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197: Kid’s Nutrition – with Serenity and Joe Carr

When it comes to the kid’s nutrition, there are a lot of present-day challenges that parents face.  These challenges can include: The standards for a medical doctor when recommending dietary changes are unclear. The internet has made it easier for people to connect and share information. Many parents are unsure of how to provide for…

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196: How to Optimize Healing After Surgery – with Daniel Barrett

In today’s world, several options are available to help optimize the healing process after surgery. Something truly works for everyone, from traditional Western medicine to more holistic approaches. However, there is only one thing at the core of optimizing recovery after surgery: proper nutrition. Dr. Daniel Barrett is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills,…

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195: The Fascinating Benefits Of Ketones – with Dr. Latt Mansor

You might have been skeptical if you had heard about ketones and their benefits a few years ago. After all, ketones are a by-product of fat metabolism, and who wants to think about fat when trying to lose weight?  However, we’re continuing to learn more and more about ketones, and it is becoming clear that…

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194: Optimizing Balance And Preventing Falls – with Chris Wilson

Have you ever realized how much of your balance relies on your feet? This is because of something known as the brain balance connection. The brain balance connection refers to the relationship between the balance nerve in your foot and preventing falls in older adults. This connection is based on neuro balance therapy, which is…

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193: Better Health Through Stem Cells – with Joy Kong

Joy Kong has worked to bring an integration of the precision of Western medicine, and the way Chinese medicine works based on the principle of looking at the body as a whole universe. With stem cell research and therapy, she has found there is no need to go to extremes on one side of the…

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192: EMF Stressors and Nerve Health – with Justin Frandson

Can your cell phone, laptop, and WiFi router possibly lead to cancer, brain tumors, fertility issues, anxiety, and depression? The answer is yes, and this is because of EMFs. Have you ever heard of EMFs? EMFs, or electromagnetic fields, are one directional waveforms that disrupt the natural communication of the human body.  Different forms of…

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191: The Power of Your Breath – with Robbie Bent

Robbie Bent, who is building Othership to create connection in response to addiction, is here to let us know that in 5 minutes with breath, you can change your physiological and emotional state. In this episode you will learn: What breathwork is How breathwork differs from meditation How breathwork can help overcome addiction The 3…

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190: Optimizing Vitality – with Owen McKibben

Owen McKibben is the number 1 Men’s Health cover model in world history having been on the cover 17 times, but he doesn’t just live to look good, he lives to feel good and help others feel good, too. In this episode you will learn: How to optimize your health Why you need to change…

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189: Optimizing Your Brain with Nootropics – with Greg Gostincar

Nootropics are any natural or synthetic substance that may have a positive impact on mental skills. Greg Gostincar, a certified brain health professional, has devoted his life to helping health-conscious professionals achieve peak brain and mental performance by using effective science-based techniques combined with the power of nature. Everyone can benefit from nootropics, though everyone…

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