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Best Magnesium for Bodybuilding

The importance of magnesium is often overlooked among bodybuilders and the general public seeking to gain muscles. This essential mineral plays a crucial role in muscle function and energy metabolism, yet intense workouts can quickly deplete our body’s magnesium stores.

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Is 500mg Magnesium Too Much?

Although the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) is a generally a trusted guideline for nutrient intake, they only provide us with the bare minimum of nutrients required by approximately 97% of…

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What are Fat Genes? And How to Lose Genetic Fat

Could your weight loss struggles and diet failure be genetic?

In this article, we focus on specific genes involved in weight regulation. But, it’s important to understand that while genes do factor in, they are often not black and white. They are also something you can’t control.

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Magnesium for Women’s Hormones

Most women don’t realize that their symptoms of hormonal imbalance could be due to low magnesium. Even if you don’t have magnesium deficiency, only suboptimal levels, it can contribute to your symptoms.

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