Having good health is crucial for leading a better life. Read this blog to learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and tips to achieve it.
What Is Genetic Testing? The Benefits Of Genetic Testing & Where To Get Genetic Testing Done
When most people hear the phrase ‘genetic testing’, they tend to think of some highly regulated medical procedure that is only available to a certain group of individuals – usually…
Read MoreWhat Kind Of Doctor Should I See? The Kinds Of Doctors & Building Your Jedi Health Council
When you are feeling ill, chances are, you run straight to your medical doctor (MD). This is someone you may have seen since you were very young in age and…
Read MoreHow Much Water Should You Drink A Day – Healthy Aging & The Benefits Of Drinking Water
Have you ever been tired? Have you ever had trouble with headaches, constipation, or skin conditions. Maybe you felt you needed more food, different food, or perhaps you had an…
Read MoreMedical Tests For Better Health: Disease Prevention With Health Tests
Did you see the movie “Young Guns”? If you haven’t it’s basically the story of “Billy the Kid” a notorious gunslinger and a group of gunslingers’ who are being chased…
Read MoreIs Diabetes Reversible?
Is Diabetes Reversible? Long before I was born my great uncle Lorne was diagnosed with Type one Diabetes. This meant his body didn’t make enough insulin to regulate his blood…
Read MoreGaining LifeForce With QiGong, Healing Hands, Healing Touch, and Energy Healing
If there’s one person who has the utmost respect of just about everyone, it’s Bruce Lee. Despite being a mere 135 pounds, this man was able to generate a remarkable…
Read MoreNatural Lymphatic Drainage: Keeping Your System And Lymph Nodes Healthy With This Exercise
When you hear the term ‘body system’, what immediately comes to mind? If you’re like most people, you might begin thinking about your circulatory system or perhaps your cardiovascular system.…
Read MoreThe Power Of Habit: Healthy Habits Of Successful People – An Introduction
Welcome! I’m Wade T. Lightheart, director of education for BiOptimizers. Over the next 12 weeks, I’m going to take you through, what I hope to be, one of the most…
Read MoreThe Ultimate Antioxidant? The Truth About Alkaline Water Ionizers
Today we’re here to talk about an important concept that very few people even think about as they progress in their health and fitness.
Chances are, you’ve heard by now that it’s critically important that you stay hydrated all the time. Your body needs so much water and other fluids on a daily basis in order to survive. Cut off this supply and you’ll last days at most.
As such, you may be making an effort to drink more water throughout the day.
Read MoreProbiotics And Your Immune System
Taking steps to eat a healthy diet is a great way to move in the forward direction towards optimal health. Eating the right foods on a daily basis will provide…
Read More7 Habits Of Healthy Living
Do you want to supercharge your health, well-being, and level of success? As you go about the process of optimizing your health and fitness level, it’s important not to forget…
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