Posts by biopodcast
170: UFC Legend Throws Storytelling Jabs & Personal Branding Trips – with Chael Sonnen
He’s a master at self-promotion, marketing, trash-talking, and using fear to his advantage. In this episode, one of the most popular and inspiring MMA fighters to ever compete in the Ultimate Fighting Championship – Chael Sonnen – sits down with two of his biggest fans: podcast host Wade T. Lightheart and his biOptimizers cofounder Matt…
Read More169: How This Doctor Reversed Her MS and Recovered – with Dr. Terry Wahls
What a remarkable story. Twenty years ago, our guest took a walk with her wife when her left leg suddenly stopped working correctly. The leg inexplicably lost most of its strength, causing Dr. Terry to hobble home confused. The next day, our guest was in a neurologist’s office and heard these life-changing words: “Terry, this…
Read More168: Raiders of the Lost Health: the Alkaline Diet/Strong Bone Connection – with Dr. Susan Brown
She went from digging up old bones to strengthening live bones! What a fascinating career arc! We don’t know if she wore a fedora or carried a bullwhip. But we do know that this episode’s guest – Dr. Susan Brown – started as an anthropologist studying South American cultures. Dr. Brown loved her work back…
Read More167: A Pro-Aging Perspective on Bone Health- with Sarah Glicken
Let’s bone up on bone health! We grew up being told to drink cow’s milk to get our calcium. That’s fine. This episode does not talk about the dairy industry. But obviously, more prevention measures are needed. Because today, 54 million Americans have osteoporosis. That’s a shocking number! Too many people are suffering from this…
Read More166: The Future of Regenerative Medicine – With Jason Chiriano
This Heart Surgeon Uses Regenerative Biologics for Peak Health! They say when you only have a hammer – everything looks like a nail. This expression doesn’t apply to our guest today. He has a toolbox full of healing modalities that are cutting edge, tested, and, here’s the best part: proven to work! First of all,…
Read More165: Get Mentally Fit Asking the Right Questions – With Marc Champagne
We are all one question away from a breakthrough. This podcast provides holistic answers to health issues. In other words, Wade and his guests cover physical health topics and address mental and even spiritual subjects to help you find sustaining, next-level wellness. In this episode, our guest Marc Champagne takes us on a quest to…
Read More164: A Truly Holistic Approach to Wellness – with Aleks Rybchinskiy
A Truly Holistic Approach to Wellness – with Aleks Rybchinskiy When a health practitioner calls themselves “holistic,” you often discover they either do not fully understand the definition of the word “holistic” or are misusing the term. A genuinely holistic approach to health covers the person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. However, too many…
Read More163: Breathe Your Way to Optimum Health & Happiness – with Dan Brulé
Is there anything more critical to your existence than breathing? How do most people answer when someone asks, “What is the most important factor to health and wellness?”, how do most people answer? Most likely, they will say “water,” or “food,” or maybe “exercise.” Breathing – or the breath – is often the most overlooked…
Read More162: Increase Your Frequency & Convert Your Naysayers with Results – with Sara Banta
Hippocrates – the father of modern medicine – once said (in so many words) that experiencing illness creates empathy, so those who get sick with many ailments would naturally make the best healers. If there is a best-case example to prove this – Sara Banta might be the one. Although not a doctor – Sara…
Read More161: Obliterate Your Fears and Insecurities Using THIS – with Jacob Strachotta
A Powerful Hypnotherapeutic Technology that Improves Mental Health & Restores Self Confidence Hypnotherapy continues to deliver many people from phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, hang-ups, and low self-esteem. However, too many folks continue to suffer from these mental health issues because they never give hypnotherapy a chance. Why? The answer lies in a few myths floating…
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