, HCL, P3OM ueven the CapEx. And every once in a while, when I go eat at this Lebanese place, they have these like little vermicelli, like gluten glutinous noodles, and the rice I'll take the gluten,ugluten guardian. And I think I always underestimated the idea of like enzymes and all the digestive stuff until the last like five years. And it's like it's night and day. So between the way that I supplement, how I sleep, getting up early and actually having that extra day that I feel like I have to get things done. I put a lot of work into myself at those early hours. I get up. I make sure I'm, I'm all doing all the mental stuff on my computer, getting returning all the emails, getting all my work done for a couple hours, drinking my coffee, big glass of water, vitamin C glutathione, like all the good stuff in the morning. And then I'll make like the most powerful pre-workout drink. That's got every adapting adaptogen you could think of from quarter stepsisters on threads to astragalus, mshwagandha and add my essential amino acids, creatine electrolytes, chlorophyll. It's kind of one of those things where every time I put one of those things in my body, it's like, Ching, Ching, Ching. Like, I feel this I'm giving so much to this vessel, that it only is the only thing that's gonna happen from that. The consequence is going to be like this awesome output all the time. I'm going to feel great. I'm going to be able to go to the gym and lift as hard as I want or, or go off for a sprint or feel like I'm 20 something years old at 36 when I might've, I don't think I felt this good when I was 20, 26. So learning how to kind of tap into, u,u personally understanding what foods, u,rbs supplements, mdalities exercises. I mean, we're also different. Like some people might do really well with high intensity interval training, and some people might need to do something a little bit more low impact. Um, soe people might love yoga and their body's might love that. So just kind of over the years, understanding my body, what really makes it thrive and then bringing in those things that are like a hundred percent thrive, kind of experimenting with everything else and then getting rid of everything that makes me feel terrible. And like over time, I'm a very sensitive person. Like I can kind of feel things right away. And I think that that also comes with the fact that I've been working on myself for so long that now just like such an open vessel, as soon as I put something in my body, 20 minutes later, I'm like, Oh, I love that. Or probably not gonna use that again. You know?

 Wade Lightheart: Yeah. So common amongst people who've been spending a lot of time. We, I think a lot of people underestimate our intuitive and observational gifts as humans actually gage. And when you're really, really messed up, you just want to get out of pain or out of suffering. And once you get past that, there's a stage, like you've talked about where it's kind of like, Oh, this thing makes me feel good, this thing. And then, and then you get to kind of a very sophisticated stage where you're kind of refining of these comments. You're staying open, but you've got your routines. And I can't tell you how many high performers I know have relatively rigid and quote unquote, boring schedules. Even though we have this kind of idea, this kind of like razzle, dazzle, amazing Instagram cool lifestyle. When they're getting up. I was at a fellow's house the other day. Uh he gets up at 4:00 AM. He's, he's a well-known internet celebrity and has a massive following. And he goes surfing every morning with another friend of mine. And we all, we have this legends pool league that we play in. I mean, we've got jerseys and it's gone ridiculous. So it's a lot of fun creating the whole lead, but, Oh, so we were down, we were, I was down in orange County with them and we went over to his house. It was about 5:30 AM. It was still dark. And we had to wait outside by his pool thing. He got done around just after six. And when this person came out, I said what time do you get up? He's like 4:00 AM. And I'm like, what do you mean? I said, every day he goes, yeah, every day I got to get up at 4:00 AM before everybody's up and has got a family and all that. So he goes, and I'm cranking with my team till like six, 6:30, maybe seven, like, you know, to seven. And then the waves are coming in and him and his friend, one of my buddies [Inaudible] and then literally he comes out of the house, like he's fired at of a shotgun cannon. And I always keeping up the, it, we ran down to the beat and he's literally running down to the beach. Like he's so jacked up. And he says, and I go surf like a maniac until I just like totally trashed myself. He goes, if I don't do that, I'm a psychopath. So he's like, I have to get those. Like now I have another friend who has a routine who gets up later, but likes to create late at night. And so I think everybody has their kind of sweet spot and, you know, you can go to chronotypes and how much sleep you need, or if you're a Wolf versus a lion and a bear and all that sort of stuff, it's really, really fascinating. How important…

 Crosby Tailor: I think I'm the lion. I think I'm the lion, right?

 Wade Lightheart: Yeah, yeah. We're lions. And most of my team are bears, which is interesting. So I'm like the early guy, but most of my team lives on either the Eastern seaboard or are in Europe or whatever. So I'm getting up early for me and the sweet spot of their day. They're like kind of getting into and I'm like, yay. Oh, you know, you know, so it's kind of funny how that works out for everybody. You mentioned about, and thank you for talking about the digestive stuff. I appreciate that it's a big passion of ours and you know, how many people are really struggling out there and with digestion because you know, our ability to absorb and utilize our food is so compromised. What would you say? You think the future is particularly in the food related business? Because you're in that industry, you're in creating these kinds of healthy options of dessert, [Inaudible] things that are focused on digestibility and things like that. What's your mood or thought or kind of concepts for that industry as a whole?

 Crosby Tailor: Oh hope I'm just hoping things are gonna work out. I see a lot of stuff in the news about certain takeovers when it comes to farmland and we might be having issues with really having the space to create real food coming up pretty soon. So I think the transition really is learning how to create a little bit more sustainability within yourself of maybe understanding like gardening and, and these types of things too. Like, like I've always said, I mean the last like year I keep joking that I want to get goats and chickens and get some land and, and have a garden and start to, you know, create my own energy source of where I'm getting my food. Because it's just getting kind of crazy. I really still obviously have a lot of passion when it comes to getting these desserts to the mass market. Um but when it comes to just the normal run of the mill food I'm a big believer in like grass fed beef. I think that land animals are probably, when you're talking about like a bell Campbell farm or some of these places that are getting like New Zealand grass fed this, or bison or bill Campos farm when it comes to that, the lamb and the, and the cows that they have might be the least toxic food on the planet because everything else is just getting sprayed and you know, monocrop and GMOs. And there's just so much our world is getting so toxic. And so I think the future of food is heading in direction of understanding, not only macro nutrients and okay. Yeah. I need proteins and fats and fiber and carbohydrates and the kind of ratios that really work for my body, but also understanding where all these mycotoxins are coming from. And knowing that, Hey, there's a doing your research realizing that like, there's a good 10, 12 heavily glyphosate foods out there that are like full of Roundup and pesticides and stuff that are, you know, if you don't get them organic, there's a chance that that might end up in your body. And you know, that, glyphosate's probably one of the main reasons we all have gut issues. And the main reason why, you know, your company is so awesome for people is it helps to get some of that stuff out of the body. So it's it's, that's why it's like, I'm hopeful. I'm hopeful that the food industry can pivot and really stay on that, stay in the direction of putting the, you know putting the power in the hands of the farmer understanding that we have to use regenerative agriculture and ways to like regenerate the soil so that we can actually get minerals from our food. Um,these are like scary things that a lot of people I don't think, think about, but I kind of am a little OCD about what I put in my body. So like, I do a lot of research and I understand, Hey, there's a lot of toxins in our food. And for me, it's bigger. It's a bigger deal to understand what to stay away from these days to then, or rather than like understanding, okay. Yeah. Protein gives me muscle. Like, let's just eat whatever protein I'm just going to get protein. Like people talk about all the time. Like I'm going to go eat the cereal because it has protein in it. Well, does it really have protein that you're actually going to ever use in a cereal.

 Wade Lightheart: Great question. That's a great one.

 Crosby Tailor: You know, like, is it actually bioavailable? Is it, are you going to actually even break that down into absorbable, amino acids? Like, that's why I love essential amino acids because I'm getting directly those, those proteins. That's why I love math science because when I have a steak or grass fed beef or these like proteins that I want to get those amino acids from, I'm going to be able to break them down with a digestive enzyme to actually absorb way more percentage than, the average human has probably only absorbing, you know, 30% of that, that meat. So yeah, I forgot who said it, but there's that quote, it's not what you eat, but what you can actually digest and absorb.

 Wade Lightheart: That's great. Tell us a little bit I know our listeners are, I know I'm thinking about what's the latest Crosby cookie conversation. Where do people find out about your company? How do they get access to your cookies? What do you got coming? What do you got cooking? What do you got coming next for where people go? I want to think people want to find out about and follow you on Instagram and learn about these, these options that you have. Because it's you've got obviously a lot of publicity about it. It's really good trend that you're on. You're doing a great thing for people who would like to have their cake and eat it too. So to speak, they want to have their dessert, but they don't want to disrupt their health program. And you're a Testament to that. So where do they get rid of people?

 Crosby Tailor: Well, my Instagram is where I'm doing most of my business right now, just because I'm working on the website. Well, I'm working on the launch for the actual desserts to start getting into the stores locally in LA at first direct to consumer shipping, as well as some other stores that have had interest that I'll be hopefully working with. But right now my Instagram at Crosby tailor like the pants Tailor is where you can find some of my tips and ideas when it comes to gut health and work out some fitness as well as recipes that I'm creating. That aren't just the cookies cause the cookies, sorry to say, you're not gonna find a cookie recipe as that's my baby.

 Wade Lightheart: Right of course.

 Crosby Tailor: So nobody gets the IP to that, but I am throwing up other stuff like cupcakes and ice creams and,ubreads, I make an unbelievable banana bread,umight be one of my favorite things. And I have put that put out that recipe. So you can actually go to my Instagram and get that and make that today if you have the ingredients at home. Ubut yeah, that's,uthe Instagram, I kind of run everything through there and then,uCrosby's baking Coke is my accompany. I'll be launching that website and everything to do with that business. Uhopefully as early as the beginning of March, I was trying, I was ambitiously trying to do something for Valentine's day. Ubut man, I didn't realize how long it was gonna take to source some of these ingredients that I still need to get when it comes to wholesale. Uand yeah, everything's in place. Like I actually worked with a co-packer already. Who's awesome. Uwe did like a 400 cookie run in like two hours. So I was like, wow, we could probably bust out like 1500, 1800 cookies in a day's work. Um,and I'll probably start rolling that out a couple of times a week and getting them out to the air ones and Tokata's and, and,uhopefully Alfred's body energy clubs and all the cool places in LA and then move into the,ualso the direct to consumer space where I would love to sell that by a dozen. So somebody could just order a dozen cookies, get them shipped to Texas, or,uI just actually shipped, like I said to somebody in, in Connecticut,uhopefully I will dial in the shipping when it comes to shipping to the East coast is obviously a lot more expensive for me to do by myself. Then once I had like an actual drop ship comes situation going on, once I get all that flowing,ulike I said, as early as beginning of March, should be able to start looking for these cookies to hit the stores. Um, eah, Crosby's baking coke, everything's sugar, gluten, and grain-free, I even, h don't even use nuts either. So if you're somebody that has allergens to nuts or you fall into more of auto-immune protocol type diet, these are nut-free, m'm not a huge fan of almond flour. And I know that's a big, haking flour these days for the keto community. I would rather see myself get some more digest, hore digestible carbohydrates that my body can actually use and not affect my gut, like cassava flour. And I use a blend of casaba and coconut flour. Both can be heated. Umaturated fat from coconut flour is a heat stable fat. So unlike almond flour, which is Omega six fat that can, you know, go rancid when cooked. So I really wanted to look into that science and go, okay, if I'm going to feed a cookie to the world, how would I want it to be for myself? Right. Like, how am I going to feel if I eat this cookie, I don't want to just make a Cheeto cookie that I could profit profit off of and, and, and fall into that marketing of Tito, I'd rather make something that I know feels good for me and feels good for, hy customer base that I'm getting this out to on a regular basis and friends and family, and then, you know, be able to launch something that I feel really good about that I feel authentically represents myself. So that's kind of what I'll be coming to the world with. Umeah. And I, and I love the idea of like the cookie still having some of those kind of like great-grandmother aspects to it. When we were still use grass fed butter, we still use eggs and we weren't replacing it with these weird oils, like all of the vegetable and seed oils that are out there that are predominantly, if you go to any non Erewhon or whole foods and you'd go to any other grocery store around the world, there's a very good chance. Any cookie that you pick up is going to have either canola, safflower, soybean oil, one of those vegetable or seed oils. And people don't realize that, that I believe is the epidemic right now of all of our, health problems, not necessarily sugar it's, it's the vegetable and seed oils. In my opinion, somebody could prove me wrong, but that's just kinda what I think at this point.

 Wade Lightheart: Some great integrations. I believe that you're onto something here. As there's always an evolution in dietary trends, you know, whether it's carbs and fats or these sorts of things, and you're on the bleeding edge and we wish you the best of success in the cookie program, because I love a good cookie. So for all our listeners out there, make sure that you check out Crosby's baking co and Crosby Tailor on Instagram. He's got a great following of some cool recipes. I can't wait to try that banana bread. I have a deep, deep banana bread story, but I'm going to share that another time.

 Crosby Tailor: I'll get you a banana bread as soon as possible. I know where you live.

 Wade Lightheart: Right on brother. Thanks so much for joining us today. It's another edition of the Awesome Health podcasts with Wade T Lightheart, biOptimizers, looking forward to seeing you next time. See ya.
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